


Little Magazine in Contemporary America电子书

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作       者:Ian Morris and Joanne Diaz

出  版  社:University of Chicago Press


字       数:50.0万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 文学/自传/回忆录



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Little magazines have often showcased the best new writing in America. Historically, these idiosyncratic, small-circulation outlets have served the dual functions of representing the avant-garde of literary expression while also helping many emerging writers become established authors. Although changing technology and the increasingly harsh financial realities of publishing over the past three decades would seem to have pushed little magazines to the brink of extinction, their story is far more complicated.In this collection, Ian Morris and Joanne Diaz gather the reflections of twenty-three prominent editors whose little magazines have flourished over the past thirty-five years. Highlighting the creativity and innovation driving this diverse and still vital medium, contributors offer insights into how their publications sometimes succeeded, sometimes reluctantly folded, but mostly how they evolved and persevered. Other topics discussed include the role of little magazines in promoting the work and concerns of minority and women writers, the place of universities in supporting and shaping little magazines, and the online and offline future of these publications.Selected contributorsBetsy Sussler, BOMB; Lee Gutkind, Creative Nonfiction; Bruce Andrews, L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E; Dave Eggers, McSweeney's; Keith Gessen, n+1; Don Share, Poetry; Jane Friedman, VQR; Amy Hoffman, Women's Review of Books; and more.?


Title Page

Copyright Page



Introduction: A Decade or So of Little Magazines: One Reader’s Perspective

Part 1: The Editor as Visionary

This History of BOMB

The Life of Ontario Review (1974–2008)

The Word Sacred Is Not Misplaced

On n+1

Part 2: Politics, Culture, and the Little Magazine

Callaloo: A Journal of Necessity

Critical Thinking from Women

The Bitch Interview

The World Doesn’t Stop for Derek Walcott, or: An Exchange between Coeditors

Part 3: Innovation and Experimentation: The Literary Avant-Garde

Exquisite Corpse


Publishing Is Personal

This Being 2015

Part 4: The University Magazine

War of the Words: Fighting for a Journal and a Genre

Decent Company between the Covers

Alaska Quarterly Review and the Literary Tonic

Making a Living and a Life in Little Magazines

Part 5: Today’s Magazines and the Future

About At Length

Summoning the Bard: The Twenty-First-Century Literary Magazine on the Web

The Future of the Gatekeepers

Poetry Magazine: On Making It New




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