


The Petite Advantage Diet电子书

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作       者:Karas, Jim

出  版  社:HarperOne


字       数:26.1万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 励志自助/心灵



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They make clothes for “Petites” so why not a specialized diet planYou’re smaller, you’re more delicate, you’re 5'4" or under, yet you’re expected to follow a diet plan for the taller girls. What’s wrong with that?“A lot,” says Jim Karas, author of the number one New York Times bestseller The Business Plan for the Body. For over twenty years, Karas has helped the Petites. He makes them longer (without the rack). He makes them leaner (without starving) and he makes them feel more confident and sexier than they have ever felt before. WhyBecause he knows how to get results specifically for you . . . a “Petite”. . . and get them fast. “I understand you,” says Karas. “I know you are watching your taller friends and colleagues eat more than you do but stay slim.” Fact: you do have to eat less, because a Petite needs only about 1,600 calories a day (compared to 2,500 calories for a taller woman) and is therefore naturally more prone to gain weight. But you are looking at the glass only as half empty. Thee glass, according to Karas, is really half full. Being a Petite has huge advantages such as:You can work out more effectively than a taller woman because your muscle-to-height ratio is greater; translation—better opportunity to boost your metabolismYour center of gravity is lower, and therefore you are less likely to injure yourself when you’re working out, andYou can create that sexy hour-glass figure that taller women can’t achieve. Think Penelope Cruz (5’4”) and Dolly Parton (5’0”). Both are gorgeous members of “The Petites,” whose bodies rock.Karas has worked with women of all heights and sizes for more than twenty years, and has perfected strategies that bring effective and lasting fat loss for Petites. Based on solid, recent research, coupled with his passion for creating concrete solutions, Karas has crafted a program specially designed to help you create a longer, leaner, sexier body. Petites, you’re gonna love it!


Title Page




1 Selfish Is Good!

2 Metabolism: Your “Weapon of Mass Reduction”

3 The Math: Small Changes = Pounds Dropping Off for Good

4 The Eating Game: They Make Clothes for Petites–Why Not Food?

5 The Eating Plan

6 Eating Out: Take Control of the Monster

7 Liquid Calories: Public Enemy #1

8 Exercise: A Petite’s BFF

9 Partnering Up: There Is Strength in Numbers

10 The Bag of Tricks: Why Sleeping, Stress Relief, and Mind-Set Are So Important to Petites

Conclusion: It’s Your Choice


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