


PS Olive You电子书

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65人正在读 | 0人评论 9.8

作       者:Lizzie Allen

出  版  社:Maze


字       数:26.1万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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  • 读书简介
  • 目录
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Sun, sea . . . and a summer of endless possibilities. From the glossy streets of Chelsea to a tiny Greek hideaway, Faith Cotton is about to have a summer that she will never forget! Young, bored housewife, Faith Cotton, escapes her stifling Chelsea life when her husband suggests they decamp to a tiny island in the Greek Cyclades for the summer. He works for the foreign office and has the inside scoop on ‘the Greek situation’. Europe is pouring money into Greece and, far from going down the plughole, Andrew believes that the island of Iraklia will soon see a tourist boom. Faith is left in charge of finding them a permanent holiday home on the island, but things don’t go to plan – over the course of a summer, Faith’s doomed marriage begins to unravel, and far from finding the house she set out for, she finally discovers the person she really is. . .

P.S. Olive You

-Chapter One-

-Chapter Two -

-Chapter Three-

-Chapter Four-

-Chapter Five-

-Chapter Six-

-Chapter Seven-

-Chapter Eight-

-Chapter Nine-

-Chapter Ten-

-Chapter Eleven-

- Chapter Twelve -

-Chapter Thirteen-

-Chapter Fourteen-

-Chapter Fifteen-

-Chapter Sixteen-

-Chapter Seventeen-

-Chapter Eighteen-

-Chapter Nineteen-

-Chapter Twenty-

-Chapter Twenty-One-

-Chapter Twenty-Two-

-Chapter Twenty-Three-

-Chapter Twenty-Four-

-Chapter Twenty-Five-


About the Author

About the Publisher

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