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作       者:潘鹏,王涛,中岛正爱

出  版  社:清华大学出版社


字       数:7000

所属分类: 科技 > 工业技术 > 一般工业技术



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  • 读书简介
  • 目录
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在线混合实验方法是研究工程结构抗震有效的方法之一,近30年来在线混合实验技术发展迅速,但关于在线混合实验的书籍在国内外均较少。本书旨在介绍在线混合实验技术的基本理论和工程应用,不仅介绍了常规在线混合实验,也介绍了在线混合实验在网络化以及复集有线元程序合等方面的发展。 本书可供工程抗震实验研究人员在教学和科研工作中使用。<br/>






CHAPTER1 Introduction

1.1 Background, objective, and challenge

1.2 Organization


CHAPTER2 Basics of Time Integration Algorithms

2.1 Introduction

2.2 Principle of time integration algorithms and properties

2.3 Development of time integration algorithms

2.3.1 Linear multi-step methods

2.3.2 Newmark’s family methods

2.3.3 Collocation methods

2.3.4 α-family methods

2.3.5 ρ-family methods

2.3.6 Mixed implicit-explicit methods

2.4 Numerical characteristics analysis of time integrationalgorithms

2.4.1 Spectral stability

2.4.2 Accuracy analysis

2.5 Conclusions


CHAPTER3 Typical Time Integration Algorithms

3.1 Introduction

3.2 Analysis of typical time integration algorithms

3.2.1 Central difference method

3.2.2 Newmark’s method

3.2.3 Hilber-Hughes-Taylor (HHT)-αmethod

3.2.4 Generalized-αmethod

3.2.5 Implicit-explicit method

3.2.6 Modal truncation technique

3.2.7 Integral form of existing algorithms

3.2.8 State space procedure

3.3 Applications for online hybrid test (pseudodynamic test)

3.3.1 Applications of central difference method

3.3.2 Hardware-dependent iterative scheme

3.3.3 Newton iterative scheme based on HHT-αmethod

3.3.4 α-operator-splitting (OS) method

3.3.5 Predictor-correct or implementation ofgeneralized-αmethod (IPC-ρ∞)

3.3.6 Ghaboussi predictor-corrector method

3.4 Conclusions


CHAPTER4 Online Hybrid Test Using Mixed Control

4.1 Introduction

4.2 Presentation of the online test system

4.2.1 Loading system

4.2.2 Base-isolated structure model

4.2.3 Test Setup

4.3 Displacement-force Combined control

4.3.1 Static test for combined control

4.3.2 Algorithm of online test using displacement-forcecombined control

4.3.3 Online test using displacement-force combined control

4.4 Force-displacement switching control

4.4.1 Static test for displacement-force switching control

4.4.2 Algorithm of displacement-force switching control

4.4.3 Online test using displacement-force switching control

4.5 Conclusions


CHAPTER5 Internet Online Hybrid Test Using Host-StationFramework

5.1 Introduction

5.2 Presentation of the Internet online test system

5.2.1 System framework

5.2.2 Internet data exchange interface

5.3 Accommodation with implicit finite element program

5.3.1 Importance of stiffness prediction

5.3.2 Proposed prediction method

5.4 Internet online test of base-isolated structure

5.4.1 Base-isolated structure model

5.4.2 Test setup and test specimen

5.4.3 Test Results

5.5 Conclusions


CHAPTER6 Internet Online Hybrid Test Using Separated-ModelFramework

6.1 Introduction

6.2 Development of separated-model framework

6.2.1 Design of separated-model framework

6.2.2 System implementation

6.2.3 High-speed data exchange scheme using socket mechanism

6.2.4 Incorporation of finite element programs using restart capability

6.3 Preliminary investigations of separated-model framework

6.3.1 Seismic simulation of an one-story braced frame

6.3.2 Seismic simulation of a three-story braced frame

6.4 Distributed online hybrid test on a base-isolated building

6.4.1 Prototype structure

6.4.2 Numerical simulation of superstructure

6.4.3 Specimen for base isolation layer

6.4.4 Specimen for retaining walls

6.4.5 Test environment design

6.4.6 Elastic properties of structure

6.4.7 Pushover analysis

6.4.8 Quasi-static test

6.4.9 Earthquake response simulation

6.4.10 Time efficiency of experiment

6.5 Conclusions


CHAPTER7 Internet Online Hybrid Test Using Peer-to-PeerFramework

7.1 Introduction

7.2 Development of peer-to-peer (P2P) framework

7.2.1 Design of P2P framework

7.2.2 Iteration by quasi-Newton method

7.2.3 P2P Internet onlinehybrid test scheme

7.2.4 Incorporation of general-purpose finite element (FEM) program

7.3 Verification test of base-isolated structure

7.3.1 Structure model and substructuring

7.3.2 Internet online hybrid test environment

7.3.3 Test setup and test specimen

7.3.4 Test results

7.4 Convergence criteria on P2P Internet online hybrid testsystem involving structural Nonlinearities

7.4.1 Introduction

7.4.2 Investigation of convergence criteria and tolerance

7.4.3 Examination on type of divisions into substructures

7.4.4 Number of degrees of freedom on boundaries

7.4.5 Investigation on initial stiffness

7.4.6 Summary

7.5 Numerical characteristics of P2P predictor-correctorprocedure

7.5.1 Introduction

7.5.2 Recursive matrix of two-round quasi-Newton test scheme

7.5.3 Stability characteristics

7.5.4 Accuracy characteristics

7.6 Conclusions


CHAPTER8 Application of online hybrid test in engineeringpractice

8.1 Introduction

8.2 Application example of conventional online hybrid test

8.2.1 Project brief

8.2.2 Prototype and substructures

8.2.3 Dynamics of the retrofitted structure

8.2.4 Configuration of the hybrid test system

8.2.5 Loading scheme

8.2.6 Input ground motions and intensity

8.2.7 Measurement scheme

8.2.8 Test results

8.3 Application example of P2P Internet online hybrid test

8.3.1 Project brief

8.3.2 Target Structure

8.3.3 Substructures

8.3.4 Improved test scheme of P2P framework

8.3.5 Numerical analyses by P2P framework

8.3.6 Distributed test environment

8.3.7 Implementation of tested substructures

8.3.8 Distributed test

8.3.9 Verification of P2P framework

8.3.10 Efficiency of P2P framework

8.3.11 Practical evaluation of collapse limit of the frame

8.3.12 Complex behavior of column bases

8.4 Conclusions

CHAPTER9 Summary and Conclusions

9.1 Summary and conclusions

9.2 Time integration algorithms

9.3 Online hybrid test using mixed control

9.4 Internet Online Hybrid Test Using Host-Station Framework

9.5 Separated-model framework and its demonstration examples

9.6 Peer-to-peer framework and its preliminary demonstrationtest

9.7 Application of online hybrid test in engineering practice

APPENDIXⅠ List of Exiting Time Integration Algorithms

APPENDIXⅡ Implementation of OS Method

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