


Troubleshooting Ubuntu Server电子书

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作       者:Skanda Bhargav

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:209.3万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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  • 读书简介
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Make life at the office easier for server administrators by helping them build resilient Ubuntu server systems About This Book Tackle the issues you come across in keeping your Ubuntu server up and running Build server machines and troubleshoot cloud computing related issues using Open Stack Discover tips and best practices to be followed for minimum maintenance of Ubuntu Server 3 Who This Book Is For This book is for a vast audience of Linux system administrators who primarily work on Debian-based systems and spend long hours trying fix issues with the enterprise server. Ubuntu is already one of the most popular OSes and this book targets the most common issues that most administrators have to deal with. With the right tools and definite solutions, you will be able to keep your Ubuntu servers in the pink of health. What You Will Learn Deploy packages and their dependencies with repositories Set up your own DNS and network for Ubuntu Server Authenticate and validate users and their access to various systems and services Maintain, monitor, and optimize your server resources and avoid tremendous load Get to know about processes, assigning and changing priorities, and running processes in background Optimize your shell with tools and provide users with an improved shell experience Set up separate environments for various services and run them safely in isolation Understand, build, and deploy OpenStack on your Ubuntu Server In Detail Ubuntu is becoming one of the favorite Linux flavors for many enterprises and is being adopted to a large extent. It supports a wide variety of common network systems and the use of standard Internet services including file serving, e-mail, Web, DNS, and database management. A large scale use and implementation of Ubuntu on servers has given rise to a vast army of Linux administrators who battle it out day in and day out to make sure the systems are in the right frame of operation and pre-empt any untoward incidents that may result in catastrophes for the businesses using it. Despite all these efforts, glitches and bugs occur that affect Ubuntu server's network, memory, application, and hardware and also generate cloud computing related issues using OpenStack. This book will help you end to end. Right from setting up your new Ubuntu Server to learning the best practices to host OpenStack without any hassles. You will be able to control the priority of jobs, restrict or allow access users to certain services, deploy packages, tackle issues related to server effectively, and reduce downtime. Also, you will learn to set up OpenStack, and manage and monitor its services while tuning the machine with best practices. You will also get to know about Virtualization to make services serve users better. Chapter by chapter, you will learn to add new features and functionalities and make your Ubuntu server a full-fledged, production-ready system. Style and approach This book contains topic-by-topic discussion in an easy-to-understand language with loads of examples to help you take care of Ubuntu Server. Plenty of screenshots will guide you through a step-by-step approach.

Troubleshooting Ubuntu Server

Table of Contents

Troubleshooting Ubuntu Server


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1. Package Management

Getting started with packages



The .deb packages


Open source

Using dpkg for package management

Understanding the apt-get package management tool

Updating the repository list with the apt-get update command

Installing a package with the apt-get install command

Upgrading a package with the apt-get upgrade command

Cleaning with the apt-get clean command

Purging a package with the apt-get purge command

Fixing unsuccessful installations with the apt-get –f command

Checking for broken dependencies with the apt-get check command

The apt-cache tool

Searching for a package with the apt-cache search command

Package management with aptitude

Configuration and extra repositories

Resolving the "failed to get" error

Downloading software from an outside repository

Automatic updates

Security updates

Kernel updates

Application updates

The unattended-upgrades package

Creating a repository mirror

Setting up a mirror machine

Configuring the /etc/apt/mirror.list file

Using the local mirror


2. Networking and DNS

Networking concepts

IP addressing

DHCP client for dynamic addresses

Assigning a static IP address




Network sniffing with tcpdump

Capturing packets from eth0

Saving the tcpdump results in a file

Reading packets saved in a file by tcpdump

Readable timestamps in packets

Reading packets of a specific protocol

Reading packets on a specific port

Reading TCP packets between two hosts

Binding and bonding




Setting up DNS

Setting up primary and secondary DNS servers

The hints file – zone "."

The local host file – zone "0.0.127.in-addr.arpa"

The reverse zone file – zone "24.126.10.in-addr.arpa"

The primary zone file – zone "ubuntuserver.org"

The primary zone file

The reverse zone file

PTR records


3. Network Authentication



Populating the database


Access control



Database setup

Setting up the Kerberos client

Kerberos SSH and logon

Integrating LDAP with Kerberos


Database setup

OpenSSH, public, and private keys – passwordless SSH

The SSH client and the server

Setting up passwordless SSH

Disabling password authentication

Allowing or denying users to SSH

Greeting users with a banner


4. Monitoring and Optimization


The Nagios setup

Adding another host in Nagios

Nagios templates

Nagios hostgroups and services

Nagios setup alerts

Writing a Nagios plugin

The NRPE plugin

Enabling external commands


Installing Puppet

Setting up the client

Setting up the manifest



5. Process Management

The basics of process management

$$ and $PPID


Parent and child

fork() and exec()




