

Building Web Applications with ArcGIS
Building Web Applications with ArcGIS
Hussein Nasser
If you are a GIS user or a web programmer, this book is for you. This book is also intended for all those who have basic web development knowledge with no prior experience of ArcGIS and are keen on venturing into the world of ArcGIS technology. The book will equip you with the skills to comfortably start your own ArcGIS web development project.
Instant Traffic Analysis with Tshark How-to
Instant Traffic Analysis with Tshark How-to
Borja Merino
Filled with practical, step-by-step instructions and clear explanations for the most important and useful tasks. This How-to guide will explore TShark. As this is the terminal version, it will show the user all commands and syntax as well as all options for Tshark and its common uses through small recipes. This book is intended for network administrators and security officers who have to deal daily with a variety of network problems and security incidents. It will also be a good learning aid for Cisco students wishing to implement and understand the many theoretical concepts related to traffic data and communications in greater depth.
Instant Magento Performance Optimization How-to
Instant Magento Performance Optimization How-to
Nayrolles Mathieu
Filled with practical, step-by-step instructions and clear explanations for the most important and useful tasks. Get the job done and learn as you go. A how-To book with practical recipes accompanied with rich screenshots for easy comprehension.This a Packt Instant How-to, and provides a quick and easy way to improve your Magento performance with step-by-step instructions for important tasks.This book is written for Magento administrators who are familiar with the backend console but new to anything beyond this, and wish to optimize their store for increasing performance.
Drush for Developers - Second Edition
Drush for Developers - Second Edition
Juampy Novillo Requena
This book is a best fit for backend developers with a basic knowledge of Drupal's APIs and some experience using the command line. Perhaps you already worked on one or two Drupal projects, but have never dived deep into Drush's toolset. In any case, this book will give you a lot of advice by covering real-world challenges in Drupal projects that can be solved using Drush.
ggplot2 Essentials
ggplot2 Essentials
Donato Teutonico
This book is perfect for R programmers who are interested in learning to use ggplot2 for data visualization, from the basics up to using more advanced applications, such as faceting and grouping. Since this book will not cover the basics of R commands and objects, you should have a basic understanding of the R language.
Programming Arduino with LabVIEW
Programming Arduino with LabVIEW
Marco Schwartz
If you already have some experience with LabVIEW and want to apply your skills to control physical objects and make measurements using the Arduino sensor, this book is for you. Prior knowledge of Arduino and LabVIEW is essential to fully understand the projects detailed in this book.
TensorFlow Reinforcement Learning Quick Start Guide
TensorFlow Reinforcement Learning Quick Start Guide
Kaushik Balakrishnan
Leverage the power of Tensorflow to Create powerful software agents that can self-learn to perform real-world tasks Key Features * Explore efficient Reinforcement Learning algorithms and code them using TensorFlow and Python * Train Reinforcement Learning agents for problems, ranging from computer games to autonomous driving. * Formulate and devise selective algorithms and techniques in your applications in no time. Book Description Advances in reinforcement learning algorithms have made it possible to use them for optimal control in several different industrial applications. With this book, you will apply Reinforcement Learning to a range of problems, from computer games to autonomous driving. The book starts by introducing you to essential Reinforcement Learning concepts such as agents, environments, rewards, and advantage functions. You will also master the distinctions between on-policy and off-policy algorithms, as well as model-free and model-based algorithms. You will also learn about several Reinforcement Learning algorithms, such as SARSA, Deep Q-Networks (DQN), Deep Deterministic Policy Gradients (DDPG), Asynchronous Advantage Actor-Critic (A3C), Trust Region Policy Optimization (TRPO), and Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO). The book will also show you how to code these algorithms in TensorFlow and Python and apply them to solve computer games from OpenAI Gym. Finally, you will also learn how to train a car to drive autonomously in the Torcs racing car simulator. By the end of the book, you will be able to design, build, train, and evaluate feed-forward neural networks and convolutional neural networks. You will also have mastered coding state-of-the-art algorithms and also training agents for various control problems. What you will learn * Understand the theory and concepts behind modern Reinforcement Learning algorithms * Code state-of-the-art Reinforcement Learning algorithms with discrete or continuous actions * Develop Reinforcement Learning algorithms and apply them to training agents to play computer games * Explore DQN, DDQN, and Dueling architectures to play Atari's Breakout using TensorFlow * Use A3C to play CartPole and LunarLander * Train an agent to drive a car autonomously in a simulator Who this book is for Data scientists and AI developers who wish to quickly get started with training effective reinforcement learning models in TensorFlow will find this book very useful. Prior knowledge of machine learning and deep learning concepts (as well as exposure to Python programming) will be useful.
Building Android Games with Cocos2d-x
Building Android Games with Cocos2d-x
Raydelto Hernandez
If you have a basic understanding of the C++ programming language and want to create videogames for the Android platform, then this technology and book is ideal for you.
