


Trust Works: Four Keys to Building Lasting Relationships电子书

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作       者:Ken Blanchard,Cynthia Olmstead,Martha Lawrence

出  版  社:Harper


字       数:10.5万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 经管/金融



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Bestselling author Ken Blanchard brings you the tie-in guide to accompany his TrustWorks! training program. Ken Blanchard is famous for his ability to make the seemingly complex simple. In Trust Works! he brings his talent to bear on the complicated and timely issue of trust. The book begins with an allegory - in this case, it's the story of a dog and a cat with major trust issues. Their fighting, backbiting, and sabotaging soon affects the whole household - including the humans. It quickly becomes clear that unless the ongoing conflicts can be resolved, all of the pets will be without a home. Through the counsel of a wise old parrot, the animals learn the Abcds of trust, becoming aware of the unconscious behaviours that had been eroding their relationships and begin to change their actions. In the end, the results have a positive effect that reaches far beyond the dog and cats' relationship. Applying lessons presented in the fable to real life situations, Blanchard explores his Abcd trust model to address issues like poor morale, miscommunication in relationships, poor customer service issues, and dysfunctional leadership. Trust is an evergreen topic but is particularly relevant today, as protests in cities throughout the world underscore a growing distrust of corporations and institutions. Now more than ever, people need trust-building skills and a common language for learning the behaviours that build - or erode - trust. Trust Works! is the first book to create a common, easy-to-learn language for talking about trust in a way that can bring peace and co-operation where once there was dissension.


Introduction by Cynthia Olmstead

Some Perspective Before You Read This Story

Part I—A Tale of Trust

Broken Trust

A Matter of Perception

Ready and Able

Believe It or Not

The Connection

It All Depends

A Terrible Blow

A Test of Trust

Moving On

How Trustworthy Do You Think You Are?

Scoring Your Self-Assessment

Part II—Trust-Building Resources: Applying the ABCD Trust Model™ to Real Life

Trust Busters and Trust Boosters: Understanding How Behaviors Affect Trust

Checking Your Self-Perception: Invite Others to Assess You

Learning to Diagnose Trust Issues: How to Recognize Trust Busters

Learning to Have Trust Conversations: The Importance of Perception

Applying the ABCD Trust Model™ to Your Own life

Rebuilding Damaged Trust

Building Trust in Organizations: A Message for Leaders

Appendix: How Trustworthy Do You Think I Am?


About the Authors

Advance Praise for Trust Works!

Also by Ken Blanchard

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