


Building a 3D Game with LibGDX电子书

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作       者:Sebastián Di Giuseppe,Andreas Krühlmann,Elmar van Rijnswou

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:118.3万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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Learn how to build an exciting 3D game with LibGDX from scratch About This Book Implement an exhaustive list of features that LibGDX unleashes to build your 3D game. Write, test, and debug your application on your desktop and deploy them on multiple platforms. Gain a clear understanding of the physics behind LibGDX and libraries like OpenGL and WebGL that make up LibGDX. Who This Book Is For If you are a game developer or enthusiasts who want to build 3D games with LibGDX, then this book is for you. A basic knowledge of LibGDX and Java programming is appreciated. What You Will Learn Learn the potential of LibGDX in game development Understand the LibGDX architecture and explore platform limitation and variations Explore the various approaches for game development using LibGDX Learn about the common mistakes and possible solutions of development Discover the 3D workflow with Blender and how it works with LibGDX Implement 3D models along with textures and animations into your games Familiarize yourself with Scene2D and its potential to boost your game’s design In Detail LibGDX is a hugely popular open source, cross-platform, Java-based game development framework built for the demands of cross-platform game development. This book will teach readers how the LibGDX framework uses its 3D rendering API with the OpenGL wrapper, in combination with Bullet Physics, 3D Particles, and Shaders to develop and deploy a game application to different platforms You will start off with the basic Intellij environment, workflow and set up a LibGDX project with necessary APIs for 3D development. You will then go through LibGDX’s 3D rendering API main features and talk about the camera used for 3D. Our next step is to put everything together to build a basic 3D game with Shapes, including basic gameplay mechanics and basic UI. Next you will go through modeling, rigging, and animation in Blender. We will then talk about refining mechanics, new input implementations, implementing enemy 3D models, mechanics, and gameplay balancing. The later part of this title will help you to manage secondary resources like audio, music and add 3D particles in the game to make the game more realistic. You will finally test and deploy the app on a multitude of different platforms, ready to start developing your own titles how you want! Style and approach A step by step guide on building a 3D game with LibGDX and implementing an exhaustive list of features that you would wish to incorporate into your 3D game

Building a 3D Game with LibGDX

Building a 3D Game with LibGDX


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1. Setting Up Your Development Environment

LibGDX 3D API overview

Downloading IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition

LibGDX project setup

Basic use of IntelliJ IDEA with LibGDX

Running the Android app

Running the desktop app


2. An Extra Dimension

Camera techniques

Drawing a cube





3. Working toward a Prototype

Creating our world

Creating our structure

Game screen

A simple playground

Game world

Adding visuals

Introduction to Ashley


Model component

Systems and Ashley's engine

Render system

Adding physics and collisions

Bullet Physics and Bullet system

Creating a scene

Movable characters

Player component

Player system

Adding enemies

Enemy component

Status component

Enemy system

Enemy collision

Making our player able to shoot


Default skin for Scene2D

Health bar


Displaying scores

Pausing the game

Game over widget


Main menu screen

Leaderboards screen and the Settings class


4. Preparing Visuals

Setting up Blender

Downloading and installing Blender

Blender's (very) basics

Move gizmo

Scale gizmo

Rotation gizmo


Game asset pipeline in Blender


UV mapping


First steps to animation - rigging




5. Starting to Look Like an Actual Game

Models usable and ready to deploy with LibGDX

Downloading Fbx-Conv

Command-line usage


Adding our own gun model

Converting our gun model file

Importing the model, finally!

Adding our own static arena

Creating our model

Importing to our game and getting the collision bounds

Enemy models!

Getting models from the Internet

Preparing for more than one animation

Run animation

Death animation and system

Improving the spawn function

Adding a SkyDome

Getting the model


Shadows and lights

Adding a directional shadow with a light


6. Spicing Up the Game

3D particles and LibGDX 3D particle editor

Particle effect types

Emitter properties

Saving and importing

Adding the particle effect and a material attribute

Mobile performance

Testing on Android

Performance improvements on the enemy model

Performance improvements and frustum culling

UI tweening

Online leaderboards and the .NET API

Analog sticks on mobile and platform recognition


7. Final Words

Deploying to platforms

Running and deploying on desktop

Running and deploying on Android

Troubleshooting common problems




What's missing from our game?

More platforms

Loading screen and loading feature

About section

Splash screen

UI customization and screen transitions

Game design

Attack system

Shaders and shadows across all platforms

Shooting lasers

Positional audio



Social networks


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