


Using CiviCRM - Second Edition电子书

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作       者:Erik Hommel,Joseph Murray,Brian P. Shaughnessy

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:811.7万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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Develop and implement a fully-functional, systematic CRM plan with CiviCRM About This Book Develop an integrated online system that manages contacts, donations, event registrations, memberships, bulk e-mail, campaigns, case management, and other functions such as activity tracking, grant distribution, and reporting. Plan a constituency relationship management strategy with ladders of engagement that will improve how your organization realizes its mission. Use case studies and step-by-step examples to put the raw concepts into real-life terminology and build your solutions. Who This Book Is For The book is primarily for administrators tasked with implementing, configuring, maintaining, and updating CiviCRM, and staff users who are looking to better understand the tools available in order to become power users. CiviCRM is software that may be used by advocacy groups, non-profit, and non-governmental organizations, elected officials, professional and trade associations, government entities, political campaigns and parties, and other similar organizations, and this book will prove useful to all such users. What You Will Learn Install and configure your CiviCRM Analyze your current workflows and processes to translate them effectively into the CiviCRM model Build an integrated system to solicit, retain, and manage your donors and members through robust management and reporting tools for administrators Raise more money with CiviCRM with effective solicitation campaigns Market events effectively and track registrations and payments Improve communications with constituents using targeted broadcast e-mail campaigns Track ongoing communications with constituents including from Outlook and Gmail using activities and case management tools Take advantage of the many CiviCRM tools to generate both simple and complex event structures and manage registrants through every phase of the project In Detail CiviCRM provides a powerful toolbox of resources to help organizations manage relationships with constituents. It is free, open source, web-based, and geared specifically to meet the constituent relationship management needs of the not-for-profit sector. Beginning with broader questions about how your organization is structured, which existing workflows are critical to your operations, and the overarching purpose of a centralized CRM, the book proceeds step by step through configuring CiviCRM, understanding the choices when setting up the system, importing data, and exploring the breadth of tools available throughout the system. You will see how to best use this software to handle event registrations, accept and track contributions, manage paid and free memberships and sub*ions, segment contacts, send bulk e-mails with open and click-through tracking, manage outreach campaigns, and set up case management workflows that match your organization’s roles and rules. With specific emphasis on helping implementers ask the right questions, consider key principals when setting up the system, and understand usage through case studies and examples, the book comprehensively reviews the functionality of CiviCRM and the opportunities it provides. With this book, you can help your organization better achieve its mission as a charity, industry association, professional society, political advocacy group, community group, government agency, or other similar organization and position yourself to become a power user who efficiently and effectively navigates the system. Style and approach This guide is packed with step-by-step tutorials and real-life examples interspersed with practical advice and best practices on how to use CiviCRM strategically. You will be able to quickly grasp and implement the basic elements of CiviCRM before moving on to more advanced tools.

Using CiviCRM - Second Edition

Table of Contents

Using CiviCRM - Second Edition


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1. Achieving Your Mission with CiviCRM

Why you need Constituent Relationship Management

What is Constituent Relationship Management?

Customer Relationship Management versus Constituent Relationship Management

Who are your constituents?

When is CiviCRM the best CRM?

Thinking through alternatives

Customizing CiviCRM to match your needs

Other CRMs

Why CiviCRM?

Focused on needs of non-profits

User satisfaction

No vendor lock-in

Integration with Drupal, Joomla!, and WordPress

Total cost

Dynamic open source development


Responsive community support

CiviCRM events

How CiviCRM will help your organization


2. Planning Your CRM Implementation

Challenges on your way to success

Perfection is the enemy of the good

Thoughts on development

Where to get help?

Development methodologies

The conventional waterfall development methodology

Iterative development methodology

Agile development methodology

Food Pantry Association of Greater Metropolis

Right-sizing the process

Building the team

Getting started

Creating a baseline

FPAGM memberships

Developing the vision

Creating a project plan

Total cost of ownership

Focusing on constituents and mission

Rethinking organizational processes

Determining your needs

Functional requirements

Contact record management

Contact subtypes

Custom data

E-newsletters and bulk e-mails

Payment processing

Memberships and subscriptions


Grant management


Case management


Volunteer management and human resources

Roles and permissions

CMS integration

Implementation plan

Development environment and best practices


3. Installation, Configuration, and Maintenance

Installing CiviCRM

Installation in Joomla!

