

满3件5折 日语阅读新思维:N1读解
满3件5折 应急旅游日语口语:日本旅游看这本就够了
《应急旅游日语口语:畅游日本一本就go》陪你畅游日本7大法宝: 1.内容超全面,出国旅行实用场景全覆盖 登机境、乘车自驾、酒店住宿、餐饮美食、逛街物、游览美景、突发应急,涵盖出国旅游会遇到的各种情况 2.本超实用,零负担畅游日本口袋书 旅游指南通用小本设计,方便随身携带,真正实现走到哪儿用到哪儿 3.汉字谐音标注,马上口说日语 出国旅行沟通很重要,不懂日语没关系,汉字谐音来帮忙,认识汉字就能说日语 4.真正全彩图解,超多实景图片一指就通 重词汇,配有精美实景彩图,看图就能找到想要说的那个词,动动手指就明白 5.海量旅游口语关键句,一句顶一万句 一句话解决大问题,你想说的那句话&你可能听到的那句话,精准定位,方便查找 6.真实场景模拟对话,和日本人聊上两句也OK 旅游口语阶方案,按主题设计真实对话场景, 7.超值附赠旅行攻略,日本旅行你必须要知道的那些事 图解签证、境、报关,手把手教你看得懂、填得准;日本基本印象,让你次迈出国门也胸有成竹
满3件5折 零基础.韩语新手拿起就会——发音、单词、句子、会话,一本搞定!(附赠MP3光盘)(超值白金版)
  《零基础·韩语新手拿起就会发音、单词、句子、会话,一本搞定!》分为6个部分,包括“先了解韩语这个语言”、“学会写韩文”、“我们始学发音”“搞定所有的韩语场景”、“心心学韩语”和附录。本书内容完整丰富,一本书就能够帮助初学者搞定发音、单词、句子和会话。   部分和第二部分主要让大家了解韩语这门语言,学会书写韩文字。   第三部分详细讲解了韩语的单元音、双元音、单辅音、双辅音以及韵尾的发音方法与技巧。   第四部分主要分为14大主题、96个常用的场景、近2000个单词、840多个实用句子、近200组会话,让你在任何场合下都有话可说。   第五部分的“心心学韩语”中收录了美文、商务书信、经典台词、歌词等。   后的附录部分中给大家提供了常用的旅游信息,包括韩国主要旅游景介绍、常用电话号码、中韩两国主要互派机构信息等。
满3件5折 日语50音图卡片(图文版)
满3件5折 旅游日语现学现用(新东方)
101 Facts of life
101 Facts of life
Arthur Schopenhauer
101 Facts of life
满3件5折 法语翻开就说
本书是专门为一时兴起想学法语、急于开口说法语的读者量身定制的一本实用法语速成工具书,能帮助读者轻轻松松快速掌握简单法语。 本书正文分为四大部分,包括日常必需单词、日常生活用语、个人情感表述、情景交际用语。附录是对法国概况、节日和习俗的介绍。这是一本即翻即用型的便携工具书,是赴法学习、生活、工作、旅游和购物的好帮手。 前言 标注说明 法语字母表 部分 日常必需单词 01 称谓2 02 数字5 03 时间10 04 节日·季节16 05 天气18 06 食品19 07 颜色26 08 方位26 09 交通工具27 第二部分 日常生活用语 01 打招呼30 ◎日常问好 30 ◎初次见面 33 ◎自我介绍 35 ◎路遇熟人 38 ◎久别重逢 42 ◎迎接 45 02 告别语48 ◎日常告别 48 ◎结束拜访 49 ◎送行 50 03 答复52 ◎肯定回答 52 ◎否定回答 54 ◎赞同 56 ◎反对 58 ◎不确定 60 04 语言障碍61 ◎听不懂法语时 61 ◎告诉对方自己不会法语 63 05 询问64 ◎询问语言 64 ◎询问地点 66 ◎询问人 69 ◎询问缘由 70 ◎询问时间 72 ◎询问情况 74 06 公共标语76 第三部分 个人情感表述 01 祝贺80 ◎日常祝贺用语 80 ◎节日祝贺用语 81 02 感谢与道歉82 ◎日常感谢语 82 ◎道歉与回应 84 03 请求与必须86 ◎麻烦别人时 86 ◎请别人等候时 88 ◎请求对方允许 89 04 预约90 ◎预约 90 ◎改变预约 92 ◎取消预约 93 05 赞赏与恭维95 第四部分 情景交际用语 01 出入境时100 ◎护照检查 100 ◎海关检查 102 02 交通出行105 ◎问路 105 ◎乘公共汽车 108 ◎乘出租车 109 ◎搭乘火车 111 ◎搭乘飞机 113 ◎乘坐轮船 115 ◎交通标志 117 03 电话用语119 ◎拨打电话 119 ◎电话未通 121 ◎拨错号码 122 ◎请人转告 123 04 用餐125 ◎预订座位 125 ◎点菜 128 ◎用餐 131 ◎买单 133 05 住宿135 ◎预订房间 135 ◎办理入住 138 ◎客房服务 140 ◎结账退房 142 06 购物144 ◎挑选商品 144 ◎询问价格 147 ◎讨价还价 148 ◎付款 150 ◎退换货 152 07 娱乐消遣153 ◎购买门票 153 ◎询问景点位置 155 ◎在电影院 157 ◎在游乐场 159 ◎在演唱会 160 ◎运动休闲 162 08 在邮局164 ◎寄信或明信片 164 ◎邮寄包裹 167 ◎汇款 170 ◎邮局相关信息 172 09 在银行173 ◎开户 173 ◎存、取或贷款 175 ◎挂失 178 ◎信用卡 180 ◎支票 181 ◎转账 183 ◎兑换货币 185 10 在医院187 ◎预约 187 ◎挂号 189 ◎就诊 191 ◎付费 195 ◎取药 196 ◎医疗保险 198 11 遇到麻烦 200 ◎迷路 200 ◎呼救 202 ◎遭窃 204 ◎遗失行李 205 ◎在警察局 207 12 商务用语209 ◎公司部门 209 ◎头衔职务 211 ◎商务咨询 212 ◎商务谈判 215 ◎签订或中止合同 217 第五部分 附 录 01 法国概况220 02 法国节日226 03 法国习俗230
