


Loch Lomondside (Collins New Naturalist Library, Book 88)电子书

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作       者:John Mitchell

出  版  社:Collins


字       数:48.8万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 法律/政治/宗教



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Loch Lomondside is celebrated for its outstanding scenery. The area supports a rich tapestry of water and wild land, forest and woodland, farmland and settlement. This edition is exclusive to newnaturalists.com Another volume in the popular New Naturalist series, this book is a comprehensive account of the history and natural history of this internationally famous area, which is soon to become one of the first National Parks in Scotland. For centuries, Loch Lomondside has been celebrated for its outstanding scenery. The area supports a rich tapestry of water and wild land, forest and woodland, farmland and settlement. It includes architectural and archaeological features of considerable importance, and has been celebrated by many great writers including Walter Scott, John Ruskin and William Wordsworth. Loch Lomondside is the most popular countryside destination in Scotland, attracting more than 2 million visitors each year. Over 70 percent of the population of Scotland are less than 1 hour's travelling time from the area. This book covers the history of the Loch and its people, forestry, agriculture and fisheries, the natural history, recreational activities, and conservation, past, present and future. It complements other regional volumes in the New Naturalist series which include the Hebrides, Orkney and the Shetland Islands.

Cover Page

Title Page


Table of Contents

Editors’ Preface

Author’s Foreword and Acknowledgements

Part I The Physical Environment

1 An Introductory Overview of the Region

2 The Rocks Beneath

3 Shaping of the Landscape

4 A Wealth of Weather

Part II The Influence of Man on the Environment

5 From Nomadic Hunter-Gatherers to Feudal Land Tenure

6 Forestry, Agriculture and Fisheries

7 Industry, Water Supply and Hydro-electric Power

8 Field Sports and other Recreational Activities

Part III Wildlife Habitats, Communities and Species

9 The Loch and its Surrounds

10 The Lowland Fringe

11 Deciduous and Coniferous Woodlands

12 Muirs and Mountains

Part IV Conservation: Past, Present and Future

13 The Long Struggle for Nature’s Place





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