


Imagining Deliberative Democracy in the Early American Republic电子书

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作       者:Gustafson, Sandra M.

出  版  社:University of Chicago Press


字       数:66.6万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 文学/自传/回忆录



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Deliberation, in recent years, has emerged as a form of civic engagement worth reclaiming. In this persuasive book, Sandra M. Gustafson combines historical literary analysis and political theory in order to demonstrate that current democratic practices of deliberation are rooted in the civic rhetoric that flourished in the early American republic.Though the U.S. Constitution made deliberation central to republican self-governance, the ethical emphasis on group deliberation often conflicted with the rhetorical focus on persuasive speech. From Alexis de Tocqueville's ideas about the deliberative basis of American democracy through the works of Walt Whitman, John Dewey, John F. Kennedy, and Martin Luther King Jr., Gustafson shows how writers and speakers have made the aesthetic and political possibilities of deliberation central to their autobiographies, manifestos, novels, and orations. Examining seven key writers from the early American republic-including James Fenimore Cooper, David Crockett, and Daniel Webster-whose works of deliberative imagination explored the intersections of style and democratic substance, Gustafson offers a mode of historical and textual analysis that displays the wide range of resources imaginative language can contribute to political life.



Title Page





1. Deliberation: A Very Brief History

I. The Idea of Deliberation

II. Deliberation and Democracy in the Early American Republic

III. Whitman, Dewey, and the Place of the Arts

IV. Theories of Republicanism and Deliberative Democracy

2. Modern Republicanism in the Atlantic World

I. The Eloquence of Modern Republicanism

II. The View from Bunker Hill

III. Writing the Modern Republic

3. Models of Ancient Eloquence

I. Res Publica Rediviva

II. Eloquent Shakespeare

III. Arguing with the Bible

4. The Politics and Aesthetics of Deliberation

I. The Rise of Literary Oratory

II. Daniel Webster’s Genuine Word

III. The Frontier Humor of David Crockett

5. Prophesying the Multiracial Republic

I. Democracy and the “Three Races”

II. Beyond the White Christian Republic

III. Reasoning with David Walker

IV. Listening to the Wisdom of Babes

V. Toward Multiracial Deliberations

6. Deliberative Fictions

I. Failures of Deliberation

II. Cooper’s Trials

7. How to Read Deliberatively

I. Democratic Hermeneutics

II. The Great American Deliberative Novel

III. Protest at Mashpee

IV. Property Matters

Conclusion: Deliberative Democracy Past and Future



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