满3件5折 非凡.新日本语能力考试.N3语法:归纳整理+全解全练
一、正文。由“语法与解说”“归纳与应用”两部分构成。“语法与解说”部分,按语法的功能行分类梳理,这样不仅可以使学习者有效地掌握各语法功能中的语法条目,还可以学习相近语法条目的意义和用法。“归纳与应用”部分,根据考题中的题型2 和题型3 的要求,重对出现频率高的考查项目行归纳与整理,以便学习者全面了解和掌握知识。譬如“敬语表达”“副词”“续词”“指示词”以及“时态”等考内容。二、课后练习。采用了三项选择题的形式,既包含语句结构方面的知识,也有句法、推论等方面的知识,学习者不仅可以通过练习巩固每课学习内容,还可以熟悉出题方式,在正式考试中应对自如。三、模拟试题。精选出题频率高的语法条目和语法知识作为考查对象,有助于学习者有效检验和评价自己的学习效果和实战能力。
满3件5折 日语专业本科生教材:日语综合教程 第5册
日语专业本科生教材:日语综合教程 第5册
谭晶华 陆静华
俄语专业本科生教材:俄语阅读教程 第2册 学生用书(第二版)
俄语专业本科生教材:俄语阅读教程 第2册 学生用书(第二版)
本书为新世纪高等学校俄语专业本科生系列教材《俄语阅读教程》(第二册)修订版,此次修订依据《高等学校俄语专业教学大纲》(第二版)对课文内容和编写体例均做了全面调整。可供高校俄语专业本科生二年级下学期学习使用,亦适用于有一定基础的俄语爱好者拓展自学。本书特如下: 选材新颖  题材广泛 阅读课文均选自俄罗斯新近出版的书籍和报刊,涵盖校园生活、政治人物、文学艺术、科学技术、社会生活、体育运动等多种主题,既反映俄罗斯现实生活,又兼顾文化传统。 体裁多样  趣味性强 课文体裁既有幽默小说、人物传记等常见文学样式,又有记叙、议论、说明、公文、访谈等其他样式,语言规范,贴近生活,融趣味与实用于一体。 由浅深  布局合理
The Return of the King: The Lord of the Rings, Part 3
The Return of the King: The Lord of the Rings, Part 3
J. R. R. Tolkien
Concluding the story begun in The Hobbit, this is the final part of Tolkien’s epic masterpiece, The Lord of the Rings. Featuring a striking black cover based on Tolkien’s own design, the definitive text, and a detailed map of Middle-earth. The armies of the Dark Lord are massing as his evil shadow spreads ever wider. Men, Dwarves, Elves and Ents unite forces to do battle agains the Dark. Meanwhile, Frodo and Sam struggle further into Mordor in their heroic quest to destroy the One Ring. Impossible to describe in a few words, JRR Tolkien’s great work of imaginative fiction has been labelled both a heroic romance and a classic fantasy fiction. By turns comic and homely, epic and diabolic, the narrative moves through countless changes of scene and character in an imaginary world which is totally convincing in its detail. Tolkien created a vast new mythology in an invented world which has proved timeless in its appeal.
