


Flask Blueprints电子书

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13人正在读 | 0人评论 9.8

作       者:Jo?l Perras

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:181.9万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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Dive into the world of the Flask microframework to develop an array of web applications About This Book Structure, compose, and build powerful Flask HTML-based applications and JSON/XML-based APIs using advanced application design patterns Integrate third-party Flask extensions for tasks such as social authentication, sending emails, and interacting with databases and cache layers Build a series of Flask applications of increasing complexity Who This Book Is For If you are a Python web developer who has developed basic Flask applications and now wants to build a series of more complex web applications, then this is the book for you. What You Will Learn Use the virtualenv Python package to effectively isolate your development environments Convert a simple one-file Flask application into a more full-fledged multi-package application Integrate Flask-Login for simple user authentication, Flask-WTF for forms, and Flask-SQLAlchemy for database interactions Explore URL routing and dispatching in a blueprint structured application Create your own signals and consume them within your application Learn to leverage Werkzeug, the WSGI library that powers much of Flask Implement custom exceptions for handling non-20x response codes Write your own CLI tools for administrative and development tasks of your Flask application using Flask-Script/Click Build your Flask extensions to encapsulate reusable behaviors across your applications Integrate your application with open source JavaScript-based graphing libraries to create simple data visualizations In Detail Flask is a small but powerful web development framework for Python. Though Flask is termed a micro-framework, it is no way lacking in functionality; there are many extensions available to Flask which helps it to function at the same level as other large frameworks such as Django and Ruby on Rails. This book will demonstrate how to develop a series of web application projects with the Python web micro-framework, and leverage extensions and external Python libraries and APIs to extend the development of a variety of larger and more complex web applications. The book will start by explaining Python’s Virtualenv library and how to create and switch between multiple virtual environments. You’ll first build an SQL database-backed application, which will use Flask-WTF, Flask-SQLAlchemy, Jinja templates, and other methods. Next you’ll move on to a timeline application, built using concepts including pytest-Flask, the Blinker package, data modelling for user timelines, exception handling, and creating and organizing CLI tools. Moving on, you’ll discover how to implement a photo timeline application where you’ll explore topics such as writing and running celery tasks, API error handling and testing, and Werkzeug middlewares. Finally, the book walks you through creating an application which fetches data from GitHub and stores it locally. You will also learn how to install and configure Flask-Click extension. Style and approach This book covers how to effectively use the Flask micro-framework to develop a series of web applications. Each chapter focusses on the development of an application increasing in complexity with easy steps to follow.

Flask Blueprints

Table of Contents

Flask Blueprints


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1. Starting on the Right Foot – Using Virtualenv

Setuptools and pip

Avoiding dependency hell, the Python way

Working with virtualenv

Creating a new virtual environment

Activating and deactivating virtual environments

Adding packages to an existing environment

Uninstalling packages from an existing environment

Simplifying common operations – using the virtualenvwrapper tool


2. Small to Big – Growing the Flask Application Structure

Your first Flask application structure

From module to package

From package to blueprint

Our first blueprint


3. Snap – the Code Snippet Sharing Application

Getting started


Configuring Flask-SQLAlchemy

SQLAlchemy basics

Declarative mapping and Flask-SQLAlchemy

Snap data models

Flask-Login and Flask-Bcrypt for authentication

Flask-WTF – form validation and rendering

Hashing user passwords

Configure an application SECRET_KEY

Hook up the blueprint

Let's run this thing

The data model for snaps

Better defaults with content-sensitive default functions

Snap view handlers


4. Socializer – the Testable Timeline

Starting off

Application factories

The application context

Instantiating an app object

Unit and functional testing

Social features – friends and followers

Functional and integration testing

Publish/subscribe events with Blinker

Signals from Flask and extensions

Creating custom signals

Graceful handling of exceptions

Functional testing

Your newsfeed


5. Shutterbug, the Photo Stream API

Starting off

The application factory

Interlude – Werkzeug

Simple APIs with Flask-RESTful

Improved password handling with hybrid attributes

API authentication

Authentication protocols

Getting users

Creating new users

Input validation

API testing

Interlude – Werkzeug middlewares

Back to Shutterbug – uploading photos

File uploads in distributed systems

Testing the photo uploads

Fetching the user's photos


6. Hublot – Flask CLI Tools

Starting off

The manage.py file

The built-in default commands

The Flask-Script commands across Blueprints


The required and optional arguments

Flask extensions – the basics

When should an extension be used?

Our extension – GitHubber


7. Dinnerly – Recipe Sharing

First OAuth

Why use OAuth?


So what's wrong with OAuth 1.0?

Three-legged authorization

Setting up the application

Declaring our models

Handling OAuth in our views

Creating recipes

Posting recipes to Twitter and Facebook

SQLAlchemy events

Finding common friends

Interlude – database migrations




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