

Rajtad a szemem
Rajtad a szemem
Teresa Driscoll
"Imádsz írni? Szeretnéd, ha olvasnák is? Még jobb lenne, ha megvennék, amit írsz?Gondolj csak bele, rajtad kívül még milliónyian akarnak írók lenni, s még t?bben blogszerz?k, cikkírók. ?riási a kínálat, mennyi az esély, hogy téged észrevesznek? ?s ha észrevesznek, mennyien fognak olvasni? S, ha olvasnak elegen, hogyan éred el, hogy vegyenek is t?led? S, ha még ezt el is éred, tudod, honnan veszed mindehhez az id?t? Ha elgondolkodtál ezeken, akkor máris tudod, milyen értékes, ha valaki helyetted már elgondolkodott ezeken a kérdéseken, megkereste a megoldásokat, és számodra id?t, fáradtságot spórolva a ?kezedbe adja”." Van egy bizonyos pszichológiai folyamat, amin az olvasó átmegy,amikor megismeri az írásaidat. Ha ennek ismeretében és figyelembevételével építed fel a kommunikációdat, az nagyon jól fog m?k?dni. Biztosan azt szeretnéd, ha egyre t?bb olvasód és/vagy vev?d lenne. Ha alkalmazod a k?nyvben bemutatott lépéseket, az olvasókat k?nnyen eléred, majd lépésr?l-lépésre végigviszed azon a folyamaton, amely érdekl?d?b?l visszatér? olvasót és lelkes vásárlót alakít. Ez a világ egyik legcsodálatosabb folyamata: Te egyre lelkesebben írsz és az olvasók egyre jobban várják, az új munkáidat. Mindezt úgy, hogy nem nyomulsz, hanem ellenkez?leg, olyan szimpatikusan csinálod, hogy ?r?m?t okoz újra és újra visszatérni, olvasni és megvásárolni a m?veidet.
Вазочки, конфетницы, корзинки.
Вазочки, конфетницы, корзинки.
Kadnikova Olga
Капталзм свобода — класика полтико-економчно лтератури ХХ столття — як нколи актуальна для Украни. Нобелвський лауреат Млтон Фрдман розгляда зв’язок мж економчною та полтичною свободою. Вн опису, чому варто обмежити вплив держави в економку, децентралзувати владу, забезпечити гнучкий валютний курс, роздержавити сфери освти соцального забезпечення.
Тринадцята казка (Trinadcjata kazka)
Тринадцята казка (Trinadcjata kazka)
Dіana Setterfіld
Одного дня життя дев’ятир?чного хлопчика повн?стю зм?нилося. Дитяча ц?кав?сть обернулася страшною пожежею, внасл?док яко? хлопчик отримав оп?ки майже усього т?ла. Пробувши у л?карн? п’ять м?сяц?в, в?н пережив ампутац?ю пальц?в та бол?сну реаб?л?тац?ю. Але якщо рубц? на т?л? можна прикрити одягом, то що робити ?з душевними шрамами? Чи можна п?сля цього мр?яти про повноц?нне щасливе життя? ?У полум’?? — це книга-спов?дь про незламн?сть, пошук себе ? велику роботу на шляху до усп?ху. Вона написана на основ? реальних под?й, як? зм?нили життя багатьох людей.
