


Woodlands (Collins New Naturalist Library, Book 100)电子书

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作       者:Oliver Rackham

出  版  社:Collins


字       数:101.1万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 法律/政治/宗教



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The 100th volume of the prestigious New Naturalist series, written by one of Britain's best-known naturalists, explores the significance and history of woodlands on the British landscape ‘Trees are wildlife just as deer or primroses are wildlife. Each species has its own agenda and its own interactions with human activities…’ This 100th volume of the New Naturalist series presents a landmark in natural history publishing. Looking at such diverse evidence as the woods used in buildings and ships, and how woodland has been portrayed in pictures and photographs, Rackham reconstructs British woodland through the ages. Aimed at the non-specialist, ‘New Naturalist Woodlands’ investigates what woods are and how they function. In lively style, Rackham takes us through: ? How woods evolved and how they are managed, ? The basic botany (understanding roots, partnerships, longevity, tree-rings), ? Outline of woodland history, ? Pollen analysis and wildwood, ? Archives of woodland and how to study them, ? Different types of woodland, ? The rise and fall of modern forestry. Illustrated with beautiful colour photographs throughout, this New Naturalist is set to be a classic for collectors and general readers alike.

Cover Page

Title Page


Table of Contents

In Memory of Stuart Max Walters 1920-2005

Author’s Foreword and Acknowledgements

CHAPTER 1 The Constant Spring: What Trees and Woods Are and How They Behave

CHAPTER 2 Some Less Familiar Properties of Trees: Roots, Partnerships, Longevity, Tree Rings, Sap-Sucking, Fire

CHAPTER 3 Outline of Woodland History

CHAPTER 4 Pollen Analysis and Wildwood

CHAPTER 5 Wildwood into Woodland

CHAPTER 6 Of Wood-Pasture and Savanna

CHAPTER 7 Archives of Woodland and How to Study Them

CHAPTER 8 Archaeology and Land-Forms of Woodland and Wood-Pasture

CHAPTER 9 Pictures and Photographs

CHAPTER 10 Woodland in the Field: Evidence of Present Soils, Trees and Vegetation

CHAPTER 11 Uses of Wood and Timber: Reconstructing the Woods from Buildings, Hurdles and Ships

CHAPTER 12 Ancient-Woodland Plants and Other Creatures

CHAPTER 13 Wild and Planted Trees

CHAPTER 14 Some Types of Woodland: Lowland Zone

CHAPTER 15 Some Types of Woodland: Highland Zone and Ireland

CHAPTER 16 Caledonian Pinewood?

CHAPTER 17 Environment, Pathology and Ecology: Damage, Disease, Defoliation

CHAPTER 18 Modern Forestry: its Rise and Fall

CHAPTER 19 Modern Forestry: its Legacy. Plantations as Ecosystems

CHAPTER 20 On Investigating a Wooded Forest: Blackmoor

CHAPTER 21 Experiments and Long-Term Observations

CHAPTER 22 The Recent Past and the Future




About the Author

Praise for the New Naturalist Series


About the Publisher

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