


Implementing Oracle Integration Cloud Service电子书

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作       者:Robert van Mölken

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:306.1万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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Understand everything you need to know about Oracle’s Integration Cloud Service and how to utilize it optimally for your business About This Book The only guide to Integration Cloud Service in the market Focused on practical action to deliver business value A professional’s guide to an expensive product, providing comprehensive training, and showing how to extract real business value from the product Who This Book Is For This book is ideal for any IT professional working with ICS, any Oracle application or cloud solution developer or analyst who wants to work with ICS to deliver business value. What You Will Learn Use ICS to integrate different systems together without needing to be a developer Gain understanding of what a number of technologies and standards provide – without needing to understand the fine details of those standards and technologies Understand the use of connectors that Oracle provide from technology based connections such as file and database connections to SaaS solutions ranging from Salesforce to Twitter Enrich data and extend SaaS integration to route to different instances Utilize a number of tools to help develop and check that your integrations work before connecting to live systems Introduce and explain integration concepts so that the integrations created are maintainable and sustainable for the longer term Provide details on how to keep up to date with the features that Oracle and partners provide in the future Get special connections developed to work with ICS In Detail Businesses are built on data, and applications that access that data. In modern businesses the same cloud-based data stores and applications might be accessed by hundreds of different applications from thousands of different devices via APIs. To make this happen, APIs must be wired together i.e. integrated. Oracle Integration Cloud Service provides a complete method for integrating enterprise applications in the cloud. Integration Cloud Service (ICS) provides a cloud hosted means to integrate systems together using a graphical means to define and represent integrations. This book will be a comprehensive, hands-on guide to building successful, high-availability integrations on ICS. This book sets out to demonstrate how ICS can be used to effectively implement integrations that work both in the cloud and on premise. It starts with a fast, practical introduction to what ICS can do for your business and then shows how ICS allows you to develop integrations not only quickly but in a way that means they are maintainable and extensible. Gradually it moves into more advanced integrations, showing how to achieve sophisticated results with ICS and work with external applications. Finally the book shows you how to monitor cloud apps and go beyond ICS to build even more powerful integrated applications. By the end of the book, you will the knowledge on how to use ICS to solve your own integration needs and harness the technologies in a maintainable and sustainable manner. Style and approach This book will take a pragmatic approach and will be a business-focused guide to delivering business value with ICS.

Implementing Oracle Integration Cloud Service

Implementing Oracle Integration Cloud Service



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Introduction to apiary

Introducing Mockable

Creating an instance of Integration Cloud Service

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1. Introducing the Concepts and Terminology

Typical workflow and steps to execute

Connections define our integration points

SaaS adapters

What's the difference with native APIs?

Technology adapters

SOAP adapter

REST adapter

Resource examples

FTP adapter

On-premises adapters

What is the Connectivity Agent?

Architecture Guidelines


Message Exchange Patterns

What is the Execution Agent?

