


Time Management (Collins Business Secrets)电子书

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作       者:Martin Manser

出  版  社:HarperCollins Business


字       数:11.1万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 经管/金融



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The time management secrets that experts and top professionals use. Get results fast with this quick, easy guide to the fundamentals of Time Management. Includes how to: ? Identify your biggest priorities and find time to achieve them ? Deal with the biggest hidden time-wasters ? Communicate effectively with colleagues and clients ? Cope with information overload ? Take control of your inbox and voicemail

Cover Page

Title Page

Table of Contents

Author's note

Learn how to use your time effectively

Know yourself

1.1 Start with some dreams

1.2 Think about your personal goals

1.3 Know when you work best

1.4 Track how you spend your time

1.5 Get on top of stress

1.6 Prepare to change

Know your work

2.1 Clarify your job

2.2 Stop putting things off

2.3 Keep your concentration

2.4 Overcome low motivation

2.5 Sharpen up your decision-making

2.6 Be flexible about where you work

Get organized

3.1 Clear your desk

3.2 Keep a diary

3.3 Set up systems

3.4 File it

3.5 Create an action list

3.6 Set a realistic schedule

Work better

4.1 Work SMART

4.2 Spend time to save time

4.3 Be proactive, not reactive

4.4 Identify the important and the urgent

4.5 Break down a taskinto smaller steps

4.6 Get it right first time

4.7 Respond creatively to problems

4.8 Life beyond work

Work better as a team

5.1 Learn how to manage your boss

5.2 Develop a balanced team

5.3 Work together harmoniously

5.4 Delegate effectively

5.5 Learn to say "no"

5.6 Plan better meetings

5.7 Run better meetings

Communicate more effectively

6.1 Think about how you communicate

6.2 Cope with email

6.3 Speak on the phone

6.4 Make better use of your computer

6.5 Make the most of the Internet

6.6 Listen carefully

6.7 Make good notes

6.8 Read more quickly

6.9 Think about what you're writing

6.10 Write more clearly

Take control of your time

7.1 Create blocks of time

7.2 Stay focused

7.3 Keep your paperwork under control

7.4 Use slack time well

7.5 Deal with interruptions

7.6 Combat tiredness

7.7 Put it all into practice

Jargon buster

Further reading

About the Author


About the Publisher

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