


Construct Game Development: Beginner’s Guide电子书

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作       者:Daven Bigelow

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:77.9万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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This is a beginner’s guide with plenty of screenshots and step-by-step instructions. Through three sample games, the reader will learn about practically creating games with Construct. If you have thought of making a game of your own, this book is for you. All you need to know is that you can and how to operate a computer!

Construct Game Development

Table of Contents

Construct Game Development


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What this book covers

What you need for this book

Who this book is for


Time for action — heading

What just happened?

Pop quiz — heading

Have a go hero — heading

Reader feedback

Customer support

Downloading the example code




1. Our First Look at Construct

The first step: downloading and installing Construct Classic

Time for action — getting Construct Classic up and running

Step two: creating a game project

Time for action — starting a game project

What just happened?

Creating the project

Changing the project details

Running the project

Have a go hero — try again from memory

Step three: navigating the interface of Construct Classic

Time for action — clicking our way around Construct Classic

What just happened?

The layout editor

The properties box

The event editor

The animator box

The layers box

The final step: an introduction to objects

Time for action — creating some objects

What just happened?

Creating an object

Drawing the sprite

Changing the appearance of the sprite

Have a go hero — make a picture of sprites


2. Hello World! Construct Style

Sprites revisited

Time for action — creating a player sprite

What just happened?

Creating new animations

Animation tags

Choosing the Collisions mode

Tiled backgrounds: defining the world

Time for action — make some tiled backgrounds

What just happened?

Have a go hero — another tiled background

Attributes: telling Construct more about our objects

Time for action — adding attributes to our objects

What just happened?

Behaviors: teaching objects how to act

Time for action — getting our player moving

What just happened?

The behaviors

Setting controls

Variables: private and global

Time for action — giving our player a life

What just happened?

Textboxes: giving the player a heads-up

Time for action — showing our player their health and score

What just happened?

Events: setting the rules and goals of a game

Time for action — very eventful games

What just happened?

The sprites





3. Adding the Challenge

Before we start

Reaching the goal

Time for action — making the game winnable

What just happened?

Overlapping versus collision

Set activated

Set animation

Avoid the hazards

Time for action — bestowing more challenges on a player

What just happened?

The death of a player

Resurrecting our player

Giving the player a game over

Putting some bad guys in

Time for action — adding an enemy and making him move

What just happened?

Direction of motion

Falling down

Turning around

Looking for a hit

Have a go hero — gaining lives

Improving our interface

Time for action — creating a background for the GUI

What just happened?

Have a go hero — design a custom panel image

Pop quiz — recap


4. Making Noise

A game and its music

Time for action — add some music to our game

What just happened?

The start of layout condition

Playing the music file

Looping the music file

Modules of music

Time for action — play some mod music

What just happened?

The Is playing condition

Loading and playing the file

Sounds: describing the action

Time for action — adding sounds

What just happened?

Exporting our game

Time for action — exporting our game

What just happened?

Have a go hero — make another platformer

Pop quiz — sound and music

A note on sharing our games


5. Practical Physics

Creating physical objects

Time for action — creating our objects

What just happened?

The Global property

Aligning to a grid

Setting the Physics properties

The Timer behavior

Creating a custom physics collision mask

Event sheets and groups

Time for action — creating and using Event sheets and groups

What just happened?

Adding a physical force

Time for action — creating forces

What just happened?

Adding special pegs

Time for action — creating specialty pegs

What just happened?

The For loop

Set timescale

Portals: a way of getting from A to B

Time for action — teleporting the ball

What just happened?

Particle objects: creating a fireworks finale

Time for action — creating fireworks

What just happened?

Playing the sounds and music

Time for action — adding the sounds and music

What just happened?

Creating another level

Time for action — making another level

What just happened?

Have a go hero — create additional levels

Meet the debugger

Time for action — looking through the debugger

What just happened?

Pop quiz — physical games


6. Custom Levels

The user friendly INI file

Time for action — creating an INI file

What just happened?

INI groups

INI items

Loading levels

Time for action — load custom levels

What just happened?

Setting the INI file

Loading the level

Including the Game event sheet

The NextINI layout

The Game Over screen

Time for action — creating the Game Over layout

What just happened?

Making a level editor

Time for action — creating the objects

Time for action — loading and saving levels with events

Time for action — creating events for the interface

What just happened?

The edit region

The function object

Enabling and disabling groups

Writing to an INI file

Positioning the Cursor object to a grid

Placing portals

Have a go hero — make a level editor for your platform game

Pop quiz — INI file recap


7. Platformer Revisited, a 2D Shooter

Before we start

Multiplayer: getting your friends involved

Time for action — creating the game assets and title screen

Time for action — designing the level

Time for action — creating player characters and conveyor belt objects

Time for action — creating the HUD objects

Time for action — creating the main game events

Time for action — creating the Game Over layout

What just happened?




Static scrolling

Shooting bullets

Time for action — adding some guns

What just happened?

Parallax: giving the impression of depth

Time for action — creating parallax scrolling

What just happened?

Have a go hero — add more scenery

Lights and shadows: illuminating the darkness

Time for action — using lights and shadow casters

What just happened?

Enemies with guns: slightly more challenging

Time for action — making some enemies

What just happened?

Manual collision detection

Basic AI

Spawning a gun

Pop quiz — a shot in the dark


8. I'm Throwing a Grenade!

Grenades — bouncing, timed explosives

Time for action — throwing grenades

What just happened?

Throwing the grenade

Bouncing the grenades

Explosions — big bright lights

Time for action — explosion flashes

What just happened?

Effects — distortions and other nice things

Time for action — adding some distortion

What just happened?

Pixel shaders

The effects used

Have a go hero — more visual effects

Objects — completely blown away

Time for action — blast the robots away

What just happened?

Have a go hero — extend the game

Pop quiz — looking back on timers and effects


9. Our Final Moments

What we've learned

Chapter 1, the basics of the Construct Classic editor

Chapter 2, our first game, MyPlatformer

Chapter 3, adding enemies and a lives system

Chapter 4, playing sounds and music

Chapter 5, a physics game

Chapter 6, custom levels and level editors

Chapter 7, A sidescrolling shooter

Chapter 8, effects and physics interactions

Extending our games




Tips and tricks

Custom collision masks

Adding custom plugins

Adding custom effects

Using the Canvas object

Using the Minimap object

Using the Plasma object

Make backups often; make saves even more

Finding help

A note on Construct 2


A. Pop quiz Answers

Chapter 3: Adding the Challenge


Chapter 4: Making Noise

Sound and music

Chapter 5: Practical Physics

Physical games

Chapter 6: Custom Levels

INI file recap

Chapter 7: Platformer Revisited, a 2D Shooter

A shot in the dark

Chapter 8: I'm Throwing a Grenade!

Looking back on timers and effects


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