Installing in Drupal 7

Browser/FTP procedure

Drupal shell procedure

Installing in WordPress

Installing troubleshooting

Configuring CiviCRM

Site configuration

Viewing and editing contacts

Sending e-mails

Handling return e-mail traffic

Maintaining a good e-mail server reputation

Configuring the e-mail processor

Payment processors

Integrated versus redirection processors

Configuring the payment processor

The System Workflow Templates page

Organizing, customizing, and components

Organize your contacts

Customize data, forms and screens


Option lists

Synchronizing users with contacts

Access control

Advanced access control

Drupal – the CiviGroup Roles Sync module

Drupal – the CiviMember Roles Sync module

Drupal – the CiviCRM OG Sync module

Joomla! – the CiviAuthenticate plugin

Joomla! – the CiviCRM Group Sync plugin

WordPress – the WordPress Member Sync plugin



Setting up Cron jobs

Running the Scheduled Jobs tool via Cron


URL method

Drush method

WP-CLI method

Other parameters

Managing scheduled jobs

Upgrades and maintenance

Version and revision upgrades

Upgrade process

Moving an installation to a new server

System maintenance

Developing a backup policy and procedure


4. CiviCRM Basics – Moving through the System and Working with Contacts

Introduction to the interface


Individuals, organizations, and households

Contact subtypes

Planning your contact types

Core information fields

Contact details

Custom data


Communication preferences


Deleting contacts

Tags and groups



Using groups

Creating groups

Managing group membership


Relationship types

Adding relationships




Quick search

Basic search

Advanced search

Full-text search

Search builder

Understanding contact versus component searches

Custom searches

Search result actions

Mail actions

Groups and tags actions

Add relationship actions

Add related record actions

Update contact actions

Export/map actions

Subsequent actions on the same selection

Working with contact records

Alternate workflows

Eliminating duplicates

Strategies for dealing with duplicates

Finding and merging duplicates

Creating rules and finding duplicates

Merging duplicates


5. Collecting, Organizing, and Importing Data

Custom data fields

Creating online forms with profiles

Visibility and listings

Profiles in action

Empowering users to update information

Searching an online directory

Including profiles in component pages

Search result views and batch updates

Exposing profile pages to your website




Profile ACLs

Additional options through URL variables

Importing contact and activity data

Contact import

Activities import

Other import options

Tips for preparing your data

Migrating to a production server


6. Communicating Better

Looking at communication

Aligning efforts with objectives

Topic, treatment, tone, and timing

Call to action

Reinforcing your brand

Sending e-mails to one or more constituents

E-mailing using an external client

E-mailing using CiviCRM

Printing address labels

Recording a postal mailing

Printing a PDF letter

Organizing groups for communication

Encouraging subscriptions using profiles

Sending bulk e-mails and SMS

Setting up the system

Configuring the header and footer

Configuring and sending bulk e-mails

Managing mailings while in process or completed

Sending SMSes

Creating a bulk e-mail template

A/B testing

Customizing system workflow messages

Recording external e-mails

Personalized appeal for volunteers


7. Campaigning with Petitions and Surveys

Working with campaigns

Referencing campaigns throughout the system

Surveys and petitions


GOTV (Voter Tracking)

Reporting on campaigns



8. Fundraising for Your Mission

Implementing a fundraising appeal

Developing a fundraising plan

Segmenting by category

Segmenting by channel


Money, donors, and prospects


Selecting a payment processor

Initial fundraising configuration

Configuring CiviContribute

Configuring financial types and accounts

Configuring payment instruments

Configuring accepted credit cards

Configuring soft credit types

Configuring a payment processor

Configuring premiums

Configuring price sets

Configuring CiviPledge

Recording a contribution manually

Importing contributions

Manually creating a pledge

Searching, examining, and working with contributions

Finding contributions

Examining contributions

Taking action on contributions

Batch Update Contributions Via Profile

Update Pending Contribution Status

Print or e-mail contribution receipts/invoices

Send Email to Contacts

Export Contributions

Delete Contributions

Searching, examining, and taking action on pledges

Searching pledges

Examining pledges

Taking action on pledges

Deleting pledges

Exporting pledges

Printing selected rows

Accounting Batches

Batch Data Entry

Batching existing contributions


Counting prospects with Advanced Search

Additional segmentation suggestions and tools

Researching with profile questionnaires

Contribution reports

Implementing an appeal


Creating an online contribution page

Title and settings




Tell a Friend




Personal campaign pages


Live contribution page

Publicizing the page

Sending direct mail

Running a telemarketing appeal

Direct contact

Other types of donation



9. Growing Your Membership and Interacting with Members

Setting things up

Component settings

Defining membership types

Reviewing status rules

Setting up renewal reminders

Working with memberships and daily management tools

Memberships in the contact record

Forms to solicit new members and retain the existing ones

Searching and reporting

The big picture and other tools

Common functions in CiviCRM

Membership directories

Third-party extensions


10. Managing Events

First things – why events?

Building and promoting your event

Information and settings

Maximum number of participants

Event location


Online registration

Schedule reminders

Tell a Friend

Personal campaigns


Testing and promoting

Breakfast seminar example

Processing and managing participants

Working with event registrations

Partial payments

Handling expected payments

Importing participant records

Tracking, searching, and reporting

Tracking registrations using the dashboard

Searching for participants

Event reports

Additional tools and options

Integrating events into your CRM strategy


11. Interacting with Constituents – Managing Cases

Thinking through your case management system

Making it real

Configuring cases

Other configuration options

Testing and using cases

Tracking, managing, and resolving cases

Creating and managing case records

Tracking, searching, and reporting cases


12. Providing Support – Grant Management

Defining the grant application process

Managing grantees

Tracking grant applications

Grant reports

The other side of the coin – applying for grants


13. Telling Your Story – Building Reports

Getting to the bottom line

Toolsets and timing





Title and format

E-mail delivery


Saving and working with reports

Available templates

Contact report templates

Contribution report templates

Member report templates

Event report templates

Pledge report templates

Case report templates

Grant report templates

E-mail report templates

Campaign report templates

Customizing and building your own templates


14. Customization, Community, and Cooperation

Future versions and the project roadmap

Customizing and extending

Built to be customized

Extensions, hooks, and overrides


Code management

Developer documentation and sample code

StackExchange, forums, IRC, and JIRA

Community and cooperation

Supporting CiviCRM



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