


Seven Wonders Book 2: Lost in Babylon电子书

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作       者:Lerangis, Peter

出  版  社:HarperCollins


字       数:33.0万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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Percy Jackson meets Indiana Jones in the New York Times bestselling epic adventure Seven Wonders! Lost in Babylon is the second book in a seven-book series by master storyteller Peter Lerangis. This sequel to the bestselling The Colossus Rises chronicles Jack McKinley and his friends as they carry on their mission to save their lives—and the world—by locating seven magic orbs called Loculi, which are hidden in the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. After defeating the Colossus of Rhodes and capturing the first of the Loculi, their friend Marco has disappeared. With no leads, no clues, and no one else to turn to, the kids have no choice but to trust Professor Bhegad and the Karai Institute again as they head off to Babylon.Rick Riordan, author of the Percy Jackson series, praised Seven Wonders Book 1: The Colossus Rises as "a high-octane mix of modern adventure and ancient secrets. Young readers will love this story. I can't wait to see what's next in the Seven Wonders series!"




Chapter One - Death. Toast.

Chapter Two - “The Mistake”

Chapter Three - Incident in Ohio

Chapter Four - Egarim

Chapter Five - Together, We Fell into Darkness

Chapter Six - Peaceful

Chapter Seven - Fresh and Dewy

Chapter Eight - It’s Aliii-ive!

Chapter Nine - A Question of Time

Chapter Ten - Arabic or Aramaic?

Chapter Eleven - Matter and Antimatter

Chapter Twelve - Deep Doodoo

Chapter Thirteen - Pure Awesome

Chapter Fourteen - Later, Gladiator

Chapter Fifteen - Calculations

Chapter Sixteen - The Dream

Chapter Seventeen - The Test

Chapter Eighteen - The Darkness

Chapter Nineteen - Cooperation

Chapter Twenty - A Tangle of Fangs

Chapter Twenty-One - Heroes

Chapter Twenty-Two - If Only . . .

Chapter Twenty-Three - To the Garden

Chapter Twenty-Four - The Torch and the Vizzeet

Chapter Twenty-Five - Lambda

Chapter Twenty-Six - The Number Seven

Chapter Twenty-Seven - Echoes of Nothing

Chapter Twenty-Eight - Invisible Bars

Chapter Twenty-Nine - Kranag

Chapter Thirty - Traps!

Chapter Thirty-One - Now you See It

Chapter Thirty-Two - A Whip of Blackness

Chapter Thirty-Three - In the Shadows

Chapter Thirty-Four - Again

Chapter Thirty-Five - Lazarus Rises

Chapter Thirty-Six - Pineapple and Grasshopper

Chapter Thirty-Seven - The lethargic Lizard

Chapter Thirty-Eight - Back in Babylon

Chapter Thirty-Nine - His Jackness

Chapter Forty - Missiles of Spit

Chapter Forty-One - Falling Back

Chapter Forty-Two - The Mark

Chapter Forty-Three - The Betrayal

Chapter Forty-Four - You Have to Leave

Chapter Forty-Five - An Explanation of Sorts

Chapter Forty-Six - Headquarters

Chapter Forty-Seven - Resurrection

Chapter Forty-Eight - Fragments

Chapter Forty-Nine - The Beast-Tamer

Chapter Fifty - A Killing Company

Chapter Fifty-One - The Phone

Chapter Fifty-Two - Hack Attack

Chapter Fifty-Three - The Exit at the End of the Hall

Chapter Fifty-Four - Deafening Silence

Chapter Fifty-Five - Push Harder

Chapter Fifty-Six - Mustaches Everywhere

Chapter Fifty-Seven - The Chilling

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