


Kivy Blueprints电子书

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17人正在读 | 0人评论 9.8

作       者:Mark Vasilkov

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:174.3万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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This book is intended for programmers who are comfortable with the Python language and who want to build desktop and mobile applications with rich GUI in Python with minimal hassle. Knowledge of Kivy is not strictly required—every aspect of the framework is described when it's first used.

Kivy Blueprints

Table of Contents

Kivy Blueprints


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Write once, run anywhere

What this book covers

Setting up the working environment

A note on Python

Installing and running Kivy

Note on coding

Hello, Kivy



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1. Building a Clock App

The starting point

Modern UI

Design inspiration

Loading custom fonts

Formatting text

Changing the background color

Making the clock tick

Updating the time on the screen

Binding widgets using properties

Layout basics

Finalizing the layout

Reducing repetition

Named classes

Styling buttons

9-patch scaling

Using 9-patch images

Counting time

Formatting the time for stopwatch

Computing values

Putting a stopwatch in place

Stopwatch controls


2. Building a Paint App

Setting the stage

Fine-tuning the looks

Visual appearance

Window size

Mouse cursor

Multitouch emulation

Drawing touches

A very short introduction to the canvas

Displaying touches on the screen

Clearing the screen

Passing events

Clearing the canvas

Connecting the dots

The color palette

Subclassing the buttons

Taking away the ability to deselect

Overriding the standard behavior

Coloring buttons

A new kind of button

Defining the palette

Setting the line thickness

Changing the line width


3. Sound Recorder for Android

Writing platform-dependent code

Introducing Pyjnius

Emulating Android

Metro UI

The buttons

The grid structure

Visual attributes

Scalable vector icons

Icon fonts

Rationale for using icon fonts

Using the icon font in Kivy

Testing on Android

Using the native API

Loading Java classes

Looking up the storage path

Reading logs from the device

Recording sound

Major caveat – permissions

Playing sound

Deleting files


4. Kivy Networking

Writing the chat server

The protocol definition

The server source code

The principle of operation

Testing the server

Screen manager

Customizing the animation

Login screen layout

Chatroom screen layout

Overscroll modes

Bringing the app online

Building a simple Python client

Kivy integration with Twisted

ChatClient and ChatClientFactory

UI integration

Application logic of the client

Cross-application interoperability

Enhancements and eye candy

Escaping the special syntax

What's next


5. Making a Remote Desktop App

The server

The Flask web server

Advanced server functionality – taking screenshots

Emulating clicks

JavaScript client

Endless loop of screenshots

Passing clicks to host

Kivy Remote Desktop app

The login form

The remote desktop screen

Loop of screenshots in Kivy

Sending clicks

What's next


6. Making the 2048 Game

About the game

Gameplay concepts and overview

Randomness, or lack thereof

The 2048 project outline

What makes 2048 a good choice of project?

Simplicity as a feature

Creating the 2048 board

Going through cells

Rendering empty cells

Board data structure

Variable naming

Calling reset()

Testing passability

Making tiles

Tile initialization

Resizing tiles

Implementing the game logic

Moving tiles

Controlling the iteration sequence

Implementing the move() method

Binding touch controls

Combining tiles

Adding more tiles

Synchronizing turns

Game over

The winning condition

The loss condition

Where to go from here


7. Writing a Flappy Bird Clone

Project overview

Creating an animated background

Loading tileable textures

The Background widget

Animating the background

Making pipes

An overview of the pipe properties

Setting texture coordinates

Implementing pipes

Spawning pipes

Moving and recycling pipes

Introducing Kivy Bird

Revised application flow

Accepting user input

Learning to fly straight down

Remaining in flight

Rotating the bird

Collision detection

Game over

Producing sound effects

Kivy sound playback

Adding sound to the Kivy Bird game


8. Introducing Shaders

Unscientific introduction to OpenGL

Concepts and parallelism

Performance gains, or lack thereof

Improving performance

Taking a closer look at GLSL

Using custom shaders in Kivy

Building the geometry

Illustrating the Indices

Writing GLSL

Storage classes and types

Basic shaders

Procedural coloring

Colorful vertices

Texture mapping

Making the Starfield app

Application structure

Data structures and initializers

Advancing the scene

Writing a corresponding GLSL


9. Making a Shoot-Em-Up Game

Limitations of the project

Texture atlases at a glance

Creating an atlas

Atlas structure

Using Kivy atlases in an easy way

Ad hoc usage of atlases with GLSL

Data structure for UV mapping

Writing an atlas loader

Rendering sprites from atlas

Designing a reusable particle system

Class hierarchy

The PSWidget renderer class

The Particle class

Writing the game

Implementing stars

Making a spaceship

Creating a trail of fire

Making bullets

Implementing enemies

Collision detection

Finishing touches


A. The Python Ecosystem


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