Noticeable differences

Restrictions between connectivity and execution agent

Social and productivity adapters


Point-to-point integration

Publish-subscribe integration


Advantages of pub-sub


Loosely coupled

Disadvantages of pub-sub

Inflexibility of decoupling

Issues with message delivery

Content-based routing


Simple example architecture

Advantages of content-based routing

Very efficient

Sophisticated routing decisions

Disadvantages of content-based routing

Additional consumers

Sequential processing

Orchestration for complex integrations


Practical example

Advantages of Orchestration

Loosely coupled

Enables automation

Disadvantages of Orchestration

Transformation and lookups




XPath expressions

XPath Examples

XLST constructs



2. Integrating Our First Two Applications

Getting ready

Setting up apiary

Time to switch to integration cloud

Define the necessary connections

Inbound SOAP connection

Outbound REST connection


Integrate the two applications

Map message data

Completing and activating the integration

Testing the Integration

Invoke SOAP endpoint using SoapUI

Providing a valid WS-Security header

Invoking the integration for the first time

Monitoring the instance flow

Verifying the message processed by the backend


3. Distribute Messages Using the Pub-Sub Model

Getting ready

Setting up Mockable

Setting up SoapUI

Stage 1 - creating the direct connection integration

Defining the connections in ICS

Testing the integration

Stage 2 - reworking to use the pub-sub approach

Defining the publication service

Defining the subscription service

Running the test again

Stage 3 - adding a second subscriber

Setting up a second Mockable.io service

Setting up the subscriber integration

Running the test with two subscribers

Enhanced techniques

Multiple sources

Canonical data model pattern and normalizers


4. Integrations between SaaS Applications

Getting ready

Setting up Salesforce

Step 1 - get access to a Salesforce instance

Step 2 - generate the Enterprise service definition

Step 3 - obtain or reset your security token

Step 4 - create workflow rule for escalated cases

Step 5 - define outbound message and generate message WSDL

Setting up Twilio

Step 1 - get access to a Twilio account

Step 2 - create phone number for sending messages

Step 3 - add verified callers IDs

Step 4 - obtain live and/or test API credentials

Define the necessary connections


Integrate the SaaS applications

Map message data

Map Salesforce notifications to Twilio requests

Map Twilio's response to Salesforce's case comment

Map Twilio's fault to Salesforce's feed comment

Completing and activating the integration

Testing the integration


Next steps


5. Going Social with Twitter and Google

Tweet changes in flight schedules

Getting ready

Setting up Twitter

Step 1 - get access to a Twitter account

Step 2 - register a new application

Step 3 - create access token and obtain API credentials

Inbound WSDL with multiple operations

Define the necessary connections

Tweet when a flight schedule has changed

Map message data

Map FlightScheduleUpdate to Twitter's request

Map Twitter's response to ScheduleUpdateResult

Mapping Twitter's fault to BusinessFault

Completing and activating the integration

Testing the integration

Invoke cloud endpoint using SoapUI


Twitter rejects duplicate messages

No valid authentication token

No rights to write a tweet on the timeline

Send missing person report by e-mail

Getting ready

Setting up Google

Step 1 - get access to a Google account

Step 2 - register a new project and enable API

Step 3 - create access token and obtain API credentials

Define the necessary connections

E-mail the front desk to report a missing person

Map message data

Map MissingPersonReport to Google's sendMsg request

Map Google's response to MissingPersonResult

Map Twitter's fault to BusinessFault

Completing and activating the integration

Testing the integration

Invoking the Cloud endpoint using SoapUI


No valid client ID found

Use of Gmail API is disabled in Google's API Manager

Wrong scope defined for chosen operation


6. Creating Complex Transformations

Using variables to enrich messages


Client connection

Creating the enriched mapping

Setting up SoapUI and Mockable



Enrichment services


Creating the connector

Creating the integration

Testing the enriched integration

Using lookups

Creating a lookup

Alternate lookup creation

Incorporating a lookup into a mapping

How to get function documentation

Executing the integration with a lookup


7. Routing and Filtering


Creating connections

Creating a filtered integration

Applying a filter

Setting up Mockable

Testing the integration

Routing by Message Content

Creating the Routing Integration

Mapping the alternate route

Testing the routing

Extending the filter integration to use a REST source

Creating the trigger REST connection

Cloning the filter integration

Changing the invoke connector


HTTP Headers and CORS

Configuring the Request

Reapplying mappings

Defining a multipart filter

Running the REST filter service


8. Publish and Subscribe with External Applications


Overview of our Java application

Configuring ready to go

OMCS connection

Creating the integration

Configuring Trigger and Invoke

Connecting endpoints and tracking

Testing the integration


9. Managed File Transfer with Scheduling

Differences between File and FTP connectors



Setting up FTP locations

Creating the FTP connector

Creating the FTP to FTP integration

How to describe FTP file structure

Scheduling the integration

Using encryption

Common FTP use cases with Orchestration

Extra steps to define structure for file content

Calculated filenames

FTP integrations with interesting behaviors

Using FTP without a schema mapping in Orchestration

Implementing the single value mapping technique


10. Advanced Orchestration with Branching and Asynchronous Flows

Getting ready

Setting up Trello

Step 1 – Getting access to a Trello account

Step 2 – Creating a new board and tasks list

Step 3 – Obtaining a list identification

Step 4 – Obtaining API credentials

Updating the apiary Flight API

Step 1 – Log in to apiary and switch the API

Step 2 – Change the source of the API Blueprint

Defining the necessary connections

Checking if all connections are created

Building the orchestration

It uses a different UI and workflow

From simple to more advanced actions

Extracting data into simple variables

Branching the integration into multiple routes

Completing and activating the integration

Testing the orchestration

Invoke a cloud endpoint using SoapUI


11. Calling an On-Premises API

What kinds of agents exist?

When can an agent help?

Prerequisites and deploying an agent

Setting up and starting the VM

Checking everything is ready

Agent download

Creating the Agent Group

Installing the Connectivity Agent

Installing the Execution Agent

Differences between execution and connection agents

Upgrading your agent

Starting and stopping the Agent


Agent log files

The agent as a WebLogic container

Just start WebLogic

Sanity check the configuration

Building the integration


Creating the integration

On-premises database connection

REST connection

Basic Map Data integration

Connecting endpoints and tracking

Testing the integration


12. Are My Integrations Running Fine, and What If They Are Not?

Core monitoring information

ICS - all is well


Inducing errors for integrations

Runtime health

Design time metrics

Looking at integrations

Agents view

Tracking view

Errors view

Advanced resolution

Things to check

Examining logs

Reporting incidents and downloading incidents information

Where to go for information about errors

System maintenance windows

Incorporating ICS monitoring into the enterprise


Certificate management

Changing log levels

E-mail reporting


13. Where Can I Go from Here?

Import and export

Import and export scenarios

Controlling change in a live environment

Configuration management

Common service deployment around the world

Pre-built integrations

Synchronizing lookup data

Complex editing and using developer tooling

Exporting and importing integrations

Individual export

Illustrating import and export

Individual import


Lookup export

Lookup import


Package export and import

Alternate tools


Getting and using cURL

Cloud adapters software development kit

Keeping up to date


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