


Finance Basics (Collins Business Secrets)电子书

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作       者:Stuart Warner

出  版  社:HarperCollins Business


字       数:11.3万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 经管/金融



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The finance basics that experts and top professionals understand. Get results fast with this quick, easy guide to the fundamentals of Finance. Includes how to: ? Analyse a business from its financial reports ? Understand a Profit and Loss account ? Make sense of accounting jargon ? Build a financially sound business plan ? Deal with revenue, profit and cashflow

Cover Page

Title Page

Table of Contents

Financial awareness is fundamental to business success

Introducing business finance

1.1 Know the different business entities

1.2 Find out how a business gets money

1.3 Find out how a business uses money

1.4 Appreciate the need for record-keeping

1.5 Know what a finance department does

1.6 Understand the key financial systems

1.7 Differentiate financial and management accounting

Accounting fundamentals

2.1 Make sense of the jargon

2.2 Discover why timing is essential

2.3 Know about doubleentry bookkeeping

2.4 See how accounting systems work

2.5 Understand the balance sheet

2.6 Understand the income statement

2.7 Understand the statement of cash flows

2.8 Watch out for non-cash costs

2.9 Be aware of accounting regulation

2.10 Know who uses financial statements

Making profit

3.1 Realize that not all 'costs' are the same

3.2 Know what is meant by 'profit'

3.3 Differentiate mark-ups and margins

3.4 Consider the impact of discounting

3.5 Forecast costs, volumes and profit

3.6 Know when to use CVP analysis

3.7 Know how to manage profitability

3.8 Be aware of tax

Managing cash

4.1 Understand why cash is king

4.2 Avoid the overtrading trap

4.3 Understand the cash operating cycle

4.4 Measure the cash operating cycle

4.5 Improve cash flow - 1

4.6 Improve cash flow - 2

4.7 Collect cash from customers

4.8 Prepare regular cash flow forecasts


5.1 Understand budgets

5.2 Follow the steps forpreparing budgets

5.3 Choose the best way to budget

5.4 Understand participative budgeting

5.5 Calculate variances from budget

5.6 Monitor budgets effectively

Evaluating business opportunities

6.1 Focus on the relevant costs

6.2 Work out if an opportunity pays back

6.3 Calculate return on investment

6.4 Understand the time value of money

6.5 Use NPV and IRR toappraise investments

Measuring business performance

7.1 Evaluate a business using ratios

7.2 Measure profitability

7.3 Measure short-term solvency and liquidity

7.4 Measure long-term solvency and stability

7.5 Calculate investor ratios

7.6 Estimate the value of a business

Jargon buster

Further reading

About The Author


About the Publisher

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