


Mathematica Data Analysis电子书

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作       者:Sergiy Suchok

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:18.9万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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Learn and explore the fundamentals of data analysis with power of Mathematica About This Book Use the power of Mathematica to analyze data in your applications Discover the capabilities of data classification and pattern recognition offered by Mathematica Use hundreds of algorithms for time series analysis to predict the future Who This Book Is For The book is for those who want to learn to use the power of Mathematica to analyze and process data. Perhaps you are already familiar with data analysis but have never used Mathematica, or you know Mathematica but you are new to data analysis. With the help of this book, you will be able to quickly catch up on the key points for a successful start. What You Will Learn Import data from different sources to Mathematica Link external libraries with programs written in Mathematica Classify data and partition them into clusters Recognize faces, objects, text, and barcodes Use Mathematica functions for time series analysis Use algorithms for statistical data processing Predict the result based on the observations In Detail There are many algorithms for data analysis and it’s not always possible to quickly choose the best one for each case. Implementation of the algorithms takes a lot of time. With the help of Mathematica, you can quickly get a result from the use of a particular method, because this system contains almost all the known algorithms for data analysis. If you are not a programmer but you need to analyze data, this book will show you the capabilities of Mathematica when just few strings of intelligible code help to solve huge tasks from statistical issues to pattern recognition. If you're a programmer, with the help of this book, you will learn how to use the library of algorithms implemented in Mathematica in your programs, as well as how to write algorithm testing procedure. With each chapter, you'll be more immersed in the special world of Mathematica. Along with intuitive queries for data processing, we will highlight the nuances and features of this system, allowing you to build effective analysis systems. With the help of this book, you will learn how to optimize the computations by combining your libraries with the Mathematica kernel. Style and approach This book takes a step-by-step approach, accompanied by examples, so you get a better understanding of the logic of writing algorithms for data analysis in Mathematica. We provide a detailed explanation of all the nuances of the Mathematica language, no matter what your level of experience is.

Mathematica Data Analysis

Table of Contents

Mathematica Data Analysis


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1. First Steps in Data Analysis

System installation

Setting up the system

The Mathematica front end and kernel

Main features for writing expressions


2. Broad Capabilities for Data Import

Permissible data format for import

Importing data in Mathematica

Additional cleaning functions and data conversion

Checkpoint 2.1 – time for some practice!!!

Importing strings

Importing data from Mathematica's notebooks

Controlling data completeness


3. Creating an Interface for an External Program

Wolfram Symbolic Transfer Protocol

Interface implementation with a program in С/С++

Calling Mathematica from C

Interacting with .NET programs

Interacting with Java

Interacting with R


4. Analyzing Data with the Help of Mathematica

Data clustering

Data classification

Image recognition

Recognizing faces

Recognizing text information

Recognizing barcodes


5. Discovering the Advanced Capabilities of Time Series

Time series in Mathematica

Mathematica's information depository

Process models of time series

The moving average model

The autoregressive process – AR

The autoregression model – moving average (ARMA)

The seasonal integrated autoregressive moving-average process – SARIMA

Choosing the best time series process model

Tests on stationarity, invertibility, and autocorrelation

Checking for stationarity

Invertibility check

Autocorrelation check


6. Statistical Hypothesis Testing in Two Clicks

Hypotheses about the mean

Hypotheses about the variance

Checking the degree of sample dependence

Hypotheses on true sample distribution


7. Predicting the Dataset Behavior

Classical predicting

Image processing

Probability automaton modelling


8. Rock-Paper-Scissors – Intelligent Processing of Datasets

Interface development in Mathematica

Markov chains

Creating a portable demonstration



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