


Instant LinkedIn Customization How-to (MnM)电子书

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11人正在读 | 0人评论 6.2

作       者:Anmol Jain

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:12.2万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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Filled with practical, step-by-step instructions and clear explanations for the most important and useful tasks. Get the job done and learn as you go. Step-by step application of the features of LinkedIn provides a good grounding in creating effective résumés and optimizing your search. If you’re looking for a job, genuinely interested in expanding your lifelong professional network, or simply want to learn about the tips and tricks of LinkedIn, then this is the right book for you.

Instant LinkedIn Customization How-to

Instant LinkedIn Customization How-to


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1. Instant LinkedIn Customization How-to

In the beginning

Vanity URL (Must know)

How to do it...

How it works...

There's more...

LinkedIn profile headline (Must know)

How to do it...

How it works...

Making your profile stand out (Should know)

How to do it...

How it works...

Adding a video, image, document, or presentation to your profile (Should know)

How to do it...

How it works...

There's more…

Messaging practically anyone with a LinkedIn account (Must know)

How to do it...

How it works...

The power of LinkedIn recommendations (Must know)

How to do it...

How it works...

There's more…

Taking a backup of your growing LinkedIn network (Must know)

How to do it…

How it works…

Growing your LinkedIn network the right way (Must know)

How to do it...

How it works...

Steps to increase your popularity (Become an expert)

How to do it...

How it works...

Sharing your LinkedIn status updates with Twitter and Facebook (Become an expert)

How to do it...

How it works...

Introduction to searching for jobs on LinkedIn (Should know)

How to do it…

How it works…

Equipping yourself with the advanced search skills (Become an expert)

How to do it...

How it works...

Following your target companies (Should know)

How to do it…

How it works…

There's more...

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