


Culture in Chaos电子书

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作       者:Stephen C. Lubkemann

出  版  社:University of Chicago Press


字       数:77.7万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 文学/自传/回忆录



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Fought in the wake of a decade of armed struggle against colonialism, the Mozambican civil war lasted from 1977 to 1992, claiming hundreds of thousands of lives while displacing millions more. As conflicts across the globe span decades and generations, Stephen C. Lubkemann suggests that we need a fresh perspective on war when it becomes the context for normal life rather than an exceptional event that disrupts it. Culture in Chaos calls for a new point of departure in the ethnography of war that investigates how the inhabitants of war zones live under trying new conditions and how culture and social relations are transformed as a result.Lubkemann focuses on how Ndau social networks were fragmented by wartime displacement and the profound effect this had on gender relations. Demonstrating how wartime migration and post-conflict return were shaped by social struggles and interests that had little to do with the larger political reasons for the war, Lubkemann contests the assumption that wartime migration is always involuntary. His critical reexamination of displacement and his engagement with broader theories of agency and social change will be of interest to anthropologists, political scientists, historians, and demographers, and to anyone who works in a war zone or with refugees and migrants.


Notes on the Text

INTRODUCTION The “Ordering of Violent Things”

SECTION 1 Migration and Social Transformation before the War

CHAPTER 1 Contending with Colonialism

CHAPTER 2 Other Struggles

SECTION II The Social Conditioning of War

CHAPTER 3 Imposing the New Mozambique

CHAPTER 4 Society and the State

CHAPTER 5 Prosecuting Life by Other Means

SECTION III The Social Condition in War

CHAPTER 6 Terrains of Displacement

CHAPTER 7 Tambem Aqui Fazemos Amor

SECTION IV War as a Socially Transformative Condition

CHAPTER 8 Postconflict Displacements

CHAPTER 9 Transnational Contentions

CHAPTER 10 Where to Be an Ancestor?


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