


The Elementia Chronicles #2: The New Order电子书

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作       者:Wolfe, Sean Fay

出  版  社:HarperCollins


字       数:51.6万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 文学/自传/回忆录



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An unofficial Minecraft-fan adventure series inspired by the bestselling game!Fans of the bestselling video game Minecraft, middle grade readers, and action-adventure story enthusiasts of all ages experience an exciting journey that will take them far beyond the world they know.President Stan has led his people through an epic battle and brought peace to the Republic of Elementia. But dissent is rippling through the countryside. King Kev's loyal followers are still at large, and a new organization, the Noctem Alliance, is poised to strike terror throughout the land. With new threats on the horizon and citizens of the Republic dividing between two loyalties, Stan must decide the best way forward for his people and stop the Noctem Alliance before it destroys them all.Written when he was seventeen years old, Sean Fay Wolfe's The Elementia Chronicles Book Two: The New Order is the second novel in The Elementia Chronicles trilogy.Disclaimer: This book is not authorized, sponsored, endorsed, or licensed by Mojang AB, Microsoft Corp., or any other person or entity owning or controlling any rights to the Minecraft name, trademarks, or copyrights. Minecraft is a registered trademark of Mojang Synergies AB.





Part I: The Noctem Alliance

Chapter 1: The Second Election

Chapter 2: The Voice in the Night

Chapter 3: The Spleef Quarterfinals

Chapter 4: Viva La Noctem

Chapter 5: The Tennis Machine

Chapter 6: Elementia Day

Part II: The Devils Within the Walls

Chapter 7: The Coup

Chapter 8: Tensions

Chapter 9: The Battle of the Base

Chapter 10: The Villager’s Visit

Chapter 11: Home Again

Chapter 12: Clash of the Saviors

Chapter 13: The Nation of the Noctem Alliance

Chapter 14: The Spleef Semifinals

Chapter 15: The Labyrinth

Chapter 16: The Leak

Chapter 17: The Prisoner of Brimstone

Chapter 18: The Warnings

Chapter 19: The Spleef World Finals

Part III: Nightfall

Chapter 20: An Emergency Meeting

Chapter 21: Return to the Village

Chapter 22: The Decisions

Chapter 23: The Battle of the Archipelago

Chapter 24: The Elementia Sea Base

Chapter 25: The Two Tribes

Chapter 26: The Greater Mushroom Island

Chapter 27: The Traitors

Chapter 28: Atop Mount Fungarus

Chapter 29: The Hostages

Chapter 30: Lord Tenebris

Excerpt from The Elementia Chronicles #3: Herobrine’s Message

Author’s Note


About the Author



About the Publisher

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