


Unknown Pleasures电子书

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作       者:Hook, Peter

出  版  社:It Books


字       数:45.0万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 文学/自传/回忆录



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Joy Division changed the face of music. Godfathers of alternative rock, they reinvented music in the post-punk era, creating a new sound dark, hypnotic, and intense that would influence U2, Morrissey, R.E.M., Radiohead, and numerous others. The story is now legendary: in 1980, on the heels of their groundbreaking debut, Unknown Pleasures , and on the eve of their first U.S. tour, the band was rent asunder by the tragic death of their enigmatic lead singer, Ian Curtis. Yet in the mere three years they were together, Joy Division produced two landmark albums and a handful of singles including the iconic anthem Love Will Tear Us Apart that continue to have a powerful resonance. Now, for the first time, their story is told by one of their own. In Unknown Pleasures , founding member and bass player Peter Hook recounts how four young men from Manchester and Salisbury, with makeshift instruments and a broken-down van, rose from the punk scene to create a haunting, atmospheric music that would define a generation. Peter talks with eye-opening candor and reflection about the suicide of Ian Curtis; the band friendships and fallouts; the evolution of their sound and image; and the larger-than-life characters who formed a vital part of the Joy Division legend, including Factory Records founder Tony Wilson and producer Martin Hannett. Told with surprising humor and vivid detail, Unknown Pleasures is the book Joy Division fans have awaited for decades.





Prologue: January 1978

Part One: “Insight”

Chapter 1: “Oh, fuck, it’s Steve Harley”

Timeline One: May 1948–April 1976

Part Two: “Disorder”

Chapter 2: “Normal band, normal night, few people watching, clap-clap, very good”

Chapter 3: “Is that a bass guitar?”

Chapter 4: “He was just a kid with ‘Hate’ on his coat”

Chapter 5: “He was one of us”

Chapter 6: “I can’t actually think of anything less ‘us’ than a wet-towel fight”

Chapter 7: “The twats were flicking the V’s up at us”

Chapter 8: “Apart from the odd pint pot in the gob it was a good gig”

Chapter 9: “Even the shit ones were pretty good”

Chapter 10: “I told him exactly where he could stick his vibrators”

Timeline Two: June 1976–December 1977

Photographic Insert 1

Part Three: “Transmission”

Chapter 11: “It was like The X Factor for punks”

Chapter 12: “We need to get rid of this Nazi artwork”

Chapter 13: “The biggest rain of spit I’ve ever seen in my life”

Timeline Three: January 1978–December 1978

Part Four: “Love Will Tear Us Apart”

Chapter 14: “Peter’s fell off his chair again”

Chapter 15: “Fuck, Martin’s got a boot full of stolen car radios”

Chapter 16: “It sounds like a fucking helicopter”

Chapter 17: “He was looking for that spark”

Chapter 18: “Not that I’d change anything”

Chapter 19: “Stop fucking moaning, Hooky”

Chapter 20: “I just went for a piss”

Chapter 21: “You shouldn’t trust a word I say”

Chapter 22: “Bring it on”

Chapter 23: “Turned out to be horse meat”

Chapter 24: “He’s possessed by the devil, that twat”

Chapter 25: Unknown Pleasures Track by Track

Photographic Insert 2

Timeline Four: January 1979–December 1979

Part Five: “Ceremony”

Chapter 26: “A right mother hen”

Chapter 27: “We carried on”

Chapter 28: “He thought we were pricks—and how right he was”

Chapter 29: “His mum got the blood out by washing it in a bath of saltwater”

Chapter 30: “We were so excited about going to America”

Chapter 31: “I never said good-bye”


Chapter 32: Closer Track by Track

Timeline Five: January 1980–October 1981



About the Author

Also by Peter Hook



About the Publisher

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