Money Never Enough:Learn to Unlearn to Relearn the New Economy
Money Never Enough:Learn to Unlearn to Relearn the New Economy
Dwayne Anderson
" The illiterate of the future are not those who can’t read or write but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn."- quote by Alvin TofflerWhat clearly he meant is that we need to learn and unlearn as we continue to stay updated with what that works and those that no longer works Much has changed since the baby boomers days ,including the path of staying ahead in today's digital age.To succeed from now , one must learn to accept the constant change to adaptation – continually unlearning old ‘rules’ and relearning new ones.That requires continually questioning assumptions about how things has changed , un-valid old paradigms, and ‘relearning’ what is now relevant to pursue in acquiring your wealth.This book is filled with excellent ideas and concepts of daily struggle to understand money science.There is a lot here in this book that can help an individual move toward financial freedom through understanding money and the mindset required to become wealthy, of which means you need to know what it is that separates the wealthy from the Not-so wealthy. What you need to know and identify with is what principles and what behavior the rich have , and that you need to relearn . Some of which , You have not taken action to Unlearn yet ,to stay Current and Get Ahead " Happiness that Money brings cannot last " ,With Money ,People cannot necessarily materialize everything , However without money many things cannot be done Accumulation of wealth with the pleasure to have comfort , luxuries , reputable status , financial influence, freedom and popularity are what money usually can help to achieve , its provides a centralized role in our lives , at a general necessity stage level as it helps to clothe and feed us ,to put a nice accommodation for stay and pay the bills. Money may not be everything, they may not even guarantee a happy life, but they are a pretty good basis to learn how to build happiness on ... for now I highly recommend this book to anyone who'd like to ignore the fluff available on the Internet and take action now.Now that being said, this book assumes you know about the basics like Cash Flow, budgeting, etc.It doesn't talk about investment mediums like stock market, bond, etc.And the best part is that unlike many books, this book tells you not to lead a frugal life
Get Paid For Your Pad: How to Maximize Profit From Your Airbnb Listing
Get Paid For Your Pad: How to Maximize Profit From Your Airbnb Listing
Jasper Ribbers, Huzefa Kapadia
How To Make Money On Airbnb If you have a home and an Internet connection, you may very well be sitting on a goldmine. You could be making hundreds of dollars a night. Even just renting out a spare room could bring in well over $1000 a month! Renting in the vacation rentals market, when done correctly, crushes the return from long-term tenants. Like hundreds of thousands of people, you can boost your rental profits by 2 to 3 times?with the most well-known vacation rentals marketplace in the world: Airbnb. If you have a home or spare room that is empty (when you travel or on vacation for example) you are missing out on significant rental income! The Most Comprehensive Airbnb Book Available:This step-by-step guide to renting your home on the Airbnb platform teaches you in detail how to take advantage of this opportunity:? How Jasper went from making $24,000 per year to $60,000 from his apartment in Amsterdam ? How to prepare your home like a 5-star bed & breakfast in a cost-effective manner ? How to set up a dazzling and polished Airbnb?listing from start to finish ? How to communicate with guests in a professional and responsive way ? How to scientifically calculate an optimal price point for profit maximization ? How to catapult your search rank within the Airbnb platform **This book comes with a FREE audio book** Get Paid For Your Pad is the definitive book for Airbnb hosts?and real estate investing, which includes:? little known tips & tricks to optimize your listing? examples from real, profitable Airbnb listings? stories and strategies from successful Airbnb hosts? "Do This Now" action items to get your listing ready for primetime? easy-to-implement tactics and turn-key templates...... that can be employed to launch and optimize your Airbnb business right away!
Content Marketing for PR
Content Marketing for PR
Trevor Young
Are you struggling to cut through the noise and convey your message to the marketplace? Become your own media channel and tell your stories like a PR pro! We live in a fast-paced, digital-first world cluttered with brands and individuals telling the world how great they are. It’s no wonder consumers are so cynical and distrustful. They resent being interrupted with meaningless ads, pitches and promotional messages. They simply don’t care about you or your business—because you haven’t given them a reason to. Meanwhile, marketers and PR pros are beginning to accept that many of the methods they’ve been using to reach potential customers and influencers simply don’t work anymore. Bottom line: Standing out, getting noticed and resonating in the marketplace is a growing challenge for businesses and organizations, large and small. Trust and reputation have never been more important in business. Learn how to harness the power of both public relations and content marketing to build recognition, influence and credibility for your business, organization or personal brand. In this book, veteran public relations practitioner and marketing speaker Trevor Young—aka “The PR Warrior”—shows you how to strategically use content marketing for PR to: ? ? - Humanize your company or organization ? ? - Deepen the connection your brand has with consumers ? ? - Grow your influence within the industry you operate? ? ? - Build familiarity and trust in the marketplace ? ? - Connect with the people who influence your clients and customers ? ? - Increase new business leads and sales ? ? - Reduce the customer’s buying cycle ? ? - Make paid-for advertising work harder Written for entrepreneurs, change agents, business leaders, marketers and PR practitioners, Content Marketing for PR is your essential guide to building a visible brand that’s recognized, respected and relevant in today’s noisy social world.
