


Alfresco CMIS电子书

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2人正在读 | 0人评论 9.8

作       者:Martin Bergljung

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:199.9万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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The book will show readers how to use Alfresco’’s implementation of CMIS through a tutorialbased approach. It also has plenty of examples to help illustrate the concepts that you will learn. If you are a developer who wants to learn how to build applications that talk to content management servers in a standard way using CMIS, this book is ideal for you. It will be helpful if you have a bit of programming experience, although it is not necessary.

Alfresco CMIS

Table of Contents

Alfresco CMIS


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1. Getting Started with CMIS

Understanding CMIS

Commercial products and companies supporting CMIS

The benefits of using CMIS

CMIS use cases

Repository to Repository (R2R)

Application to Repository (A2R)

Application to Multiple Repositories (A2MR)

An overview of the CMIS standard

The domain model (object model)


Query language

Protocol bindings

RESTful AtomPub binding

Web Service binding

RESTful Browser binding (CMIS 1.1)


2. Basic CMIS Operations

Setting up a CMIS server

Installing your own CMIS server

Using cmis.alfresco.com

Setting up a tool to make HTTP requests

Authenticating with the repository

Getting repository information

Repository information via the AtomPub binding

Repository information via the Browser binding

Listing the children of the root folder

Listing the children of the root folder with the AtomPub binding

Listing the children of the root folder with the Browser binding

Optional parameters when listing the children of a folder

Optional parameters when listing the children of a folder with the AtomPub binding

Optional parameters when listing the children of a folder with the Browser binding

Listing available types and subtypes

Listing the types and subtypes with the AtomPub binding

Listing the types and subtypes with the Browser binding

Getting metadata and content

Getting metadata and content with the AtomPub binding

Getting metadata and content with the Browser binding

Creating, updating, and deleting content

Creating folders

Creating a folder with the AtomPub binding

Creating a folder with the Browser binding

Creating documents

Creating a document with the AtomPub binding

Creating a document with the Browser binding

Updating folders and documents

Updating a document with the AtomPub binding

Updating a document with the Browser binding

Deleting a folder or a document

Deleting a folder or document with the AtomPub binding

Deleting a folder or document with the Browser binding


3. Advanced CMIS Operations

Version management with check out and check in

Version management with the AtomPub binding

Checking out a document with the AtomPub binding

Cancelling the check out with the AtomPub binding

Updating the physical contents of the checked-out document with the AtomPub binding

Checking in a document with the AtomPub binding

Version management with the Browser binding

Checking out a document with the Browser binding

Cancelling the check out with the Browser binding

Updating the physical content of the checked-out document with the Browser binding

Checking in a document with the Browser binding

Managing permissions for documents and folders

Access control list capabilities

Access control concepts

Supported permissions

Allowable actions and permission mapping

Managing permissions with the AtomPub binding

Managing permissions with the Browser binding

Managing relationships between objects

Creating and reading relationships with the AtomPub binding

Creating and reading relationships with the Browser binding


Searching with the AtomPub binding

Searching with the Browser binding

CMIS query examples

A word on transactions


4. Alfresco and CMIS



Alfresco content model mapping to the CMIS object model

Repository capabilities

Type mappings

Property mappings

Object path's explanation


Access control

Change log



Support for Alfresco-specific features





5. Accessing a CMIS Server with a Java Client

Setting up a build environment

Connecting and setting up a session with the repository

Connecting to a repository by ID

Getting repository information

Listing the children of the root/top folder

Optional parameters when listing the children of a folder

Listing available types and subtypes

Creating, updating, and deleting content

Creating folders

Creating documents

Updating folders and documents

Deleting a document, folder, or folder tree

Getting the content for a document

Copying and moving folders and documents

Working with Alfresco aspects

Using secondary types to manage aspects

Adding aspects when creating an object

Adding aspects to an existing object

Reading aspects

The Alfresco OpenCMIS extension to manage aspects

Adding aspects when creating an object

Adding aspects to an existing object

Reading aspects

Version management with check out and check in

Checking out a document

Updating the content of the checked-out document and then checking it in

Managing permissions for documents and folders

Managing relationships between objects



6. Accessing a CMIS Server Using Scripting Languages

Using CMIS in JavaScript and web application pages

Solving the same origin policy problem

Using jQuery

Using CMIS in Groovy scripts

Using CMIS in Spring Surf Web Scripts

Setting up a build project for Spring Surf with CMIS

Updating the Spring Surf project so that CMIS can be used

Updating the home page to display repository info via CMIS

Updating the home page to display text from a file in the repository

Using CMIS calls in Alfresco Share extensions


7. System Integration with CMIS

Integrating Drupal with a CMS server

The CMIS API module

Displaying a CMS repository file link on a Drupal page

The CMIS Views module

Displaying a CMS repository folder on a Drupal page

Displaying a result from a CMIS query on a Drupal page

Synchronizing the CMS content with Drupal content

Enterprise integration with CMIS

Moving a file from a folder into a CMS server using Mule

Getting a document from a CMS server via Mule

Talking to Alfresco in the Cloud via CMIS

Setting up an account

Registering a client application

Setting up a development project

Authorizing the client application

Making CMIS calls



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