


Hindsight The Foresight Saga电子书

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作       者:Terence o'Hallorann

出  版  社:M-Y Books


字       数:36.1万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 经管/金融



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There is something new in the financial planning world and it is explored to the point that the reader can exploit it in “Hindsight – The Foresight Saga.” Little has been written about the property market and its relationship with the equity markets or the coincidental relationship that that investment relationship has on bankers. This book is aimed at the private investor but also the professional investment manager because it highlights the mechanism that provides for an almost continuous steady flow of positive returns on invested capital and regular savings. The author is a well experienced, highly qualified strategic financial planner and the language used in the book is straightforward and down to earth. The classic marketis identified as a circa fifteen year cycle of at one point inversely correlated market movements that works in direct contrast to a later phase in the classic market TM where property and equity movements are highly correlated in a downward slide. The first having an extremely positive effect on banking and the second, a devastating effect that contributed to bank collapses similar to those in 1979, 1992 and 2008.





Who is the odd one out?

Introduction to the book

Other titles by Terence P.O’Halloran still available include:

CHAPTER 1 - It's a Financial Cycle - Get Over it: And Win

CHAPTER 2 - Property Performance Analysed

CHAPTER 3 - A Picture and a Thousand Words Equals Confusion

CHAPTER 4 - Financial Relationships in history

CHAPTER 5 - Asset Ratios and Solvency Margins Examined

CHAPTER 6 - Personal Insulation From The Market Forces

CHAPTER 7 - The Different Stratagies for Investment and Saving

CHAPTER 8 - The Importance of Timing Property Transactions

CHAPTER 9 - Diverting Your Savings to The Government's Coffers

CHAPTER 10 - The Pleasure of The Downhill Run

CHAPTER 11 - A Gilt Trip

CHAPTER 12 - The Money Cycle to Recession

CHAPTER 13 - Why the Banks Collapsed

CHAPTER 14 - Regulation Based on Theory and Hope

CHAPTER 15 - Financing the Nation's State Pension

CHAPTER 16 - State and Commerce Combine to Fund the Long Term

CHAPTER 17 - Socio Economic Stratagies That Work Long Term

CHAPTER 18 - Storing Capital to Produce Predictable Returns

CHAPTER 19 - A Throw of the Dice or a Calculated Decision

CHAPTER 20 - The Conclusion of a Voyage of Discovery


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