Building Networks and Servers Using BeagleBone
Building Networks and Servers Using BeagleBone
Bill Pretty
If you are a developer with BeagleBone experience and want to learn how to use it to set up a network and file server, then this book is ideal for you. To make the most of this book, you should be comfortable with the Linux operating system and know how to install software from the Internet, but you do not have to be a network guru.
Web Development with Jade
Web Development with Jade
Sean Lang
This is a stepby step, tutorialbased book which will enable web developers to explore the functionalities of Jade and learn how to use it to write certain functions and processes for web development. This book is for web developers with at least a basic understanding of HTML and JavaScript. It will enable you to write an easier form of language that then compiles into HTML.
Learning AngularJS Animations
Learning AngularJS Animations
Richard Keller
If you are a developer who is new to AngularJS or is experienced with the AngularJS framework, this book is intended for you. If you want to provide a better user experience on your web app, this book is also for you.
jQuery Boilerplate for Plugins
jQuery Boilerplate for Plugins
Jonathan Fielding
Filled with practical, step-by-step instructions and clear explanations for the most important and useful tasks. This book is a how-to manual complete with recipes that range from writing a simple plug-in to adding enhancements/features to your plug-in.This book is for JavaScript enthusiasts who are looking for hands on recipes to help them develop their own plug-ins.
Instant Apache Camel Message Routing
Instant Apache Camel Message Routing
Bilgin Ibryam
Filled with practical, step-by-step instructions and clear explanations for the most important and useful tasks. This short, instruction-based guide shows you how to perform application integration using the industry standard Enterprise Integration Patterns.This book is intended for Java developers who are new to Apache Camel and message- oriented applications.
Developing Windows Store Apps with HTML5 and JavaScript
Developing Windows Store Apps with HTML5 and JavaScript
Rami Sarieddine
This book is a hands-on guide that follows a step-by-step tutorial approach which discusses Windows 8 application development with HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript.This book is great for developers who want to start developing for Windows 8 and it also targets developers who want to get introduced to powerful advancements in standards-based web technology, while using it to build Windows Store apps, as well as leveraging their existing skills and code assets in web development.
Drupal 7 Multi Sites Configuration
Drupal 7 Multi Sites Configuration
Matt Butcher
Follow the creation of a multi-site instance with Drupal. The practical examples and accompanying screenshots will help you to get multiple Drupal sites set up in no time. This book is for Drupal site builders. It is assumed that readers are familiar with Drupal already, with a basic grasp of its concepts and components. System administration concepts, such as configuring Apache, MySQL, and Vagrant are covered but no previous knowledge of these tools is required.
AngularJS Deployment Essentials
AngularJS Deployment Essentials
Zachariah Moreno
If you are a web developer, this handy guide will empower you to quickly learn the fundamentals of AngularJS development and deployment.
Instant PhoneGap,Social App,Development
Instant PhoneGap,Social App,Development
Kerri Shotts
Filled with practical, step-by-step instructions and clear explanations for the most important and useful tasks. Get the job done and learn as you go. This book is concise and follows a clear, step-by-step tutorial approach. You’ll need to have a desire to learn about mobile application development. Since Phonegap uses HTML, CSS, and Java* heavily, it is important to have a good understanding of these topics. You should also have a good understanding of your desired platform and corresponding SDK and IDE (that is, if you want to develop for Android, you should be familiar with Eclipse. For iOS, you need to be familiar with Xcode.)
Box2D for Flash Games
Box2D for Flash Games
Emanuele Feronato
This book is a step by step guide to create games with Box2D explained in a simple and friendly way. Are you familiar with ActionScript3 and want to explore the capabilities of physics in game design using Box2D, then this book is for you. You don’t have to be an AS3 hero: if you know how to create classes and functions with AS3, then you can make your first physics game!
Securing WebLogic Server 12c
Securing WebLogic Server 12c
Luca Masini
This book is written in simple, easy to understand format with lots of screenshots and step-by-step explanations. If you are a WebLogic Server administrator looking forward to a step by step guide to administer and configure WebLogic security, then this is the guide for you. Working knowledge of WebLogic is required.
Embedded Linux Development with Yocto Project
Embedded Linux Development with Yocto Project
Otavio Salvador
A practical tutorial guide which introduces you to the basics of Yocto Project, and also helps you with its real hardware use to boost your Embedded Linux-based project. If you are an embedded systems enthusiast and willing to learn about compelling features offered by the Yocto Project, then this book is for you. With prior experience in the embedded Linux domain, you can make the most of this book to efficiently create custom Linux-based systems.
Instant Redis Optimization How-to
Instant Redis Optimization How-to
Arun Chinnachamy
Filled with practical, step-by-step instructions and clear explanations for the most important and useful tasks. This book is written in a concise, focused style with numerous practical and hands-on recipes and examples. If you want to leverage Redis to create blazing fast applications, then this book is for you.This book is for developers who are already proficient in programming and traditional databases and want to start learning about Redis for its simplicity and fast performance. A basic understanding of Linux and proficiency in a programming language are required to get the most out of this book.