Trust Works: Four Keys to Building Lasting Relationships
Trust Works: Four Keys to Building Lasting Relationships
Ken Blanchard,Cynthia Olmstead,Martha Lawrence
Bestselling author Ken Blanchard brings you the tie-in guide to accompany his TrustWorks! training program. Ken Blanchard is famous for his ability to make the seemingly complex simple. In Trust Works! he brings his talent to bear on the complicated and timely issue of trust. The book begins with an allegory - in this case, it's the story of a dog and a cat with major trust issues. Their fighting, backbiting, and sabotaging soon affects the whole household - including the humans. It quickly becomes clear that unless the ongoing conflicts can be resolved, all of the pets will be without a home. Through the counsel of a wise old parrot, the animals learn the Abcds of trust, becoming aware of the unconscious behaviours that had been eroding their relationships and begin to change their actions. In the end, the results have a positive effect that reaches far beyond the dog and cats' relationship. Applying lessons presented in the fable to real life situations, Blanchard explores his Abcd trust model to address issues like poor morale, miscommunication in relationships, poor customer service issues, and dysfunctional leadership. Trust is an evergreen topic but is particularly relevant today, as protests in cities throughout the world underscore a growing distrust of corporations and institutions. Now more than ever, people need trust-building skills and a common language for learning the behaviours that build - or erode - trust. Trust Works! is the first book to create a common, easy-to-learn language for talking about trust in a way that can bring peace and co-operation where once there was dissension.
Leadership and the One Minute Manager Updated Ed
Leadership and the One Minute Manager Updated Ed
Blanchard, Ken
Newly revised and updated, Leadership and the One Minute Manager teaches leaders the world-renowned method of developing self-reliance in those they manage: Situational Leadership II.In Leadership and the One Minute Manager, you'll learn why adapting leadership styles to team members based on their key goals and tasks is so important and why knowing when to delegate, support, or direct is critical. By consistently using Situational Leadership II's proven model and powerful techniques, leaders can develop and retain competent, motivated, confident employees. This remarkable, easy-to-follow book is a priceless guide to personalized leadership that elicits the best performance from your team and the best bottom line for any business.
Team Genius
Team Genius
Karlgaard, Rich
A groundbreaking book that sheds new light on the vital importance of teams as the fundamental unit of organization and competition in the global economy. Teams—we depend on them for both our professional success and our personal happiness. But isn't it odd how little scrutiny we give themThe teams that make up our lives are created mostly by luck, happenstance, or circumstance—but rarely by design. In trivial matters—say, a bowling team, the leadership of a neighborhood group, or a holiday party committee—success by serendipity is already risky enough. But when it comes to actions by fast-moving start-ups, major corporations, nonprofit institutions, and governments, leaving things to chance can be downright dangerous. Offering vivid reports of the latest scientific research, compelling case studies, and great storytelling, Team Genius shows managers and executives that the planning, design, and management of great teams no longer have to be a black art. It explores solutions to essential questions that could spell the difference between success and obsolescence. Do you know how to reorganize your subpar teams to turn them into top performersCan you identify which of the top-performing teams in your company are reaching the end of their life spanDo you have the courage to shut them downDo you know how to create a replacement team that will be just as effective—without losing time or damaging moraleAnd, most important, are your teams the right size for the jobThroughout, Rich Karlgaard and Michael S. Malone share insights and real-life examples gleaned from their careers as journalists, analysts, investors, and globetrotting entrepreneurs, meeting successful teams and team leaders to reveal some "new truths": The right team size is usually one fewer person than what managers think they need. The greatest question facing good teams is not how to succeed, but how to die. Good "chemistry" often makes for the least effective teams. Cognitive diversity yields the highest performance gains—but only if you understand what it is. How to find the "bliss point" in team intimacy—and become three times more productive. How to identify destructive team members before they do harm. Why small teams are 40 percent more likely to create a successful breakthrough than a solo genius is. Why groups of 7 (± 2), 150, and 1,500 are magic sizes for teams. Eye-opening, grounded, and essential, Team Genius is the next big idea to revolutionize business.
Outside Innovation
Outside Innovation
Seybold, Patricia B.
