


The Death of Dalziel: A Dalziel and Pascoe Novel (Dalziel & Pascoe, Book 20)电子书

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作       者:Reginald Hill

出  版  社:Harper


字       数:59.1万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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The highly anticipated return of Dalziel and Pascoe, the hugely popular police duo and stars of the long-running BBC TV series, in a new psychological thriller. Caught in a huge Semtex explosion, it seems the only thing preventing Superintendent Andy Dalziel from death is his size – and sheer bloody-mindedness. An injured DCI Peter Pascoe is convinced there’s a conspiracy at work, despite the security services concluding the blast was in fact an accident. Who, then, are the mysterious Knights Templar with their gruesome acts of vengeance? And what of a hit-and-run on one of Pascoe’s colleagues? And, most importantly, will Dalziel ever wake up to hear the truth…?

Title Page




Table of Contents

Part One

1 mill street

2 two mutton pasties and an almond slice

3 intimations

4 dust and ashes

5 the two Geoffreys

6 blue smartie

7 dancing with death

8 blame

Part Two

1 a tidy desk

2 show business

3 walking the dog

4 dead men don't fart!

5 age of wonders

Part Three

1 Lubyanka

2 a pale horse

3 kaffee-klatsch

4 burglary

5 all the way home

6 an urban fox

7 Sauron's eye

8 now it's safe

Part Four

1 the shock of recognition

2 Rule Five

3 Hectoring

4 Troy

5 fiddle-de-dee

6 Kilda

7 in the mood

8 without fear or favour

9 the decisive moment

10 queen of the fête

11 forgotten dreams

12 the man of my dreams

13 no change

14 the tangle o' the Isles

15 a shot in the dark

16 the word of an Englishman

Part Five

1 a free lunch

2 promotion

3 melodious twang

4 red mite and greenfly

5 no-name

6 wake-up call

7 safe house

8 to the castle

9 armour

10 mother love

11 a change of direction

12 prison

13 girls and boys

14 a wee deoch an doris

15 a call in the night

16 the full English

17 one last decision

Part Six

1 the very worst

2 wheel of fire

3 singles

4 snapshots

5 wedding gifts

6 hi-yo, Silver!

7 gatecrashers

8 it is written

Part Seven

1 the end

2 really the end

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About Reginald Hill

Acclaim for The Death of Dalziel

By Reginald Hill

About the Publisher

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