


Love Is A Thief电子书

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1人正在读 | 2人评论 9.8

作       者:Claire Garber

出  版  社:MIRA


字       数:45.6万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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"Fantastically witty and smart." 4 Stars (Closer) The story of one girl's journey to take back what love stole. What did you miss out on because you fell in love? I might just be that girl. You know the one. The girl who, for no particular reason, doesn t get the guy, doesn t have children, doesn t get the romantic happy ever after. So I needed to come up with a plan. What did I like doing? What didn t I get to do because I fell in love? What would I be happy spending the rest of my life doing if love never showed up again? Kate Winters is going on a journey to do all the things that love has snatched from her and her friends, to reclaim her dreams and theirs in the hope of finding her future. But there s a chance that new dreams are better than the old… As addictive as One Day, funnier than Bridget Jones, as beautiful and touching as When God Was a Rabbit.


Title Page


the beginning

six months later …

the pianist—beatrice van de broeck—90 years old

paper towers of paper souls

the story of peter parker—the boy who never smiles

mary the cleaner—68 years old

when a rain cloud meets a rainbow

the sport-related meeting with peter parker

the story of assumption

money & the dream crusher—leah—31 years old

let’s chew the fat of love

the birth of fat camp

pepperpots life sanctuary

two peas in the proverbial pod of happy coupledom

emotional chess

magdalena—43 years old—owner & dance instructor at The Studio dance school

people who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw LSD

nature vs nurture and the human need to mate

floating restaurant | pepperpots

an interval

grow punctures and slow punctures

a friend in need

why can’t I give you all that you need!

mechanics r u!

scary mary’s and the mess of the mechanics

the objectionables

an interval

frog princes and frog princesses

the golden swan—federico cagassi—41 years old

i’ve got sno balls—sue—60 years old

mirror mirror on the wall

voices in the night

some things are better on ice

‘we forge the chains we wear in life’ (charles dickens)

madame butterfly does happiness

an interval

central park | new york

the calm before the storm

dance studio | covent garden

the blind side

going backwards to go forwards

that’s another fine mess you got me in

man becomes what he thinks about

my apartment | east london

family times are happy times

big fat presents for big slim fat camp

the last supper

‘never apologise for showing feelings for when you do so you apologise for the truth’ (benjamin disraeli)

a short interval



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Author Q&A

Playlist to Love is a Thief


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