Five Little Pigs (Poirot)
Five Little Pigs (Poirot)
Agatha Christie
Agatha Christie’s ingenious murder mystery, reissued with a striking new cover designed to appeal to the latest generation of Agatha Christie fans and book lovers. Beautiful Caroline Crale was convicted of poisoning her husband, yet there were five other suspects: Philip Blake (the stockbroker) who went to market; Meredith Blake (the amateur herbalist) who stayed at home; Elsa Greer (the three-time divorcee) who had roast beef; Cecilia Williams (the devoted governess) who had none; and Angela Warren (the disfigured sister) who cried ‘wee wee wee’ all the way home. It is sixteen years later, but Hercule Poirot just can’t get that nursery rhyme out of his mind…
A New Model of Economy
A New Model of Economy
Brian Hodgkinson
This book offers a radical revision of modern economic theory. Its starting point is the existing body of both micro and macro economics, as developed in such textbooks as Economics by Begg, Fischer and Dornbusch and Positive Economics by Lipsey and Chrystal. Following a similar framework to these books, it adjusts the whole range of theory by introducing some new concepts and other earlier ones that have been much neglected in the economic thought of the past century. These are related especially to the fundamental part played by land, in it proper sense of all natural resources available on the earth, the significance of credit, especially through the banking system, and the crucial impact of the method of taxation. The resulting analysis yields a thoroughly revised version of the contemporary model of a capitalist economy, so that a genuine ‘third way’ is revealed. This is not a mere modification of the present system of absentee ownership confronting a market for labour, with all the attendant evils of unemployment, monopoly and maldistribution of wealth and income. Rather it is a system based upon natural law, exhibiting economic security for all, fair distribution of output and, above all, the opportunity for self-fulfillment through work. The ‘new model’ draws upon the masters of economic thought from Smith and Ricardo to Marshall, Schumpeter and Keynes, by highlighting concepts often omitted from current studies of their works; such as Ricardo’s analysis of scarcity and differential elements of rent, Schumpeter’s view of the role of banking and Keynes’s hints at a labour theory of value. Indeed this far-reaching revision makes bold advances upon the Marshallian theory of the firm and the Keynesian theory of national income determination, thus providing new insights into both micro and macro theory. It remains faithful, however to the tradition of these latter thinkers in explaining matters fully in words, and resorting to mathematics mainly through the use of diagrams intelligible to anyone with an elementary grasp of the subject. Whilst the book strives to avoid value judgements in the interests of social science, it undoubtedly carries strong implications about economic policy. These are bound up with the central notions of free land and free credit, which have been singularly ignored by policy-makers since a few valiant attempts to introduce them in the early twentieth century. Hence the ‘new model’ is offered to both theorists and practitioners of economics, to politicians and public servants, but particularly to those who, like the author, truly seek a new vision of the subject.
La Fuente del Amor
La Fuente del Amor
Barbara Cartland
El Duque de Madrescourt, un hombre obstinado y dictatorial, informa a su hija, Lady Loretta, que ha hecho arreglos para que esta se case con el hijo del Duque de Sauerdun, un noble francés. Era costumbre, entre los aristócratas franceses y británicos, concertar matrimonios. A Loretta le horroriza la idea de tener que unirse a un hombre a quien jamás había visto en su vida y que además, no lo amaba. Mientras su padre se ausenta, para participar en una carrera de caballos, Lady Loretta decide escaparse a París, acompa?ada de una vieja doncella, dispuesta a ponerse en contacto con su prima Lady Ingrid, quien unos cuantos a?os atrás había abandonado a su marido, para fugarse con el atractivo Marqués de Galston, Loretta suplica a Ingrid, que la ayude a conocer a Fabián de Sauerdun, sin que él conozca su verdadera identidad. Era un plan impresionante, la única forma de escapar al matrimonio arreglado por su padre, pero también descubre que Fabián es muy diferente de lo que ella suponía… el destino tenía sus propios planes… y como se salvará la bella Loretta de las atenciones de un Donjuán parisinoEs relatado, en esta fascinante novela de Barbara Cartland.
满3件5折 我的最后一本日语单词书:看这本真的够了
Getting Things Done
Getting Things Done
Small Business Revolution
Getting Things Done
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太宰 治
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Second Treatise of Government
Second Treatise of Government
John Locke
Second Treatise of Government
4 5 6 7 8 9 10