


Luck Uglies #2: Fork-Tongue Charmers电子书

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作       者:Durham, Paul

出  版  社:HarperCollins


字       数:37.1万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 文学/自传/回忆录



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The Luck Uglies face their greatest enemies in this thrilling sequel to the critically acclaimed first book in the series, hailed by Kirkus in a starred review as “a sparkling must-read”! The Luck Uglies is a perfect match for fans of Chris Colfer's Land of Stories books and Joseph Delaney's Last Apprentice series. This second installment ratchets up the humor, charm, and adventure, taking the series to brand-new heights!Rye O’Chanter was shocked to discover that her father was the leader of the notorious band of outlaws known as the Luck Uglies. Now she too has been declared a criminal in her own village, and she must flee to the strange and remote Isle of Pest while her father faces off against the Luck Uglies’ bitter rivals, the Fork-Tongue-Charmers, on the mainland.But all bets are off when the battle moves to the shores of Pest. To defeat the Fork-Tongue Charmers, Rye must defy a deranged earl, survive a test meant to judge the grit of the fiercest men, and lead the charge in defending the island against a strangely familiar enemy, which means uncovering some long-buried family secrets….The first Luck Uglies book was named an ALA Notable Children’s Book as well as a New York Public Library Title for Reading and Sharing, and it won the Cybil Award for Middle Grade Speculative Fiction.




A Song about Bargains . . .

Chapter 1: Only Trouble Knocks after Dark

Chapter 2: The Mud Sleigh

Chapter 3: Grabstone

Chapter 4: Messages Undelivered

Chapter 5: The Sniggler

Chapter 6: A Village Drowning

Chapter 7: Scales and Swine

Chapter 8: Where Nobody Knows Your Name

Chapter 9: Thorn Quill’s

Chapter 10: Spidercreep

Chapter 11: Friends in Low Places

Chapter 12: In Shambles

Chapter 13: A Losing Hand

Chapter 14: The Slumgullion

Chapter 15: The Salt

Chapter 16: The Pull

Chapter 17: Belongers

Chapter 18: The Curse of Black Annis

Chapter 19: The Stone on the Sill

Chapter 20: The Wailing Cave

Chapter 21: Ties That Bind

Chapter 22: The Shoemaker

Chapter 23: Kiss of the Shellycoats

Chapter 24: The Uninvited

Chapter 25: What the Wind Brings, the Tide Takes Away

Chapter 26: Under the Crimson Hat

Chapter 27: Grit

Chapter 28: The Bellwether

Chapter 29: Treasures

Chapter 30: A Fork-Tongue Charmer

Chapter 31: Revenge of Slinister Varlet

Chapter 32: The Toll

Epilogue: Beyond the Shale

A Seafarer’s Guide to Mumbley-Speak and Other High Isle Chatter

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