


She Comes First电子书

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作       者:Kerner, Ian

出  版  社:HarperCollins e-books


字       数:24.8万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 励志自助/心灵



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As women everywhere will attest, when it comes to understanding female sexuality, most guys know more about what's under the hood of a car than under the hood of a clitoris. And while it seems that men have struggled valiantly since the dawn of time to find ways to reliably elicit the female orgasm, rare is the guy who has the modesty to ask: "What do I do?" Ironically, the answer has always been right there on the tip of his tongue. Welcome to the world of She Comes First, where the mystery of female satisfaction is solved and the tongue is proven mightier than the sword. According to Ian Kerner, clinical sexologist and evangelist of the female orgasm, oral sex has long been deemed an optional aspect of foreplay, but, in fact, it's coreplay -- simply the best way for leading a woman through the entire process of sexual response. Fun, informative, and easy to read, She Comes First is a virtual encyclopedia of female pleasure, detailing dozens of tried-and-true techniques for consistently satisfying a woman and illustrated step-by-step instructions to ensure success. These simple methods represent a new era in sexual intimacy, one in which the exchange of pleasure occurs on a level playing field and fulfillment is mutual. She Comes First exuberantly offers a fresh new sexual philosophy that inspires every man to make a mantra of Rhett Butler's infamous line to Scarlett O'Hara, "You should be kissed, and often, and by someone who knows how."




Introduction: Confessions of a Premature Ejaculator

Part One: The Elements of Sexual Style

1: She Comes First: The Courtesy That Counts

2: Her Clitoris: The Little Engine That Could

3: Think Outside Her Box

4: The Female Orgasm: Keep it Simple

5: The Tongue Is Mightier Than the Sword

6: Her Inner Goddess

7: Avoid Freud

8: What’s in a Name?

9: Now You See It: Female Sexual Anatomy Part 1

10: Now You Don’t: Female Sexual Anatomy Part 2

11: Avoid “G-Spotty” Logic

12: When Raindrops Keep Falling on Your Head: Female Ejaculation

13: How Wet Is Wet?

14: Aristotle and the Poetics of Arousal

15: A Synopsis of Female Sexual Response

16: Scent and Sensibility

17: We’ve Come a Long Way…

18: …But Proceed with Caution

19: Eat Right

20: The Cunnilinguist Manifesto

Part Two: Rules of Usage

21: A Note on the Play Process

22: Foreplay: A Lexicon of Relevant Terms

23: Introducing Coreplay

24: Form Follows Function: Getting into Position

25: A Quick Refresher of the Top Ten Hot Spots in the Clitoral Network

26: Grand Openings: The First Kiss

27: Establishing Rhythm

28: Developing Tension, Part 1

29: “Time Flies”

30: Developing Tension, Part 2

31: Escalating the Action, Part 1

32: Two’s Company

33: An Interlude

34: Escalating the Action, Part 2

35: A Stitch in Time

36: Preorgasm, Part 1

37: Preorgasm, Part 2

38: Posterior Pizzazz

39: Preorgasm, Part 3

40: A Note for Those Stuck Without an Ending

41: The Female Orgasm: Expanding Your Vocabulary

42: Moreplay: She Comes Again (and Again)

43: Seamless Transitions

44: Achieving Simultaneity

45: Don’t Forget Your Epilogue

Part Three: Putting It All Together

46: The Substance of Style

47: Routines: A Cheat Sheet

48: Routines: Beginner to Advanced



Routine Template



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