How dynamic businesses of every size can unleash innovation by inviting customers to codesign what they do and make. Reading line: The 8 Roles Customers Play in Trend Setting Companies The refrain is familiar for Patricia Seybold in her journeys as a top technology and management strategist: "I want our company to be acknowledged as the most admired and most customer valued in our industry and to be recognized as the company that has forever changed the way things are done." "How can we become the Google of banking?" "How can we be the eBay of software?" "I want to be the JetBlue of manufacturing." "How can we become the undisputed trend setter in our industry with a competitive bar no one can topple?" In Outside Innovation, bestselling author Seybold taps her close relationship with dozens of high innovation companies to reveal the untold strategy behind the trendsetters and the next HUGE leap forward in customer strategy. Seybold shows that companies that are dominating their category and staying ahead of the pack are collaborating at every level of their business with their customers.
Be the Change
Be the Change
Endlich, Lisa
Meet the men and women whose deeply personal philanthropy is dramatically changing the way we think about giving There are 8.6 million millionaires in the United States, and these numbers are set to rise in what will be the biggest intergenerational wealth transfer in history. As $41 trillion dollars (or over three times the national GDP) moves from the World War II generation to their baby- boomer children over the next couple of decades, it will become imperative that the beneficiaries of this wealth—even those not joining the ranks of the superrich—begin thinking about philanthropy, perhaps for the first time in their adult lives. Here they will find the personal journeys of the most successful givers of their generation. This new generation of wealth has already begun to change the face of philanthropy and to reshape the entire nonprofit sector. In Be the Change, bestselling author Lisa Endlich presents eleven compelling profiles of this twenty-first century generosity. Through candid, revealing, and often surprising interviews, readers will venture into the hearts and minds of the top names in philanthropy today—men and women who have chosen to use their immense riches and influence to meaningfully improve the lives of others in the most dramatic ways. These intimate conversations include in-depth interviews with: ?Melinda Gates, one of the driving forces behind the largest philanthropic organization the world has ever seen; ?Bob and Suzanne Wright, he's the former vice chairman of GE and longtime head of NBC Universal and their Autism Speaks has brought awareness of autism onto the national and international stage; ?Paul Tudor Jones, founder of Tudor Investments and the Robin Hood Foundation; ?Peter Bloom, founding chairman of the groundbreaking DonorsChoose.org. From Connie Duckworth, a former Goldman Sachs partner, who brings steady employment to Afghani women and education to them and their children, to Johann Olav Koss, an Olympic gold medalist who now strives to give children in the direst circumstances the chance to play, these philanthropists demonstrate that giving doesn't begin or end with a signed check. They grant Endlich exclusive access to the stories of how they learned from early failures and developed a personal, sustainable way of giving, and they also share the catalyzing moment when they saw a problem so heartbreaking they simply could not turn away. In doing so, these new philanthropists offer valuable lessons—ones that will inspire readers to start giving, keep giving, and become the change they want to see in the world.
Minority Rules
Minority Rules
Roldan, Kenneth Arroyo
In a perfect corporate world, intellect, hard work, and professionalism would be recognized and rewarded regardless of the color of your skin. Kenneth Arroyo Roldan is here to tell you that nobody works in a perfect corporate world. Stellar performance alone will not determine corporate advancement—minorities need to learn and follow the rules of corporate politics. As one African American employee who started as a systems analyst at Xerox observed, "The reality was that despite your ability, if you weren't playing politics correctly, you would be derailed." In Minority Rules, Roldan gives a dose of tough love to minorities in corporate America while educating their majority counterparts. As the CEO of the top U.S. head-hunting firm specializing in placing minorities in fast track jobs, Roldan watched as minority superstars hired at Fortune 500 companies bailed out, disappointed and rejected after only a few years. The problem, Roldan says, is that minorities are not adequately prepared psychologically or culturally for corporate careers. In a six-step plan, he explains how to surmount the obstacles, play corporate hardball, and succeed as a minority in the workplace. Corporate culture is unforgiving to minorities, but it is possible to rise to the top with Roldan as your guide. With refreshing candor, Roldan prepares minorities both psychologically and culturally for corporate careers. Forget about using affirmative action and discrimination lawsuits to level the playing field. The only way to win is to know the landscape and master the rules of the game—from finding the right mentor to learning the art of networking to focusing on self-reliance, patience, and most of all, performance. Roldan shows minorities how to climb to the top jobs—and keep them.
