


Creating Games with cocos2d for iPhone 2电子书

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2人正在读 | 0人评论 9.8

作       者:Paul Nygard

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:150.8万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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A hotshot book_10 different cocos2d for iPhone games in increasing order of complexity. Only the barebone structure will be presented without going into the details,If you are an iPhone or iPad developer with base knowledge of cocos2d for iPhone, this book is for you.

Creating Games with cocos2d for iPhone 2

Table of Contents

Creating Games with cocos2d for iPhone 2


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1. Thanks for the Memory Game

The project is...

Let's build a menu

Where is the scene?

Building the playfield

We need sprites

Building a sprite sheet

On to the playfield

Creating the playfield header

Creating the playfield layer

The flow of the game

A stack of tiles

The memory tile class

Loading tiles

Drawing tiles

Adding interactivity

Checking for matches

Scoring and excitement

Animating the score

Adding lives and game over

Bringing it all together

It's quiet...too quiet


2. Match 3 and Recursive Methods

The project is…

Basic gem interaction

The MAGem header

The MAGem class

Generating gems

Building the playfield

Checking for matches

Collecting touches

Moving gems

Checking moves

Removing gems

The update method

Predictive logic

Artificial randomness


3. Thumping Moles for Fun

The project is…

Design approach

Designing the spawn

Portrait mode

Custom TTF fonts

Defining a molehill

Building the mole

Making a molehill

Drawing the ground

Mole spawning

Special moles

Moving moles

The animation cache

Combining actions and animation

Simultaneous actions

Deleting moles

Touching moles

Tying it together

Scoring the mole


4. Give a Snake a Snack…

The project is…

Design approach

Building a better snake

Anatomy of a snake segment

Dissecting the snake

Building the head

Building the body segments

Moving the snake

Turning the snake

Death of a snake

Building the environment

Outer walls

Inner walls

Building snake food

Collisions and eating

Levels and difficulties

The main loop

Level-up checking

Dead mice

But…how do we control the snake?


5. Brick Breaking Balls with Box2D

The project is…

Box2D – a primer

Box2D – what is it?

Basic parts of Box2D

On to the game!

World building

On the edge

Having a ball

Setting everything in motion

Collision handling

Losing your ball


Paddling around

Paddle fixture

Touching the paddle

Storing player data

Displaying player data

Building bricks

Loading a plist

Picking a pattern

Breaking bricks, for real

Power-ups, good and bad

Picking up power-ups

Paddle deformation

Restoring the paddle


Losing lives with multiball


6. Cycles of Light

The game is…

Design review

Let's build a bike

CLBike header

CLBike implementation

Bike rotation

Turning the bike

Building walls

Boundary walls

Bike walls

Bike integration

Bike movement

Control buttons

Touching buttons

Flashing with blocks

Finishing the buttons

Building the background grid

Drawing the grid

The second grid

Moving grids

The glScissor

The playfield

Generating the bikes

Collision handling

Making it move

Crashing bikes

Bluetooth multiplayer

Peer Picker

Session callbacks

Sending messages

Receiving data

Upgrading our bikes

Why send moves?


7. Playing Pool, Old School

The game is…

Overall design

Building the table

The Box2D world

Building the rails

Building pockets

Creating the cue stick

Loading the rules


Rack 'em up

Building the rack

Player HUD

Displaying messages

Collision handling

Building the control base

One-touch control

Two-touch control

The rules engine

Putting balls back

Checking the table

The playfield init method


8. Shoot, Scroll, Shoot Again

The game is…

Design review

Tiled – a primer

Drawing the ground

Logic layers

Spawn layer

Understanding TMX format

Creating an HD map

Implementing the tilemap

Adding our hero

Focus on the hero

Controlling the hero with SneakyJoystick

Tilt controls

Interpreting the controls

Building the HUD

Scene construction

Tile helper methods

Tile self-identification

Smarter hero walking

Time for bullets

TDBullet class

Building the enemy

Adding the enemies

Collision handling

Everybody gets hit

Game over, man

Smarter enemies

Code not covered here


9. Running and Running and Running...

The game is...

Design review

Building the ground

ERTile class

Adding gap tiles

Scrolling the tiles

Parallax background

Our hero

Animation loading

Updating the hero

Touch controls

Shooting bullets

Enemies everywhere

Collision handling

Getting shot with particles

Death of hero



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