ps fx

ps -C and pgrep


Signaling processes


Listing all signals

kill -1 or SIGHUP

kill -15 or SIGTERM

kill -9 or SIGKILL




Process priorities



Background processes


& (ampersand)

jobs -p

Suspended state with Ctrl + Z




6. Shell Management, Tools, and User Management

The Secure Shell server

Installing the SSH server


Default settings for the SSH server

The SSH configuration file

Using passphrases

Scheduling jobs with cron

Scheduling user cron jobs

Configuring jobs using at

Job schedule security

Optimizing the shell

Bash profiles

The /etc/bash.bashrc file

The /etc/profile file

Variables in bash

User management and file permissions

User management in Ubuntu

Adding and removing users

Managing file permissions

Understanding file permissions

Changing permissions with chmod

Modifying ownership using chown and chgrp

Setting default permissions with umask

Special file permissions


7. Virtualization

What is virtualization?





Managing the virtual machine


The virtual machine manager

The virtual machine viewer

JeOS and vmbuilder




Adding users to groups

Installing vmbuilder

Defining the virtual machine

JeOS installation

IP address

Enabling the bridge


Setting the user and password

Final steps in the installation

First boot

First login

Auto updates

ACPI handling

The complete command


8. OpenStack with Ubuntu

The OpenStack architecture

The environment



OpenStack networking

The controller node

The network node

The compute node

Verifying the network connectivity

Network Time Protocol

Configuring the controller node

Installing the NTP service

Configuring the NTP service

Configuring other nodes

Installing the NTP service

Configuring the NTP service

OpenStack packages

Enabling the OpenStack repository

Finalizing the installation


Installing and configuring the database server

Finalizing the installation

The messaging server

Installing the RabbitMQ message broker service

Configuring the message broker service

The Identity service

Installing and configuring the Identity service

Configuring the prerequisites

Installing and configuring the components

Finalizing the installation

Tenants, users, and roles

Configuring prerequisites

Creating tenants, users, and roles

The service entity and API endpoint

Configuring the prerequisites

Creating the service entity and API endpoint

The Image service

Installing and configuring the Image service

Configuring the prerequisites

Installing and configuring the Image service components

Finalizing the installation

The Compute service

Installing and configuring the Compute service

Configuring the prerequisites

Installing and configuring the Compute service components

Finalizing the installation

Installing and configuring the compute node

Installing and configuring the compute hypervisor components

Finalizing the installation

OpenStack networking

Installing and configuring the controller node

Configuring the prerequisites

Installing the Networking components

Configuring the server components of Networking

Configuring the Modular Layer 2 plugin

Configuring Networking on the compute node

Finalizing the installation

Installing and configuring the network node

Configuring the prerequisites

Installing the Networking components

Configuring the Networking components

Configuring the Modular Layer 2 plugin

Configuring the Layer 3 agent

Configuring the DHCP agent

Configuring the metadata agent

Configuring the OVS service

Finalizing the installation

Installing and configuring the compute node

Configuring the prerequisites

Installing the Networking components

Configuring the Networking common components

Configuring the ML2 plugin

Configuring the OVS service

Configuring Compute to use Networking

Finalizing the installation

Creating initial networks

External networks

Creating an external network

Creating the subnet for the external network

The tenant network

Creating a tenant network

Creating the subnet for the tenant network

Creating the router to attach the external and tenant networks



Installing and configuring the dashboard

Installing the packages

Configuring the dashboard

Finalizing the installation

The Block Storage service

Installing and configuring the controller node

Configuring the prerequisites

Installing and configuring the Block Storage service components

Finalizing the installation

Installing and configuring the storage node

Configuring the prerequisites

Installing and configuring the Block Storage volume components

Finalizing the installation

The Object Storage service

Installing and configuring the controller node

Configuring the prerequisites

Installing and configuring the controller node components

Installing and configuring the storage node

Configuring the prerequisites

Installing and configuring the storage node components


9. OpenStack and Ubuntu Best Practices

Creating rings for Object Storage

Creating an account ring

Creating a container ring

Creating an object ring

Copying the configuration files for rings

Finalizing the installation

The Orchestration module

Installing and configuring

Configuring the prerequisites

Installing and configuring the Orchestration components

Finalizing the installation

The Telemetry module

Installing and configuring the controller node

Configuring the prerequisites

Installing and configuring the Telemetry components

Finalizing the installation

Installing and configuring the Compute agent

Configuring the prerequisites

Configuring the Compute agent for the Telemetry module

Finalizing the installation

Configuring the Image service

Adding the Block Storage agent for Telemetry

Configuring Object Storage for Telemetry

The Database service

Installing the Database service

Taking care of the prerequisites

Installing the Database module

The Data Processing service

Installing the Data Processing service

OpenStack flashback

Best practices for Ubuntu Server



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