The WSJ Guide to the 50 Economic Indicators That Really Matter
The WSJ Guide to the 50 Economic Indicators That Really Matter
Constable, Simon
An entertaining, must-have guide to the indicators most investors aren't following but should be!To make the best possible investment decisions, savvy investors know that they should pay close attention to economic indicators. But while most are looking at conventional barometers like unemployment rates and housing starts, the smartest investors are following the often ignored, sometimes curious, but always interesting indicators that offer a true sense of where the economy is and where it's going. They provide the vital information needed to beat the market. In The Wall Street Journal Guide to the 50 Economic Indicators That Really Matter, Simon Constable and Robert E. Wright offer investors powerful new tools to guide them through the markets. Whether it's the VIX index (which tracks the level of anxiety among investors) or the Vixen index (which tracks the number of attractive waitresses in your hometown), this essential guide includes in-depth analyses of 50 valuable economic indicators, as well as what to watch for, what to do when movement happens, and the risk level involved in taking action. This must-have guide entertains and enlightens while offering essential advice on navigating the global economic climate.
The On-Time, On-Target Manager
The On-Time, On-Target Manager
Blanchard, Ken
Ken Blanchard's phenomenal bestsellers, such as The One Minute Manager and Raving Fans, have made him a globally recognized business legend. Millions look to Blanchard for innovative approaches to management, leadership, customer service, and much more. Now, he has joined with noted business author Steve Gottry to explore one of the most common and insidious problems plaguing the workplace procrastination.The On-Time, On-Target Manager is the story of Bob, a typical middle manager who puts things off to the last minute. As a result, he misses deadlines because his lack of focus causes him to accomplish meaningless tasks before getting to the important things. Like many professionals, Bob rationalizes, justifies, and tries to explain. Luckily, Bob is sent to his company's CEO which stands for "Chief Effectiveness Officer" who helps him deal with the three negative side effects of procrastination: lateness, poor work quality, and stress to himself and others. Bob learns how to transform himself from a crisis-prone Last-Minute manager into a productive On-Time, On-Target manager.With this engaging parable, Blanchard and Gottry offer practical strategies any professional can put into practice to improve his or her performance.
It's Okay to Be the Boss
It's Okay to Be the Boss
Tulgan, Bruce
Do you feel you don't have enough time to manage your people?Do you avoid interacting with some employees because you hate the dreaded confrontations that often follow?Do you have some great employees you really cannot afford to lose?Do you secretly wish you could be more in control but don't know where to start?Managing people is harder and more high-pressure today than ever before. There's no room for downtime, waste, or inefficiency. You have to do more with less. And employees have become high maintenance. Not only are they more likely to disagree openly and push back, but they also won't work hard for vague promises of long-term rewards. They look to you their immediate boss to help them get what they need and want at work. How do you tackle this huge management challengeIf you are like most managers, you take a hands-off approach. You "empower" employees by leaving them alone, unless they really need you. After all, you don't want to "micromanage" them and don't have the time to hold every employee's hand. Of course, problems always come up and often snowball into bigger problems. In fact, you probably spend too much of your time solving problems and falling behind on your work . . . which leaves even less time for managing people . . . which opens the door for even more problems!In It's Okay to Be the Boss, Bruce Tulgan puts his finger on the biggest problem in corporate America an undermanagement epidemic affecting managers at all levels of the organization and in all industries and offers another way. His clear, step-by-step guide to becoming the strong manager employees need challenges bosses everywhere to spell out expectations, tell employees exactly what to do and how to do it, monitor and measure performance constantly, and correct failure quickly and reward success even more quickly. Now that's how you set employees up for success and help them earn what they need. Tulgan opens our eyes to the undisciplined workplace that is overwhelming managers and frustrating workers and invites bosses everywhere to accept the sacred responsibility of managing people. His message: It's okay to be the boss. Be a great one!
