


Someday Angeline电子书

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作       者:Sachar, Louis

出  版  社:HarperCollins


字       数:13.1万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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Nobody understands why Angeline is so smart. She could read the first time she picked up a book, she can play the piano without ever having had a lesson, and she even knows what the weather is going to be. But being smart is causing Angeline nothing but trouble. The mean kids in school call her a freak, her teacher finds her troublesome, and even her own father doesn't know what to do with an eight-year-old girl who seems to be a genius. Angeline doesn't want to be either a genius or a freak. She just wants the chance to be herself and be happy. But it's only when she makes friends with a boy the kids call "Goon" and the teacher they call "Mr. Bone" that Angeline gets that chance.


Table of Contents

Prologue - Nina’s Untrained Ear

One - How Abel Smells

Two - A Goat with Two Heads

Three - A Goat with One Head

Four - No Tomatoes

Five - Mr. Bone

Six - Secretary of Trash

Seven - The Balance of the Whole

Eight - Mr. Bone Let Me Feed Her Fish

Nine - Garbage

Ten - Fish

Eleven - Mrs. Hardlick’s Triumph

Twelve - More Fish

Thirteen - No Going Back

Fourteen - Mr. Bone is on the Phone

Fifteen - Otherwise Known as Mr. Bone

Sixteen - Crazy Driver

Seventeen - Different Directions

Eighteen - Where’s Cool Breezer?

Nineteen - The Only Way to Find Her is to Tell Her a Joke

Twenty - Spoon and Prune

Twenty-One - Pretty Feet and Green Her Eyes

Twenty-Two - You Never Know

Also by Louis Sachar


About the Publisher

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