


Stolen Voices电子书

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作       者:Terrie Duckett,Paul Duckett

出  版  社:HarperCollins


字       数:42.9万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 文学/自传/回忆录



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He beat them, he abused them, and he tortured them. He broke their dreams. But they came back stronger. ‘Terrie and Paul are two of the bravest people I have ever met. I have only shared the briefest glimpse into the true horrors this brother and sister have endured, but I rarely come across cases this bad. After the unspeakable abuse and shocking betrayals, two incredible human beings came through – to inspire us all.’ Sara Payne OBE, co-founder of Phoenix Survivors Terrie and Paul’s step-father had been living with them for six months when the abuse and grooming began. What started as innocent conversations and goodnight kisses quickly developed into something far darker and depraved. Everyday Terrie was assaulted and abused; her rapes were photographed, filmed and shared. Paul was regularly taunted and mercilessly beaten. But despite the bruises and the scars, and the desperate pleas for help, no one saw their pain. But through it all they stuck together, battling for their childhoods for over a decade and masterminding creative ways to outwit their stepfather and buy themselves fleeting moments of joy. In March 2013, thirty years on, Terrie and Paul made the brave decision to give up their right to anonymity to tell of the years of abuse they endured at the hands of their recently convicted step-father and raise awareness for the ongoing battle for justice for victims of child abuse. A powerful testament of what can be achieved through courage and love, this is their inspiring story.

Title Page




Chapter 1: ‘Humble Beginnings’

Chapter 2: ‘In the Picture’

Chapter 3: ‘Last Laugh’

Chapter 4: ‘New Beginnings’

Chapter 5: ‘Family Games’

Chapter 6: ‘Eye of the Storm’

Chapter 7: ‘A Dog’s Life’

Chapter 8: ‘Hidden Hurt’

Chapter 9: ‘Fighting Back’

Chapter 10: ‘Tipping Point’

Chapter 11: ‘Down not out’

Chapter 12: ‘Into an Abyss’

Chapter 13: ‘An Eye for an Eye’

Chapter 14: ‘Holiday Hell’

Chapter 15: ‘Timed Torment’

Chapter 16: ‘Fresh Hell’

Chapter 17: ‘Betrayal’

Chapter 18: ‘Best-laid Plans’

Chapter 19: ‘Thwarted’

Chapter 20: ‘Thumbscrews’

Chapter 21: ‘Work Life’

Chapter 22: ‘Triggered’

Chapter 23: ‘Cycle of Life’

Chapter 24: ‘Taking the Bullet’

Chapter 25: ‘Hope’

Chapter 26: ‘Straightjacket’

Chapter 27: ‘Gloves Off’

Chapter 28: ‘Shadow in Sun’

Chapter 29: ‘The Truth’

Chapter 30: ‘Police Searches’

Chapter 31: ‘The Trial’


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