


Primed to Perform电子书

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作       者:Doshi, Neel

出  版  社:HarperBusiness


字       数:50.9万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 经管/金融



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Why do some workplace cultures inspire energy and innovation, while others fuel anxiety, boredom, or cynicismUntil now, such legendary cultures have seemed like magic beyond our control. However, behind every culture is a surprisingly elegant science. Primed to Perform proves that the highest-performing cultures are built on a simple truth: why people work affects how well they work. Great organizations inspire the three most powerful motives for work play, purpose, and potential and eliminate the three most destructive emotional pressure, economic pressure, and inertia. They create total motivation (or ToMo, for short). Total motivation cultures create the highest-performing employees and the most adaptive organizations.Authors Neel Doshi and Lindsay McGregor show that extraordinary performance at companies like Southwest Airlines, Starbucks, Apple, and Whole Foods comes from cultures that inspire total motivation. They describe how investment professionals, salespeople, teachers, and CEOs perform better when driven by total motivation. And, most important, they share how you can build a culture that inspires total motivation in every moment of every day.Primed to Perform builds on over a century of academic thinking as well as the authors' original research into how ToMo drives performance at iconic companies. It introduces the authors' highly predictive new measurement tool, the total motivation factor, which allows leaders to measure the strength of their culture and understand how it changes over time. It gives leaders the tools to transform their own workplaces.High-performing cultures can't be left to chance; organizations must create systems that shape and maintain them. Whether you're a five-person team or a start-up, an elementary school or a university, a nonprofit or a mega-institution, Primed to Perform shows you how.



Introduction: Primed to Perform: The Science of High-Performing Cultures Demystified

Part I: What Is Total Motivation? High-Performing Cultures Begin with a Surprisingly Simple Building Block: Your People’s “Why”

1 The Motive Spectrum: The Six Reasons We Work

2 The Total Motivation Factor: Introducing the Ultimate Culture-Building Tool

Part II: How Does Total Motivation Drive Performance? Total Motivation Is the Missing Link Between Culture and Organizational Performance

3 Rethinking Performance: To Understand How Total Motivation Drives Performance, You Need to Look at Performance Through a New Lens

4 The Yin and Yang of Performance: The Balanced Culture, Fueled by Total Motivation, Is the Ultimate Competitive Advantage

Part III: Why Are There So Few Great Cultures? Our Biases and Reflexes Get in the Way

5 The Blame Bias: Our Bias to Blame Causes Us to Lead Through the Indirect Motives

6 Frozen or Fluid: When We Most Need Fluid Organizations, We Freeze Them Instead

Part IV: How Can You Build High-ToMo Cultures? Even Bad Cultures Can Be Transformed When You Know the Science and Have the Right Tools

7 The Torch of Performance: The Total Motivation Factor: By Measuring the Magic, You Can Make the Magic

8 The Fire Starters: The Secrets of High-Performing Leadership Have Been Unlocked

9 Identity: Your People’s “Why” Depends on Your Organization’s “Why”

10 The Playground: The Most Overlooked Key to Culture Is Also the Most Powerful

11 The Land of a Thousand Ladders: Your People Can Either Fight Each Other to Survive or Fight Their Competitors to Win; Your Culture Drives the Choice

12 Compensationism: The Most Misunderstood Key to Culture

13 The Hunting Party: At First You Shape Your Organizations; Thereafter, They Shape You

14 The Fire Watchers: Every Flame Needs Fanning

15 Performance Calibration: Don’t Change the Player, Change the Game

16 Igniting a Movement: Creating ToMo Through ToMo

Appendix: The Scientist’s Toothbrush: Primed to Perform Builds on the Insights, Courage, and Hard Work of Brilliant Thinkers




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