


Economy of Glory电子书

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作       者:Morrissey, Robert

出  版  社:University of Chicago Press


字       数:56.3万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 文学/自传/回忆录



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From the outset of Napoleon's career, the charismatic Corsican was compared to mythic heroes of antiquity like Achilles, and even today he remains the apotheosis of French glory, a value deeply embedded in the country's history. From this angle, the Napoleonic era can be viewed as the final chapter in the battle of the Ancients and Moderns. In this book, Robert Morrissey presents a literary and cultural history of glory and its development in France and explores the "e;economy of glory"e; Napoleon sought to implement in an attempt to heal the divide between the Old Regime and the Revolution. ?Examining how Napoleon saw glory as a means of escaping the impasse of Revolutionary ideas of radical egalitarianism, Morrissey illustrates the challenge the leader faced in reconciling the antagonistic values of virtue and self-interest, heroism and equality. He reveals that the economy of glory was both egalitarian, creating the possibility of an aristocracy based on merit rather than wealth, and traditional, being deeply embedded in the history of aristocratic chivalry and the monarchy-making it the heart of Napoleon's politics of fusion. Going beyond Napoleon, Morrissey considers how figures of French romanticism such as Chateaubriand, Balzac, and Hugo constantly reevaluated this legacy of glory and its consequences for modernity. Available for the first time in English, The Economy of Glory is a sophisticated and beautifully written addition to French history.



Title Page


Acknowledgments (2010)

Translator’s Note

Introduction. At the Confluence of Reality and Myth

Beyond the Uniqueness of the Individual

Reconciling the Ancients and the Moderns

1. From Pagan Antiquity to Christian Thought

Between Dependence and Autonomy: From Homer’s Achilles to Aristotle’s Magnanimous Man

Between Cupiditas Gloriae and Republican Glory: Cicero and the Disconnect of Glory

The Courage of the Warrior and of the Christian: Saint Ambrose

The Romans on the Verge of Human Greatness: Saint Augustine

Between Glory and Vainglory: Saint Thomas Aquinas

2. Kings, Warriors, Poets: On the Cusp of Modernity

From Charlemagne to Saint Louis

Heroic Peoples: From the French to Cannibals

The Return of the Magnanimous

From the Brilliance of the Sun King to “Enlightened Self-Interest”: A World without Glory

From Amour-propre to Pure Love and Disinterestedness

3. Motivation and Leadership in the Enlightenment

Distinction and Emulation

The Power of Imagination and the Secular Marvelous

To Conquer and Enlighten

A “Mirror for Princes” for Modernity

The Measure of a Man

4. An Economy of Glory

Ancients and Moderns: The Final Battle

The Marengo Moment

Turenne at the Temple de Mars

The Fête de la République of Year IX

Constructing the Self as a Self-Regulating Model

5. New Sensibility, New Knowledge, New Institutions

Madame de Staël and Girodet

Honor Rediscovered and Institutionalized

Moral Enrichment, Continual Growth

6. Toward a Poetics of Fusion: The Mémorial de Sainte-Hélène

A Successful Publication

The Amalgamated Voice of Las Cases / Napoleon

A Struggle to the Death for Recognition

Heroism in the Everyday

Conclusion. Napoleon Effects in Literature

A Modern Heroic Death

Imagining an Incontestable Legitimation

The Ebbing of Glory

The Polyphony of Passeurs


General Index

Index of Cited Authors

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