


Awakening the Heroes Within电子书

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作       者:Pearson, Carol S.

出  版  社:HarperElixir


字       数:66.4万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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"The heroic quest is about saying 'yes' to yourself and in so doing, becoming more fully alive and more effective in the world. . . . The quest is replete with dangers and pitfalls, but it offers great rewards: the capacity to be successful in the world, knowledge of the mysteries of the human soul, and the opportunity to find and express your unique gifts in the world."In this bold and original work, Carol S. Pearson shows that the heroic quest isn't just for certain people under special circumstances. Exploring the many heroic paths available to each of us, at every point in our lives, her innovative program enables us to live heroically by activating and applying twelve archetypes in our lives.This companion to the bestselling The Hero Within outlines twelve archetypal patterns that can aid inner development and the quest for wholeness.These archetypes are inner guides that can help us prepare for the journey, by learning how to become successful members of society; embark upon the quest, by becoming initiated into the mysteries of the human soul; and return to transform our lives as a result of claiming our uniqueness and personal power. Writing for individuals seeking to realize their full potential and professionals engaged in empowering others, Pearson shows how journeys differ by the age, gender, and cultural background of the seeker, and how archetypes help awaken the capacities of our psyches. A unique diagnostic test, the Heroic Myth Index, and exercise are included to help us understand and awaken our inner guides.





How to Use This Book

Part I: The Dance of Ego, Self, and Soul

1. The Stages of the Journey

2. The Ego: Protecting the Inner Child

3. The Soul: Entering the Mysteries

4. The Self: Expressing Ourselves in the World

5. Beyond Heroism: The Dance

Part II: Preparation for the Journey

6. The Innocent

7. The Orphan

8. The Warrior

9. The Caregiver

Part III: The Journey-Becoming Real

10. The Seeker

11. The Destroyer

12. The Lover

13. The Creator

Part IV: The Return-Becoming Free

14. The Ruler

15. The Magician

16. The Sage

17. The Fool

Part V: Honoring Diversity-Transforming Your World

18. From Duality to Wholeness-A Life Stage Model

19. Gender and Human Development over the Life Span

20. Gender, Diversity, and the Transformation of Culture

21. Claiming Your Life Myth

Appendix: The Heroic Myth Index (Form E)


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