


Often Wrong, Never in Doubt电子书

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作       者:Deutsch, Donny

出  版  社:HarperCollins e-books


字       数:34.3万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 经管/金融



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It's not a question. It is a philosophy to live by. It's Donny Deutsch's motto. And it is the secret possessed by every person with the right stuff the one-in-a-hundred who gets to the top of their team, their company, their business, their industry.If there is an assignment or a promotion up for grabs, a client or account looking for new answers, do you know how to go for itDonny Deutsch built a billion-dollar media business asking himself the basic question, "Why Not Me?" Once the reader asks and answers that question, a world of opportunity opens up. It is a tool to motivate people, build a business, and create a business culture.Often Wrong, Never in Doubt is an inspirational book from one of America's most colorful and exciting entrepreneurs. It's Donny's story. In a fun conversation with the reader, Donny lays out the core principles that propelled him to create tremendous wealth, build a huge and influential business, and become a national personality. Using inside stories of the media, the advertising industry, and a youth spent growing up on the streets of New York, Donny gives the commonsense bottom line that he has learned along the way, broken down into real, relevant, and inspiring lessons that will be useful to everyone from the front-line salesperson to the middle manager to the successful corporate executive. (It's also a useful guide for dating.)


Title Page



The Real World

The Self-Entitlement Injection Theory

The Queens Logic Formula: How I Got This Way

How to Get in the Door When the Door’s Not Open

The “Don’t Know Him, Don’t Like Him” Syndrome

The A-to-Z–Culture Concept

The Touch Football Doctrine

The Failure-Dichotomy Principle

Zig Theory

The Hungry-Eye Hiring Theory

The Doctrine of Female Superiority

The Mutual-Win Management Formula

The Great Disappearing-Boss Doctrine

The Boss-Subordinate Role Model

Sometimes You Have to Be a Dickhead

The Ad World

Selling in the New Millennium: The Brand-Ethos Model

The Corporate Homeland Security Theory

Analyzing Advertising’s Corporate Inferiority Complex

Solving the Creative-Commercial Equation

It All Comes Back to Babes

The Principle of Moral Responsibility and Just Plain Bad Ads

The Risk of Not Being Risky

The Wayne Newton School of Product Polarization

The Hip-Hop–Sprite Syndrome

The Business World

Women Are Muses

The Client-First Formula

The Learned-Helplessness Principle

The Put-a-Stake-in-the-Ground Theory

The Power of Managing Up

The Great Motivator: A Good Firing

The Miles Drentell Doctrine, aka the CEO Electrochemical Equation

Your Own World


The Power of Self-Branding

Why Hatred Is Good

The Multiple-Mountain Theory

The Charles Atlas School of Business Theory

The Big-Shadow Principle

Strength Sells

The Next World

Got Rich, Let’s Go for Famous

Searchable Terms


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