


Hidden in Plain Sight电子书

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作       者:Chipchase, Jan

出  版  社:HarperBusiness


字       数:31.8万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 经管/金融



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A global-innovation expert offers a new perspective on how consumers think and how to develop products and services that affect their everyday lives.Who are your next customers not just the ones you are serving today but the ones you'll need three, five, or ten years from nowHow do you figure out what goods and services will attract them in the future before your competitors do?According to Jan Chipchase whom Fast Company has called the James Bond of design research and Fortune has called the Indiana Jones of technology for the developing world most of the clues are right in front of us. The key is learning to see the ordinary in a revolutionary new way. As the executive creative director of Global Insights at frog, an award-winning global design and innovation company, Chipchase draws on everyday objects and patterns to show us how to see the world differently, from making a phone call to filling up a gas tank to ascertaining whether it's actually half-and-half you're pouring into your coffee. Chipchase is always looking for opportunities gaps, anomalies, and contradictions that will give his clients, some of the world's largest and most successful companies, a distinct competitive advantage, whether they're delivering the most low-tech bar of soap or the most high-tech wireless network.In Hidden in Plain Sight, Chipchase takes readers on his journeys around the globe and shares his methods for identifying the unmet needs of customers. No matter where he stops whether Cleveland or Kabul his goals are the same: to spot and decode the routines of daily life and to help readers use the very same tools that he and his team use to see, and capitalize upon, what is hidden in plain sight today to create businesses tomorrow.



Chapter 1: Crossing State (of Mind) Lines

Chapter 2: The Social Lives of Everyday Objects

Chapter 3: Riding the Waves of the Past, Present, and Future

Chapter 4: You Are What You Carry

Chapter 5: Calibrating Your Cultural Compass

Chapter 6: A Matter of Trust

Chapter 7: Finding the Essence

Chapter 8: The Great Tradeoff


Appendix: The Eight Principles of Design Research


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