


Taking Aim电子书

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作       者:Cart, Michael

出  版  社:HarperTeen


字       数:29.4万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 文学/自传/回忆录



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Powerful, riveting, and real. Sixteen celebrated authors bring us raw, insightful stories that explore guns and teens in a fiction collection that is thought provoking and emotionally gripping. For fans of Forgive Me, Leonard Peacock and Give a Boy a Gun, and with an array of YA talent like the late great Walter Dean Myers, the poetic Joyce Carol Oates, the prophetic Elizabeth Wein, and the gritty Chris Crutcher, these are evocative voices that each has a different perspective to give. Capturing the hurt and the healing, victims and perpetrators, these stories get to the heart of the matter.From a boy whose low self-esteem is impacted when a gun comes into his possession to a student recalling a senseless tragedy that befell a favorite teacher, from a realistic look at hunting to a provocative look at a family that defies stereotypes, each emotional story stirs the debate to new levels. The juxtaposition of guns and their consequences offers moving tales, each a reminder of how crucial the question of guns in our society is, and the impact they have on all of us.Other acclaimed contributors are Marc Aronson, Edward Averett, Francesca Lia Block, Alex Flinn, Gregory Galloway, Jenny Hubbard, Peter Johnson, Ron Koertge, Chris Lynch, Eric Shanower, Will Weaver, and Tim Wynne-Jones.



Introduction by Michael Cart

Prologue: A Culture of Guns . . . with Comments from Sons by Marc Aronson, Will Weaver, Chris Crutcher

Roach by Walter Dean Myers

Embraced by Raven Arms by Tim Wynne-Jones

Shoot by Gregory Galloway

The Bodyguard: A Fable by Ron Koertge

Fight or Flight by Alex Flinn

Certified Deactivated by Chris Lynch

Love Packs Heat by Eric Shanower

The Dragon by Francesca Lia Block

The Babysitters by Jenny Hubbard

The Battle of Elphinloan by Elizabeth Wein

Dark Hobby by Edward Averett

The Gunslinger by Peter Johnson

Heartbreak by Joyce Carol Oates

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Books by Michael Cart



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