Ice to the Eskimos
Ice to the Eskimos
Spoelstra, Jon
You.That's Right. YOU.You've got a problem.You've got a product that's not first in its class.It's not even second.You've got to find a way to market that product. What Are You Going To Do?You're going to read this book, that's what.Let's face it. There comes a time in the life of every business when a product or service does not sell up to expectations.Maybe your product is outmoded. Or hasn't been positioned correctly. Or is competing in a crowded market. Whatever the reason, Ice to the Eskimos is dedicated to helping you reclaim that lost ground. It's about taking a product or service and turning it into a winner. If you've got a product that is not the best in its field, then you will love Ice to the Eskimos. Take the principles Jon Spoelstra writes about and run hard with them you'll be amazed by the results.Written by the former president of the hapless New Jersey Nets, Jon Spoelstra is the man responsible for tripling that team's lagging revenues in just three years and increasing the season-ticket holders base by 250 percent. This guy knows what he's talking about. What everyone else had seen as a lost cause, Spoelstra saw as an outstanding opportunity to reawaken a tired and beaten product to achieve unprecedented profitability.Not just for sports marketers, this lively, entertaining book successfully makes the jump from sports to whatever your product may be. The techniques Spoelstra perfected while working for teams in the NHL and NBA from innovative packaging to image overhaul apply to any product in any company. The numerous winning examples are sure to make Ice to the Eskimos a must-read for anyone with a product or service to sell.Ice to the Eskimos is sure to be an instant marketing classic. It will show millions of readers how to market their product...sometimes even after they've given up hope. By using the powerful techniques in this book, you too can learn to achieve the impossible and market ice to the Eskimos.
It's Your Move
It's Your Move
Altman, Josh
Josh Altman, one of the stars of Bravos hit TV series Million Dollar Listing Los Angeles, has achieved extraordinary success in a traditional industry and in the most competitive real estate market in the country all without being discovered or catching the proverbial big break. He worked for it. He figured it out. He failed. He learned. He wrote his own *.The key to his successConfidence informed, intelligent, calculated confidence. Calculated confidence means training yourself in your chosen field, knowing it so well that you can trust your gut instincts to guide you toward the best possible option. When key opportunities present themselves, you are ready to seize them.In It's Your Move, Altman shares his method for building calculated confidence and trusting your gut to outsmart the competition:You have to be READY. Life is short. To get what you want, you have to be prepared to make big choices.You have to FIRE. Life is about making decisions. When an opportunity presents itself, don't waste time make a move.You have to AIM. Life is about course correcting. If you trust your gut and something goes wrong, don't freeze up: learn from your mistakes and recalibrate your aim so you don't make the same mistakes again.Altman draws on his experiences negotiating multimillion dollar deals and offering impeccable service to celebrity and high-profile clients, and shares tips and street-smart strategies for turning this method into action.Grounded in a positive approach to life and relationships, It's Your Move will show you all the right moves to help you become better, stronger, and more effective whatever your profession or ambitions.
Absolute Value
Absolute Value
Simonson, Itamar
Going against conventional wisdom, Absolute Value reveals what really influences customers today and offers a new framework the Influence Mix for thinking about consumer decision making, which should help managers develop more effective marketing strategies.How people buy things has changed profoundly yet the fundamental thinking about consumer decision making and marketing has not. Most marketers still believe that they can shape consumers' perceptions and drive their behaviors. In this provocative book, Stanford professor Itamar Simonson and best-selling author Emanuel Rosen show why current mantras about branding and loyalty are losing their relevance. When consumers base their decisions on reviews from other users, easily accessed expert opinions, price comparison apps, and other emerging technologies, everything changes. Contrary to what we frequently hear, consumers will (on average) make better choices and act more rationally. Absolute Value answers the pressing question of what influences customers in this new age. Simonson and Rosen identify the old-school marketing concepts that need to change and explain how a company should design its communication strategy, market research program, and segmentation strategy in the new environment. Filled with deep analysis, case studies, and cutting-edge research, this forward-looking book provides an entirely new way of thinking about marketing.
Strategy Rules
Strategy Rules
Yoffie, David B.
