


Yours, Jack: The Inspirational Letters of C. S. Lewis电子书

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作       者:C. S. Lewis,Paul F. Ford

出  版  社:HarperCollins


字       数:62.7万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 文学/自传/回忆录



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  • 读书简介
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A collection of 365 readings containing the best and most compelling writing culled from more than 4,000 pages of C.S.Lewis‘s famous published letters. Thoughout his life, C.S. Lewis – ‘Jack’ to his friends – spent a good portion of each day writing letters to people for whom he became a spiritual mentor – literally thousands of them. Contained within this vast body of correspondence is wisdom and personal insight as powerful as anything else he ever wrote or had published. Jack’s famous letters, published in their entirety in a collection consisting of three impressive volumes, reveal much about his private life, reflections, friendships and feelings, as well as all of Lewis’s interests: theology, literature, poetry, fantasy, and unknown details about his world-famous Narnia stories and other books. Amongst Jack’s correspondents were J.R.R. Tolkien, Dorothy L. Sayers, Owen Barfield, Arthur C. Clarke, Sheldon Vanauken and Dom Bede Griffiths. Now, this distillation of 365 inspirational readings extracted from the letters offers an easy-to-digest look at this great author’s lifetime of correspondence and drives straight to the heart of this insightful and inspirational thinker.

Title Page


Chapter 1 - 1916

Chapter 2 - 1920

Chapter 3 - 1921

Chapter 4 - 1929

Chapter 5 - 1930

Chapter 6 - 1931

Chapter 7 - 1932

Chapter 8 - 1933

Chapter 9 - 1934

Chapter 10 - 1935

Chapter 11 - 1936

Chapter 12 - 1938

Chapter 13 - 1939

Chapter 14 - 1940

Chapter 15 - 1941

Chapter 16 - 1942

Chapter 17 - 1943

Chapter 18 - 1944

Chapter 19 - 1945

Chapter 20 - 1946

Chapter 21 - 1947

Chapter 22 - 1948

Chapter 23 - 1949

Chapter 24 - 1950

Chapter 25 - 1951

Chapter 26 - 1952

Chapter 27 - 1953

Chapter 28 - 1954

Chapter 29 - 1955

Chapter 30 - 1956

Chapter 31 - 1957

Chapter 32 - 1958

Chapter 33 - 1959

Chapter 34 - 1960

Chapter 35 - 1961

Chapter 36 - 1962

Chapter 37 - 1963


Biblical Index


Editor's Note


About the Publisher

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