


3D Printing Designs: Octopus Pencil Holder电子书

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1人正在读 | 0人评论 9.8

作       者:Joe Larson

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:17.0万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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Learn to design and 3D print organic and functional designs using BlenderAbout This BookLearn how to make complex shapes by editing basic onesMake printable objects from multiple shapes and partsLearn how to design from scratch, without a reference to physical objectsWho This Book Is ForYou should have basic knowledge of Blender and 3D printing and be interested in printing your first object.What You Will LearnGet to know the guiding principles required to create 3D printer-friendly modelsUnderstand material characteristics, printing specifications, tolerances, and design tipsMaster the art of modifying basic shapes with Blender's powerful editing tools: extrude, loop cuts, and other transformationsLearn techniques of editing complex meshes, smoothing, combining shapes, and exporting them into STL files for printingIn DetailThis book will cover the very basic but essential techniques you need to model an organic and functional object for 3D printing using Blender.Starting with pen and paper and then moving on to the computer, you will create your first project in Blender, add basic geometric shapes, and use techniques such as extruding and subdividing to transform these shapes into complex meshes. You will learn how modifiers can automatically refine the shape further and combine multiple shapes into a single 3D printable model.By the end of the book, you will have gained enough practical hands-on experience to be able to create a 3D printable object of your choice, which in this case is a 3D print-ready octopus pencil holder.Style and approachThis is a starter project designed to introduce you to your first real-world 3D printing designs, where you'll learn how to handle the fundamental principles of 3D printing design and have your hands on your reward in no time.

3D Printing Designs: Octopus Pencil Holder

Table of Contents

3D Printing Designs: Octopus Pencil Holder


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1. Octopus Pencil Holder

Planning the project

The basic shape

Editing the basic shape

Smoothing the mesh with modifiers

Bending the tentacles

Flattening the bottom

Renaming objects

Adding a pencil cup

Adding a face

Finishing touches


2. Prologue

3D printing basics

What is 3D printing?

The right software

Downloading and installing Blender

Setting up Blender

Scrolling the mouse wheel and number pad

Laptops with a touchpad but no number pad

What to design for?

Overhangs and supports

Supportless 3D printing

Y – gentle overhangs

H – bridging

T – orientation

Wall thickness



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