Between 1968 and 1976, Bill Gates, Andy Grove, and Steve Jobs launched three companies that would define the world of high technology, create more than a trillion dollars in value, and transform our lives. How did they realize these incredible achievementsStrategy Rules examines these three individuals collectively for the first time their successes and failures, comonalities and differences revealing the business strategies and practices they pioneered while building their firms.Eminent business professors David Yoffie and Michael Cusumano have studied these three leaders and their companies for nearly thirty years, while teaching business strategy, innovation, and entrepreneurship at Harvard Business School and the MIT Sloan School of Management. In this enlightening guide, they show how Gates, Grove, and Jobs became masters of strategy. As CEOs, each approached strategy and execution in remarkably similar ways yet markedly differently from their erstwhile competitors keeping their focus on five rules: Look Forward, Reason Back: They determined where they want their companies to be in the future and could reason back to identify the moves that would take them there. Make Big Bets, Without Betting the Company: All three men made enormous strategic bets but rarely took gambles that put the financial viability of their companies at undue risk. Build Platforms and Ecosystems: Technology leaders have to create industry platforms that enable other firms to create complementary products and services that make the platforms increasingly valuable. Exploit Leverage and Power: Gates, Grove, and Jobs often turned opponents strengths into weaknesses and used enormous resources (once they had them) to dominate competitors. Shape the Company around Your Personal Anchor: From Gates understanding of software to Grove's devotion to process discipline and Jobs obsession with design, all three built their companies around their personal strengths while compensating for their weaknesses. Strategy Rules brings together the best practices in strategic management and high-tech entrepreneurship, providing unique insights for start-up executives as well as the heads of modern multinationals.
Executive Presence
Executive Presence
Hewlett, Sylvia Ann
Do you exude confidence and credibilityCan you command a roomSylvia Ann Hewlett, one of the world's most influential business thinkers, cracks the code of Executive Presence (EP) for men and women intent on winning the next plum assignment and doing something extraordinary with their lives.You might have the qualifications to be considered for your dream job, but you won't get far unless you can signal that you're "leadership material" and that you "have what it takes." Professionals are judged on presence as well as on performance. Using a wealth of hard data including a new nationwide survey and dozens of focus groups Hewlett reveals EP to be a dynamic mix of three things: how you act (gravitas), how you speak (communication), and how you look (appearance). She also draws on in-depth interviews with a wide selection of admired leaders to reveal how they embody and deploy key elements of EP.This book is immensely practical. Hewlett teases out tactics that can help you raise your game and close the gap between merit and success. She offers the unvarnished advice you won't get from supportive friends and tackles head-on such touchy subjects as too-tight clothing and too-shrill voices. She shows how the standards for EP vary for men, women, multicultural, and LGBT employees, and she shares how to get meaningful feedback from politically correct bosses intent on avoiding the real issues.The good news is that EP is eminently teachable. You can learn how to "show teeth" while remaining likable, and you can teach yourself how to dress appropriately while staying true to yourself. You don't have to be born with the voice of James Earl Jones or the looks of Angelina Jolie to hurdle the EP bar. With hard facts and vivid examples, Hewlett shows you how to ace EP and fully realize your unique potential no matter who you are, no matter where you work.
Broker, Trader, Lawyer, Spy
Broker, Trader, Lawyer, Spy
Javers, Eamon
In this penetrating work of investigative and historical journalism, Eamon Javers explores the dangerous and combustible power spies hold over international business.Today's global economy has a dark underbelly: the world of corporate espionage. Using cutting-edge technology, age-old techniques of deceit and manipulation, and sheer talent, spies act as the hidden puppeteers of globalized businesses. They control markets, determine prices, influence corporate decisions, and manage the flow of data and information of some of the world's biggest corporations. In his gripping and alarming book, Eamon Javers takes the reader inside this hidden global industry. Readers meet the spies who conduct surveillance operations, satellite analysts who peer down on corporate targets from the skies, veteran CIA officers who work for hedge funds, and even a Soviet military intelligence officer who now sells his services to American companies.This industry has tentacles in almost every industry in almost every corner of the globe. Intelligence companies and the spies they employ are setting up fake Web sites to elicit information, trailing individuals and mirroring travel itiner-aries, Dumpster-diving in household and corporate trash, using ultrasophisticated satellite surveillance to spy on facilities, acting as impostors to take jobs within companies or to gain access to corporations, concocting elaborate schemes of fraud and deceit, and hacking e-mail and secure computer networks. The work of this industry can be ingenious, but it also raises crucial moral and legal questions in a world where global conflicts are as likely to be corporation versus corporation as they are to be nation versus nation.This globalized industry is not a recent phenomenon, but rather a continuation of a fascinating history. The story begins with Allan Pinkerton, the nation's first true "private eye," and extends through the annals of a rich history that includes tycoons and playboys, presidents and FBI operatives, CEOs and accountants, Cold War veterans and military personnel. Built on exclusive reporting and unprecedented access, this book features accounts of Howard Hughes's private CIA, the extensive spying that took place in a battle between two global food companies, and interviews with some of the world's top corporate surveillance experts.
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