


A Life Discarded: 148 Diaries Found in a Skip电子书

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作       者:Alexander Masters

出  版  社:Fourth Estate


字       数:25.0万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 文学/自传/回忆录



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Unique, transgressive and as funny as its subject, A Life Discarded has all the suspense of a murder mystery. Written with his characteristic warmth, respect and humour, Masters asks you to join him in celebrating an unknown and important life left on the scrap heap. A Life Discarded is a biographical detective story. In 2001, 148 tattered and mould-covered notebooks were discovered lying among broken bricks in a skip on a building site in Cambridge. Tens of thousands of pages were filled to the edges with urgent handwriting. They were a small part of an intimate, anonymous diary, starting in 1952 and ending half a century later, a few weeks before the books were thrown out. Over five years, the award-winning biographer Alexander Masters uncovers the identity and real history of their author, with an astounding final revelation. A Life Discarded is a true, shocking, poignant, often hilarious story of an ordinary life. The author of the diaries, known only as ‘I’, is the tragicomic patron saint of everyone who feels their life should have been more successful. Part thrilling detective story, part love story, part social history, A Life Discarded is also an account of two writers’ obsessions: of ‘I’s need to record every second of life and of Masters’ pursuit of this mysterious yet universal diarist.

Title Page




Part One: Mystery

1. 2001: The Skip

2. The Ribena box

3. The Freshest diaries …

4. Flatface

5. The Torso box

6. A Chapter of curses

7. Wor

8. As soon as I had the idea …

9. Nothing is certain

10. Ancestors

11. It was easy to get in …

12. Two close shaves

13. Birth

14. A Chapter of celebrations: birthdays from thirteen to sixty-two

15. The Oldest book

16. Vince, private detective

17. The Second stabbing

18. Growing up

19. Sex

20. What a queer set up

21. Oh, glorious blaze!

22. I have been stuck in this room twenty one years …

23. Who E?

24. Despite the fact that time passes with treacle-like languor …

25. Who E? (cont.)

26. For years, Flora has been telling me …

Part Two: Crisis

27. The End of history

28. Auntie’s Tea Shop is a seaside shop …

29. Hello! Are you Laura Francis?

30. Epitaph

Part Three: Biography

31. Laura Penrose Francis

32. PS


Also by Alexander Masters

About the Publisher

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