


When Sophie Met Darcy Day电子书

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作       者:Helen Yeadon

出  版  社:HarperTrue


字       数:34.3万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 文学/自传/回忆录



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A heartwarming collection of stories from a woman who brings together disadvantaged children and abandoned racehorses, with remarkable results. Thirteen-year-old Sophie hadn’t uttered a word to anyone for over two years when she got out of her parents car at a remote farm in Devon. Her parents were beside themselves with worry, and at the end of their tether, but try as they might, nothing seemed to make a difference. They’d heard about a place called Greatwood through friends - where owners Helen and Michael Yeadon looked after retired racehorses - and decided to take Sophie along for a visit. Helen asked Sophie to help her change the dressings on the infected cuts on the legs of Darcy Day, one of their more troubled horses, and it was instantly clear that these two had some kind of special connection. Darcy Day would normally back away from people, but this time she lowered her head and stepped forward, to let Sophie stroke her nose. It was the start of an incredible relationship that would transform both horse and child, and it gave Michael and Helen an idea. They registered as a charity, moved to bigger premises, and began inviting children with a wide range of learning disabilities to volunteer to help with the animals. The results were amazing - traumatised horses and anxious or disturbed children bonded with each other, and every week little miracles were happening before their eyes. Boys with diagnoses such as Asperger’s Syndrome or Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, or those who’d been excluded from school for unruly behaviour, flourished through the discipline of working on the farm. Girls made timid and anxious by abusive backgrounds or school bullies came out of the shells. In this book are twenty of the most incredible tales of children who were given back their futures by the unique and extraordinary institution of Greatwood.


Title Page




Chapter 1 - A New Life in Devon

Chapter 2 - Moving to Greatwood Farm

Chapter 3 - Flat Broke

Chapter 4 - Lucy and Freddy

Chapter 5 - Sophie and Darcy Day

Chapter 6 - Moving to Wiltshire

Chapter 7 - Edward Joins the Team

Chapter 8 - Bobby and Bob

Chapter 9 - Henry and Potentate

Chapter 10 - Mark and Toyboy

Chapter 11 - Zoe and Sunny

Chapter 12 - Different Ways of Communicating

Chapter 13 - The Baptism of Fire

Chapter 14 - A Fear of Men

Chapter 15 - Ben and Leguard Express

Chapter 16 - Mary and Tim

Chapter 17 - The Importance of Food

Chapter 18 - School Phobia

Chapter 19 - Dealing with Bullies

Chapter 20 - Paul and Just Jim

Chapter 22 - Different Kinds of Challenges

Chapter 23 - Greatwood Expands

Chapter 24 - Amy and Monty

Find out more about Greatwood



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