


Survival of the Sickest电子书

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作       者:Moalem, Sharon

出  版  社:HarperCollins e-books


字       数:37.7万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 文学/自传/回忆录



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Read it. You're already living it. Was diabetes evolution's response to the last Ice AgeDid a deadly genetic disease help our ancestors survive the bubonic plagues of EuropeWill a visit to the tanning salon help lower your cholesterolWhy do we ageWhy are some people immune to HIVCan your genes be turned on -- or offJoining the ranks of modern myth busters, Dr. Sharon Moalem turns our current understanding of illness on its head and challenges us to fundamentally change the way we think about our bodies, our health, and our relationship to just about every other living thing on earth, from plants and animals to insects and bacteria. Through a fresh and engaging examination of our evolutionary history, Dr. Moalem reveals how many of the conditions that are diseases today actually gave our ancestors a leg up in the survival sweepstakes. When the option is a long life with a disease or a short one without it, evolution opts for disease almost every time. Everything from the climate our ancestors lived in to the crops they planted and ate to their beverage of choice can be seen in our genetic inheritance. But Survival of the Sickest doesn't stop there. It goes on to demonstrate just how little modern medicine really understands about human health, and offers a new way of thinking that can help all of us live longer, healthier lives. Survival of the Sickest is filled with fascinating insights and cutting-edge research, presented in a way that is both accessible and utterly absorbing. This is a book about the interconnectedness of all life on earth -- and, especially, what that means for us.




Chapter I: Ironing It Out

Chapter II: A Spoonful Of Sugar Helps The Temperature Go Down

Chapter III: The Cholesterol Also Rises

Chapter IV: Hey, Bud, Can You Do Me A Fava?

Chapter V: Of Microbes And Men

Chapter VI: Jump Into The Gene Pool

Chapter VII: Methyl Madness: Road To The Final Phenotype

Chapter VIII: That’s Life: Why You And Your Ipod Must Die




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