


Daddy’s Little Earner电子书

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作       者:Maria Landon

出  版  社:Harper Element


字       数:31.0万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 文学/自传/回忆录



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The shocking story of a young girl forced into prostitution by her own father, and her painful journey to escape her horrific childhood and build a new life for herself and her sons. Maria's dad was a pimp, living in a world of thieves and street-walkers. Her mother, tiring of turning tricks for her husband, walked out, leaving the children in his chaotic, violent and sometimes cruel care. By the age of nine, Maria's father was abusing her and getting a prostitute friend to dress her up in stockings and make-up. By the time she was fourteen he was selling her on the streets of the red light district in Norwich. Despite everything Maria still loved her swaggering and sometimes charming father and found it hard to sort out her own feelings. At fifteen she ran away to King's Cross with an older lover who turned out to be just another pimp. Furious at losing a nice little earner her father involved the police and both he and the other man were jailed for living off Maria's immoral earnings. Only then could Maria escape her traumatic childhood and follow her dream of becoming a mother.


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Title Page



Daddy’S Little Earner

Chapter One: A Glamorous Couple

Chapter Two: Early Home Life

Chapter Three: Putting Mum On The Game

Chapter Four: Mum Leaves

Chapter Five: Just The Three Of Us

Chapter Six: Upsetting Nanny

Chapter Seven: Dad’S Broken Heart

Chapter Eight: Reading To Dad

Chapter Nine: Toughening Up

Chapter Ten: Fostering And Children’S Homes

Chapter Eleven: Hockey Sticks And Playing Hooky

Chapter Twelve: The Block

Chapter Thirteen: The First Client

Chapter Fourteen: Mum’S Return

Chapter Fifteen: Hardcore

Chapter Sixteen: Meeting Brian

Chapter Seventeen: The Streets Of King’S Cross

Chapter Eighteen: Facing The Music

Chapter Nineteen: Falling Pregnant

Chapter Twenty: Entering The Outside World



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