


BeagleBone Media Center电子书

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2人正在读 | 0人评论 9.8

作       者:David Lewin

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:112.1万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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Whether you are a hobbyist or a professional, this book will get you fully equipped to resolve the most commonly occurring media-related challenges. If you want to expand your horizons beyond lighting an LED and push the limits of your board, this is just the book for you. Working knowledge of BeagleBone is assumed.

BeagleBone Media Center

Table of Contents

BeagleBone Media Center


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1. Transforming Your BeagleBone Black into a Media Server

The choice that is not yours

You'll still be restricted by their proposals

You hardly manage your own content

Your server, your rules

Powerful and straightforward software installations

Using dedicated hardware

Looking at daily scenarios for media usage

Down in the cave is a server without a head – headless servers

Preparing BeagleBone to be a server

Booting from an SD Card or flash (eMMC)

Extending the root limitations on a fresh installation

Extending your root's partition

Let's get acquainted with our friend – MediaDrop

MediaDrop installation steps

BBB Debian – prerequisites

Setting up a dedicated database

Step 1 – set up a Python virtual environment

Step 2 – installing MediaDrop

Step 3 – basic configuration file

Step 4 – copying content from the initial data

Step 5 – filling the server database and contents

Step 6 (optional) – full-text searching

Testing time – "Hello Server"

Switching from development to production

Let's take a walk in our new MediaDrop server

Your first administrator action

General settings

Site name

Default language




Notification e-mails





File size limit

Storage engines

Self-test questions


2. Media Management, Shares, and Social Activities

How to use MediaDrop through workflows

Why approvals are required

Publishing your media

Auto administrated contents

Administrator tasks

Exploring different ways to access your media

Self-test questions


3. Examples of Real-world Situations

Introducing the security role

An everyday use case – a house in Springfield

Defining your users list

Understanding role attributions

Group management

Applying groups and users

Second use case – media management in a company

Managing policies and groups

Self-test questions


4. Getting Your Own Video and Feeds

Detecting the hardware device and installing drivers and libraries for a webcam

How to know your webcam

Setting up your webcam

Installing and running MJPG-Streamer

Installing MJPG-Streamer

Starting the application

Let's add some security

"I'm famous" – your first stream

Using our stream across the network

Starting the streaming service automatically on boot

Exploring new capabilities to install


Another tool for the webcam

Configuring RSS feeds with Leed

Creating the environment for Leed in three steps

Creating a database for Leed

Downloading the project code and setting permissions

Installing Leed

Setting up a cron job for feed updates

Using Leed to add your RSS feed

Some Leed preferences settings in a server environment

Extending Leed with plugins


5. Building Your Media Player

Introducing BeagleBone capes

Exploring capes' categories

Considering a personal Palm Media player

Functional description

Physical description

Installing a system for the expansion board

Looking at the available operating systems

Retrieving the latest files, images, documentation, or software

Installing drivers

Prerequisites for installing any system

Considering a virtual machine

Finding your SD card device

Listing devices with lsblk

Using the dmesg utility

Checking your investigation

Adapting foreign systems for the installer script

Installing your system

Installing and using Android

Installing and using Debian

Installing and using TI EZSDK

Taking a look at TI's linux unique tools

TI's website

Developing with Qt

Using the expansion board with Android

Using files from a computer

Installing applications


Watching and listening to media


6. Illuminate Your Imagination with Your Own Projects

Presenting the "matrix revolution"

The LED matrix

Introducing I2C

Wiring the matrix to the board

Diving into the software

Example 1 – our first client server application

Installing the requirements

Running the example

Jumping into the code

Description of the data packet

Describing the server code

Questions and suggestions related to this example

Example 2 – improving the first example by adding functionalities

From the client side

From the server side

Improving the client with Kivy

Questions and thoughts related to this example

Example 3 – creating animated graphical patterns

Following the project's requirements

Where to find help on the Internet

Looking at the differences from the previous example

Looking at the concepts of the matrix edition

Browsing the code

Compilation time

Describing the GUI

A quick tour of the code

Looking at the main functions

Questions and thoughts related to this example


A. Troubleshooting and Tricks to Improve Your Server

Ease your life with the command line

Package management

Get to know what you did previously

Different ways to find your files

All you need to know about open network ports

B. Ideas to Improve Your Server


Introducing MiniDLNA

What a DLNA server can do for you

Installing miniDLNA

Configuring and customizing miniDLNA


Installing Subsonic

Administering Subsonic

Changing users

Restarting the service to apply changes

Accessing configuration settings

Advanced configuration



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