


Trade and Romance电子书

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作       者:Murrin, Michael

出  版  社:University of Chicago Press


字       数:67.5万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 文学/自传/回忆录



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In Trade and Romance, Michael Murrin examines the complex relations between the expansion of trade in Asia and the production of heroic romance in Europe from the second half of the thirteenth century through the late seventeenth century. He shows how these tales of romance, ostensibly meant for the aristocracy, were important to the growing mercantile class as a way to gauge their own experiences in traveling to and trading in these exotic locales. Murrin also looks at the role that growing knowledge of geography played in the writing of the creative literature of the period, tracking how accurate, or inaccurate, these writers were in depicting far-flung destinations, from Iran and the Caspian Sea all the way to the Pacific.?With reference to an impressive range of major works in several languages-including the works of Marco Polo, Geoffrey Chaucer, Matteo Maria Boiardo, Lus de Cames, Ferno Mendes Pinto, Edmund Spenser, John Milton, and more-Murrin tracks numerous accounts by traders and merchants through the literature, first on the Silk Road, beginning in the mid-thirteenth century; then on the water route to India, Japan, and China via the Cape of Good Hope; and, finally, the overland route through Siberia to Beijing. All of these routes, originally used to exchange commodities, quickly became paths to knowledge as well, enabling information to pass, if sometimes vaguely and intermittently, between Europe and the Far East. These new tales of distant shores fired the imagination of Europe and made their way, with surprising accuracy, as Murrin shows, into the poetry of the period.



Title Page


List of Abbreviations


Introduction: Asian Trade and Heroic Narrative from Marco Polo to Milton

Part 1. The Mongols

1. Marco Polo and the Marvelous Real

2. A Paradise for Killers: Marco Polo and the Garden of the Assassins

3. The Squire’s Tale: Romance as Mask

4. Morgana and Manodante: Boiardo and the Aristocratic Response to Mercantilism

Part 2. The Portuguese

5. Huon at the Castle of Adamant

6. First Encounter: The Christian-Hindu Confusion When the Portuguese Reached India

7. Camões and the Discovery of India: The Negative Side

8. Surviving Enchantment: Vasco da Gama’s First Voyage in Os Lusíadas—The Interplay between Experience and Classical Models

Part 3. The English

9. Spenser, Marlowe, and the English Search for Asian Silk

10. The Audience of The Faerie Queene

11. Waning of a Dream: A Brief History of Moscovia and Paradise Lost

12. A Wood in the Desert

Appendix 1: The Devaluation of the Squire and His Tale

Appendix 2: Henry’s Search for Spices

Appendix 3: Vergil in Camões




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