


Building Machine Learning Systems with Python电子书

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4人正在读 | 0人评论 9.8

作       者:Willi Richert

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:161.0万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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This is a tutorial-driven and practical, but well-grounded book showcasing good Machine Learning practices. There will be an emphasis on using existing technologies instead of showing how to write your own implementations of algorithms. This book is a scenario-based, example-driven tutorial. By the end of the book you will have learnt critical aspects of Machine Learning Python projects and experienced the power of ML-based systems by actually working on them.This book primarily targets Python developers who want to learn about and build Machine Learning into their projects, or who want to provide Machine Learning support to their existing projects, and see them get implemented effectively .Computer science researchers, data scientists, Artificial Intelligence programmers, and statistical programmers would equally gain from this book and would learn about effective implementation through lots of the practical examples discussed.Readers need no prior experience with Machine Learning or statistical processing. Python development experience is assumed.

Building Machine Learning Systems with Python

Table of Contents

Building Machine Learning Systems with Python


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1. Getting Started with Python Machine Learning

Machine learning and Python – the dream team

What the book will teach you (and what it will not)

What to do when you are stuck

Getting started

Introduction to NumPy, SciPy, and Matplotlib

Installing Python

Chewing data efficiently with NumPy and intelligently with SciPy

Learning NumPy


Handling non-existing values

Comparing runtime behaviors

Learning SciPy

Our first (tiny) machine learning application

Reading in the data

Preprocessing and cleaning the data

Choosing the right model and learning algorithm

Before building our first model

Starting with a simple straight line

Towards some advanced stuff

Stepping back to go forward – another look at our data

Training and testing

Answering our initial question


2. Learning How to Classify with Real-world Examples

The Iris dataset

The first step is visualization

Building our first classification model

Evaluation – holding out data and cross-validation

Building more complex classifiers

A more complex dataset and a more complex classifier

Learning about the Seeds dataset

Features and feature engineering

Nearest neighbor classification

Binary and multiclass classification


3. Clustering – Finding Related Posts

Measuring the relatedness of posts

How not to do it

How to do it

Preprocessing – similarity measured as similar number of common words

Converting raw text into a bag-of-words

Counting words

Normalizing the word count vectors

Removing less important words


Installing and using NLTK

Extending the vectorizer with NLTK's stemmer

Stop words on steroids

Our achievements and goals



Getting test data to evaluate our ideas on

Clustering posts

Solving our initial challenge

Another look at noise

Tweaking the parameters


4. Topic Modeling

Latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA)

Building a topic model

Comparing similarity in topic space

Modeling the whole of Wikipedia

Choosing the number of topics


5. Classification – Detecting Poor Answers

Sketching our roadmap

Learning to classify classy answers

Tuning the instance

Tuning the classifier

Fetching the data

Slimming the data down to chewable chunks

Preselection and processing of attributes

Defining what is a good answer

Creating our first classifier

Starting with the k-nearest neighbor (kNN) algorithm

Engineering the features

Training the classifier

Measuring the classifier's performance

Designing more features

Deciding how to improve

Bias-variance and its trade-off

Fixing high bias

Fixing high variance

High bias or low bias

Using logistic regression

A bit of math with a small example

Applying logistic regression to our postclassification problem

Looking behind accuracy – precision and recall

Slimming the classifier

Ship it!


6. Classification II – Sentiment Analysis

Sketching our roadmap

Fetching the Twitter data

Introducing the Naive Bayes classifier

Getting to know the Bayes theorem

Being naive

Using Naive Bayes to classify

Accounting for unseen words and other oddities

Accounting for arithmetic underflows

Creating our first classifier and tuning it

Solving an easy problem first

Using all the classes

Tuning the classifier's parameters

Cleaning tweets

Taking the word types into account

Determining the word types

Successfully cheating using SentiWordNet

Our first estimator

Putting everything together


7. Regression – Recommendations

Predicting house prices with regression

Multidimensional regression

Cross-validation for regression

Penalized regression

L1 and L2 penalties

Using Lasso or Elastic nets in scikit-learn

P greater than N scenarios

An example based on text

Setting hyperparameters in a smart way

Rating prediction and recommendations


8. Regression – Recommendations Improved

Improved recommendations

Using the binary matrix of recommendations

Looking at the movie neighbors

Combining multiple methods

Basket analysis

Obtaining useful predictions

Analyzing supermarket shopping baskets

Association rule mining

More advanced basket analysis


9. Classification III – Music Genre Classification

Sketching our roadmap

Fetching the music data

Converting into a wave format

Looking at music

Decomposing music into sine wave components

Using FFT to build our first classifier

Increasing experimentation agility

Training the classifier

Using the confusion matrix to measure accuracy in multiclass problems

An alternate way to measure classifier performance using receiver operator characteristic (ROC)

Improving classification performance with Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients


10. Computer Vision – Pattern Recognition

Introducing image processing

Loading and displaying images

Basic image processing


Gaussian blurring

Filtering for different effects

Adding salt and pepper noise

Putting the center in focus

Pattern recognition

Computing features from images

Writing your own features

Classifying a harder dataset

Local feature representations


11. Dimensionality Reduction

Sketching our roadmap

Selecting features

Detecting redundant features using filters


Mutual information

Asking the model about the features using wrappers

Other feature selection methods

Feature extraction

About principal component analysis (PCA)

Sketching PCA

Applying PCA

Limitations of PCA and how LDA can help

Multidimensional scaling (MDS)


12. Big(ger) Data

Learning about big data

Using jug to break up your pipeline into tasks

About tasks

Reusing partial results

Looking under the hood

Using jug for data analysis

Using Amazon Web Services (AWS)

Creating your first machines

Installing Python packages on Amazon Linux

Running jug on our cloud machine

Automating the generation of clusters with starcluster


A. Where to Learn More about Machine Learning

Online courses


Q&A sites


Data sources

Getting competitive

What was left out



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